Why is wisdom so hard to get?
don carpenter
My postings help people remove mental health issues that inhibit success giving them freedom to maximize their potential
Answer: Because you are looking for it in the wrong place. Wisdom is not out there someplace. You, we, have access to infinite wisdom. God. the creative divine infinite intelligence is within you. Scripture tells us that "it is my good pleasure to give you the kingdom of God, wisdom" and that "if" you "seek first that inner kingdom, then goodness, wisdom, will follow". In other words, as you develop your spiritual consciousness by practicing the Presence, you come into the realization that you don't get wisdom. You already have wisdom embodied within your spiritual being.
It was the poet Browning that said we must open out a way to release the "imprisoned splendor" that is within us. In other words, the only place to find wisdom is in the secret place of God because it is there, in the consciousness of God, that wisdom is revealed, that the Presence says "I have come to give you Life and Life more abundantly". How do we connect with this Something? And the key is to apply Emmett Fox's Golden Key "stop thinking about you and your human ego-self and think about God instead".
Remember that "except God build the house, they labor in vain who build it" for it is there that your "world is new" and there is the realization that "in thy Presence is fullness of Life". God is the source of your wisdom and because of the oneness of God, there is no other place for wisdom to exist except in the kingdom, the consciousness, of God.