Why We’re Treading Water and Going Nowhere When it Comes to Sexual Assault
Michelle Sleight
TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training & Assessment ?? Registered Trauma Specialist ??International award winning Speaker & Author: 'Insight Up Close and Personal Profile of Sexual Assault' ?? Coton de Tulear Dog Breeder
Over my life time I've read or heard calls for change around inequality, respect and sexual assault.
I’m reading and hearing these calls again.
And again...
...and again...
...and again...!
Firstly, because we’re clumping three big issues together. As I’ve written before, clumping issues like these together is part of the reason why we aren’t moving forward.
Secondly, we need to manage change in more effectively resourceful ways, and listen to those with first-hand experience who understand the multiple facets of the issue where their expertise lies.
These issues require individual focus to achieve change, otherwise, we risk the only representation being petitions, anger, discussion, and highlighted stories without focus or direction.
Instead of focused effective change, we are left treading water and going nowhere, yet again!
History has witnessed that using the same old narratives equates to the same old results.
Let’s not allow that to happen this time!
Change is being called for, and it must happen if we are to advance and evolve as a society.
Let’s take new focused pathways for each issue separately and use a different narrative.
This will mean new faces at each of these tables - and the right faces - to drive the change they understand is needed from their unique perspectives.
Sexual assault is my area of expertise and I’m working to drive focused change in this area through my book, setting a legal precedent around sexual assault and advocacy.
There are other new faces who have similar unique expertise in the areas of equality and respect.
Change comes from focused direction, inclusivity of those who have a diverse unique perspective on an issue and government support from federal, state and territory levels.
Let’s call for individual working committees for each issue.
Let's fill these committees with those who can provide focused answers to drive healthy change.
I’m taking steps to push to change the narrative when it comes to sexual assault, and I am encouraging more people to be proactive on this front and take a stand.
If you’d like to be part of real change, please reach out to me and let’s chat and we can look at how you can play a part in ushering in real solutions and a new culture around sexual assault for all.