Why WordPress Is A Better Blog Platform Than Medium

Why WordPress Is A Better Blog Platform Than Medium

If you are thinking about starting a blog or want to publish content online with a specific brand in mind. Two of the most popular platforms that you could turn to are WordPress and Medium .

This article will dive into all the reasons why #WordPress is a better blog platform than #Medium.

4 Reasons Why WordPress is Better than Medium For Blogging

1. Create a great-looking block with the drag-and-drop editor.

Everyone knows that in order to create eye-catching content, you have to be able to present your blog in an aesthetically pleasing way. With WordPress, you can format your posts in numerous ways thanks to the platform’s drag-and-drop editor.

In previous WordPress versions, your content lived inside one big HTML file. Every time you wanted to change things, you would have to add in new shortcodes, embeds, and widgets. Since then, WordPress has come a long way! It now enables you to build your content exactly as you would like with everything you need in one place.

The new block concept allows you to construct and format everything to your liking. You can also define each block’s specifications. From text decorations, text placement, and more, you can let your creativity take flight in terms of the layout.

Medium, on the other hand, offers very basic customization options for text layout. It doesn’t really allow you to fiddle with the overall layout of your blog so yours will look similar to everyone else’s.

2. Better for SEO

When it comes to #SEO, WordPress is your best bet. In addition to allowing you to optimize your on-page SEO and select responsive themes and templates, you can also purchase WordPress plugins to streamline your SEO efforts.

From WP Rocket to Yoast, your plugin options are virtually endless! They can help to optimize images, content, page speed, redirects, and XML sitemaps. Although some of these tools will require a paid version in order to truly be effective, it will certainly be money well spent.

With WordPress, you don’t even have to possess basic technical SEO skills and on-page SEO knowledge. This is because these tools will teach you everything you need to know with regard to optimizing your content.

With Medium, you will be able to optimize the title, subheadings, meta description, image alt text, and URL of your posts. However, you won’t have access to advanced settings or tools to better your blog’s SEO.

3. More control over your site

Whether you choose WordPress or Medium to start your blog, both platforms will give you full rights to your work. However, Medium does have some content restrictions set in place that will restrict you from expressing your views and opinions on some topics that are deemed offensive.

Apart from that, Medium is also more limited in terms of customization options. However, you can still change your blog theme, colors, and the name of your blog whenever you want.

On the other hand, WordPress offers tons of customization options and features to its users – especially if you are on one of their paid plans. With WordPress, you can turn your blog into a fully functioning website, and not just a blog if you want to broaden your horizons.

You can also monetize your content by launching your own online store on WordPress. This is one feature that Medium simply doesn’t offer. While WordPress presents more of a learning curve, the platform also offers way more features compared to Medium. This is why it is considered the perfect platform to boost brand awareness and your online presence.

4. Cater to the Right Audience

Medium already has a large built-in audience that follows content and blogs on the platform. This can be both a good and bad thing. If what you want to write lines up with the type of content already offered on the platform, then Medium might work for you. However, lots of people have never even heard of Medium. So, there are no guarantees that you will find your perfect audience on the platform.

With WordPress, you can either start from scratch, which is actually a great opportunity to implement the correct SEO measures to make you more discoverable to more people, or you can simply tell your existing following about your new upcoming blog on the platform.

A reader that chooses to follow you because he or she actually likes what you write about is much more valuable than a reader simply stumbling on your blog in a sea of other blogs. By using WordPress, you can really stand out and offer something unique to your readers. This gives you a great foundation to truly build your brand.

Final Thoughts

When it comes down to it, both Medium and WordPress are great platforms to launch a blog. However, WordPress offers a lot more versatility, creative freedom, and SEO tools to get your content in front of the right people. If you’re interested in migrating your Medium blog to WordPress reach out to our content wranglers to?get a free quote.



