Why we turned a 2 day in-person conference into a month long online festival
?????? Andy Budd
Investor, Advisor and Coach. Andy helps high growth startups, founders and design/product leaders achieve their potential
We’ve all spent the last six months living on Zoom, and it’s frankly tiring. So when we started thinking about bringing Leading Design online, the last thing we wanted to do was force people to sit through a never-ending series of back-to-back talks.
Instead, we’ve decided to spread our event across a much longer period and turn it into a festival. So we’re going to have practical masterclasses on Tuesdays, talks and panel discussion on Thursdays, and a host of other sessions peppered throughout the month. This will hopefully allow our busy community of design leaders to pick and choose what to attend live (much like a real festival), and catch content they’ve missed on replay.
This sort of asynchronous time and place shifted content is fast becoming the norm. However there’s still something magical about bringing a group of peers together for a shared experience. So we’ll be kicking things off with a mini-conference. Spread over three afternoons (or mornings if you’re in the US), it’ll be a combination of over a dozen short talks, Q&As, and panel discussions, with plenty of breaks to make sure folks can fit things around their schedule, and not get fatigued.
To make things even easier you can choose to attend just the conference, pick specific masterclasses, or buy a pass that gives you unlimited access to the whole festival. The choice is yours.
Really hope you can join us next year - be sure to sign up to our mailing list to hear about tickets when they are announced.