Why work harder when you can work smarter?
Amy Lester (née Henley)
Organising lives, one task at a time ?? | Virtual Assistant, 1:1 VA Mentor, Strategy & Business Operations Consultant at Typing & Tasks
When I turn on my computer on Monday morning, my feed is flooded with posts about working over the weekend, how busy people are, and almost boasting about the need to work extra hours. Now, to a certain extent, I get it. I get how when you're working for yourself it's exciting to see that you're generating enough work not just to fill working hours but to need you to work into the small hours of the night or all weekend.?
What worries me is how hard people are pushing themselves and that it's becoming socially acceptable. Burnout is a real thing, and once you burn out it can take months to fully recover. That's why I'm a big advocate of working smarter, not harder.?
We've all heard about working smarter but what is it? How do you do it? And why should we all adopt this way of structuring our time?
What is working smarter?
Working smarter is simply about utilising various tools and techniques to optimise your working time. That's a fancy way of saying making it easier to focus on what needs to be done.
Why should we work smarter?
We've all had crazy busy times at work and that's fine when it's temporary for a few days but not when it's a long term strategy. Long term hard work i.e. working every hour under the sun, and moon, will lead to you burning out which will have a far greater negative impact on your work!?
How to work smarter?
Here are my top tips to work smarter - not harder.
1. Focus on what you NEED to do
Too often we get distracted by what we think we should be doing, or what we want to do. Write out everything you need to do and then highlight those tasks that have to be done that day. Then only do those things.
2. Batch tasks
Instead of dipping in and out of things allocate time to do one type of thing. So, instead of spending the day with your emails open allocate 9-9.30am and 3-3.30pm to checking and replying to emails then close it for the rest of the day.
3. Minimise distractions
Put your phone on mute, shut down apps on your computer that'll distract you, turn the doorbell off. Whatever you need to do to cut out distractions do it.
4. Work in bursts
Research shows we can concentrate for 90-120-minutes max. Set a timer for 90-minutes and then work until it goes off. Then take a break, walk away from your desk - do a dance, make a coffee, go outside. Physically moving away from your desk will help reset your brain for the next burst of work.
5. Work when you work best
Do you know when your optimum working time is? I work best first thing so I schedule important tasks for that time to take advantage of the burst of energy I have.?
6. Front-load your week
Who wants to work on Fridays? At the start of the week, plan your week but front-load your tasks to the start of the week. That way as your motivation wanes with the week you have less to achieve and it also gives you some contingency at the end of the week if you need it.
7. Play music to match your mood
Music is so powerful, use it to motivate you. Need a pick me up? Pop on some catchy tunes. Need to concentrate? Dive into a concentration playlist on YouTube (yes they exist, and yes they work). Need some calm in your life? An acoustic or chill-out album will help.?
8. App up
I know I said to get rid of apps that distract you but there are some awesome ones out there to help you be more productive. Whether you need a way to keep track of tasks, a time tracker to keep you accountable, a scheduler for social posts or a way to simplify your emails there's an app for that. When used correctly apps can save you time and headspace.
9. Stop multi-tasking
We often think that by multitasking we're being ultra-efficient but the reality is when you're working in that way you aren't giving anything 100% focus. It's time to focus on one thing and do it exceptionally well and then move on to the next task.
10. Use your brain's natural motivation
Sometime's starting a task is the hardest bit. The Zeigarnik Effect explains that when you don't finish a task mental tension is created which keeps it in your mind. The only way to alleviate the tension is to finish the task. Once you persuade yourself to start it your brain's desire to complete it and eradicate the tension will take over. The lesson? Spend five minutes on a task and before you know it you'll be compelled to finish it!
11. Look after yourself
You are the biggest resource your business has. Even if you aren't burnt out if you aren't allowing yourself time to rest, recover and for your mind to refresh you won't be able to focus in the same way, and your work will suffer.
12. Delegate - obviously.
If after following all of those tips you're still at your limits and having to work extra hours it's time to delegate. Look at what tasks you're doing day in and day out and find someone else who can do them. Freeing yourself up from admin or tasks you hate means you'll be able to focus on what you love and that never feels like work.
Stop wearing long hours as a badge of honour. Start looking after yourself and working smarter. If you don't know how to change the balance then send me an email and let's have a chat about transforming your business by delegating!?
Coaching Business Owners 1:1 to transform their health & lifestyle by building a lean, fit, strong body, by protecting their long-term health and optimising energy levels on a day-to-day basis.
3 年Longer isn't necessarily harder
You're 100% right Amy! We'd love to see what you make of HulerHub, it's designed to do exactly that, help people work smarter, and reduce wasted time and overwhelm. Feel free to grab a free account and let us know your feedback ? ??