Why We Use Git and Understanding File Stages in Git

Why We Use Git and Understanding File Stages in Git

Git is essential in software development for version control, managing code changes, and collaboration. This short guide highlights why Git is popular and explains the file stages in Git for better management.?

Why We Use Git?

  • Distributed Version Control?

Distributed version control system -> every developer has a complete copy of the repository.?

This provides several benefits: offline work, resilience (since each clone is a full backup) and speed.?

  • Efficient Collaboration?

Allowing multiple developers to work on different features simultaneously.?

Key features facilitating this are branches, pull/merge requests and multiple merging strategies (rebase or merge).?

  • 3. Powerful Tools and Integrations?

Robust ecosystem of tools and integrations -> enhances development workflows.?

Git Hooks, CI/CD Integration and IDE integration.?

  • 4. Track and Revert Changes?

Allows developers to track every change made to the codebase -> detailed history of who changed what and why.?

  • 5. Open Source and Community Support?

Open-source -> free to use, benefits from a vast community of contributors.?

Frequent updates and great support and documentation.?

Understanding File Stages in Git?

Tracks files in three main areas: the working directory, the staging area, and the repository.??

  • 1. Working Directory?

-> stage where files are modified. It’s the local copy of your project where you make changes, add new files, or delete existing ones.?

  • 2. Staging Area (Index)?

-> a buffer between the working directory and the repository. It includes the files that have been marked for inclusion in the next commit?

  • 3. Repository (HEAD)?

-> committed history of your project. It includes all the commits of your project at various points in time.?

Each commit has a unique ID (hash), staged changes and a commit message.?

HEAD is a reference to the current snapshot in the repository and it usually points to the latest commit in the branch.?


Practical Workflow Example?

Let’s walk through a typical workflow to see these stages in action:?

  • Modify a File: Change main.cpp in the working directory.?

echo "int newFunction() { return 42; }" >> main.cpp?

  • Check Status: See the modified file.?

git status?

Changes not staged for commit:? ? (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)? ? (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)? ??????? modified:?? main.cpp?

  • Stage the Change: Add main.cpp to the staging area.?

git add main.cpp?

  • Check Status Again: Confirm the file is staged.?

git status?

Changes to be committed:? ? (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)? ??????? modified:?? main.cpp?

  • Commit the Change: Save the staged changes to the repository.?

git commit -m "Add newFunction to main.cpp"?

  • Check the History: Verify the commit in the repository.?

git log --oneline?

e5e9a37 (HEAD -> main) Add newFunction to main.cpp?


Git is a powerful tool for modern development due to its distributed version control, great features, and efficient workflows.

Knowing how files move through the working directory, staging area, and repository helps you manage changes, collaborate better, and keep a good history of your project.

Embracing these concepts will make your life easier and your development process smoother.


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