Mike Broderick
Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor, Tri-Cities Mental Health , Fraser Health and BCGEU Shop Steward
About 25 years ago I interviewed for a vocational rehabilitation counsellor position at for an insurance company. The owner of the company had a PhD in Psychology while my undergraduate degree was in Archaeology. I thought that put me a decided advantage. His first, and as it turned out, last question in the interview was, “Why would anyone who is being paid disability benefits, which can be quite generous, be interested in giving It all up and go to work?”
“They have a need to improve their economic situation.” I answered. “They want to pay more taxes and contribute to their RRSPs. With each embellishment of this theme I dug myself deeper and deeper into my self-excavated hole of despair. Finally, he ended the interview. Come back when you find the answer.
The bastard never gave me the satisfaction of answering the question. What a show off.
WHY WORK IN 2017? https://www.mikebroderick.wordpress.com