Why and What are the things to concentrate for the future of SDET/Software Testing?
Ganesha Swaroop B
|17+ yrs exp Software Testing|Author| Mentor|Staff SDET|Technical Writer|Technology Reasearcher|Java|Pytest|Python|Allure|ExtentReports|BDD|Jenkins|SME|Self Taught Data Science and ML Engineer
Hi Everyone,
First let us understand "Why" you must concentrate on upgrading in certain areas for the future of SDET,
One of the most important reasons is that there is a gradual migration of front end technology from java based applications towards React based technology. Now changing just the front end design does not ensure complete change instead it also changes the platform on which the application is hosted or provided and so as React will progress it will change even the backend of the application so there comes a question of what are the components that needs to be concentrated if you want to become ultimately a developer and so on.....
So for React based applications JavaScript plays a vital role and Angular vue components are implemented in whole we are hearing MERN stack developers these days which has become quite common.
Now lets come to "What?",
Either you become a Java full stack developer or MERN with MERN becoming more and more prevalent in future. MERN stack stands for MongoDB, Express, React and Node JS. Along with Dev ops which is another part altogether plays a vital role in helping developers work seamlessly across applications and platforms and cloud services.
Coming to the role of Java script in test automation as web applications are the predominant part of any business solution browsers are based more on JavaScript embedded along with html and CSS. Test automation frameworks are also undergoing a change towards matching the development changes thereby JavaScript based automation frameworks like Mocha, Chai, Cypress, Jest are coming to play now.
Selenium surely has come a long way in terms of usage and becoming the preferred automation tool skill set but in reality it brings us a little closer to becoming the default developer in future as far as the career is concerned.
Also more and more business solutions are now focused towards offering their solutions on the cloud platform and hence cloud service providers like Amazon, Google, Microsoft offer such platforms and people need to upgrade towards these platforms also to help understand CI/CD activities and also how to manage cloud infrastructure. AWS certification, GCP certification and Azure Certification also helps in this regard.
So if you are looking to make a career in IT industry in the coming years you need to focus both on technology and infrastructure changes.
I hope this gives an idea to where you can go or prepare for future.
Thanks and Regards,