Why We'll Always Favour The Second-hand Equipment Market

Why We'll Always Favour The Second-hand Equipment Market

When Golf Datatech released their annual reporting figures recently, it showed that July year-on-year sales for the whole golf market were down 10.6% in value, with clubs down by 13.8%. Drilling further into these figures, high ticket solo items such as trolleys and woods were hardest hit with year-on-year reductions of 27.2% and 24.2% respectively. This probably came as little surprise to most brands and retailers, but for us it did.

Here at golfclubs4cash we saw a remarkable increase in business for the 12 weeks, June to August. This growth comes from new consumer and trade business – we had a huge influx of new customers over the last 3 months – and repeat business.?Every golfer around the world, not just here in the UK, looks to upgrade their equipment in search of a club that’s going to transform their game. It’s easy to see why people have tended to opt for brand new clubs, with year-on-year claims that the latest equipment goes “further and straighter than ever before!” But more golfers than ever before are realising that they don’t have to go down the ‘new’ route to find the quality they want.

I saw a report about Aldi earlier this month and that they’ve seen an uplift in customers switching from the traditional supermarkets as households across the UK explore value propositions, an experience mirrored at golfclubs4cash.

Golf is a very brand loyal sport, so whilst there are various value ranges available, most golfers want the credibility and recognition of one of the well-known brands. When customers see that they can upgrade to a nearly new driver or set of wedges for a fraction of the cost of brand new, then a ‘new’ addition to their bag is a lot easier to justify.

Here’s to further growth in 2023.




