Why are we struggling with decarbonization, Part 4: What’s the way out of the renewable crisis?

Why are we struggling with decarbonization, Part 4: What’s the way out of the renewable crisis?

Last year I relayed the energy journey taken by Chile , a nation with very favorable wind and solar resources, and a target to hit 100% renewable electricity by 2050. Sounds great, right? Actually, there is a problem. A recent visit to Chile confirmed that there is a common feeling of a crisis, without an agreed way out.

Chile, along with Germany, are among the countries with highest shares of wind and solar renewables. Both have set tough targets and made strong commitments to add renewables to the power grid, and both of them have hit their power system Flexibility Limit!?

What’s the power system Flexibility Limit??

Simply, it’s the amount of variable wind and solar power the system can handle—and it’s not infinite. After reaching the limit, you can no longer add wind & solar to the system without rapidly increasing curtailment. Germany is strongly interconnected and can handle the situation without curtailment by pushing excess power to their neighbors, who normally do not want to pay for it as it comes and goes; however, Chile does not have this option, so curtailment is their only path. In both cases wind and solar power quantity has exceeded the national power system′s capability to efficiently use them.

The intentions are in the right place, but the execution is missing a few key components.

What do Chile and Germany have in common??

  1. Both countries have a fairly large segment of inflexible coal power plants. Coal plants are highly inflexible; you cannot close them down during a day to let the solar power flow. Every stop & restart takes days, so they are NO companions to variable wind & solar power. Lack of planning was demonstrated when both countries inaugurated brand new coal plants still at the very end of the past decade. And note: In both countries coal power plants produce majority of carbon emissions!
  2. Neither country has done much to raise the power system Flexibility Limit. Instead, the old power systems were kept more or less as is, and renewables were just added “on top.” Storage has not been promoted and added to the systems until very recently.?

Obviously, the expectation – or maybe hope? - was that the old and new power systems could live and prosper together, in parallel, and adding renewables endlessly would not bring any major issues. This was actually the message of some wind power promoters 15 years ago! Now these countries are at a Renewables Dead End, and it will take some years for them to again be able to efficiently use any new wind and solar power.

Why do so many countries float toward this same “inflexibility mine field”? Remember JFK’s dream to take a man to the moon and back alive? He did not know how to do it, but he gave NASA the means to innovate and research the path. They made a plan and spent nearly a decade to get there. They had to account for every detail, not just the obvious need for a rocket.

To me it seems that renewables are now the rocket, but the plan to travel to the moon and back is missing. We sit in our rocket and hope we are okay, but there is no Houston to count us down! When we do not know what kind of power system would be optimal for our decarbonized future, how could we make a solid plan for getting there? So we just fuel the rocket by adding renewables?

I assume a key reason for this omission of a plan is politics! Politicians must promote renewables. They put policies in place to make it easy to add wind and solar. Everybody likes it, the rocket is in space! But it’s not enough. Utilities, some consultants - and people like us in W?rtsil? – have been using supercomputers to analyze the optimal path for decarbonization, and flagging the problems at sight, but believe me it has been hard to find an audience for such holistic approach.?

Today the “normal procedure” in most nations is to keep adding renewables without really seeing what it may lead to, what would have to come next, and how to prepare for it. Unfortunately this approach works only until it starts to hurt hard enough - like now in Chile - while luckily most nations are not quite there yet. Delays in decarbonization will increase climate change and global warming.?

The pioneering work of Chile and Germany helps those who have not yet entered their own crisis take wisdom to avoid similar problems. Getting out of the crisis in Chile and Germany will unfortunately take years, and before that further growth of renewables is not possible.

We will need a lot of wind and solar power in any power system to produce all our electricity in the future (hydro can do some too, if available). But to avoid crisis, we need to turn our focus from renewables to raising our power system’s Flexibility Limit. This is what both our brave pioneers—Chile and Germany—need to focus on.

To raise the Flexibility Limit, one needs to find a way to close down the inflexible assets in the system causing the problem, one by one, starting from the most polluting ones. Inflexible assets are typically steam power plants where you must heat up and boil large quantities of water under controlled circumstances before you can produce any power. These plants burn coal, gas or biomasses.

Nuclear plants also belong in the category of inflexible steam power plants, but due to no carbon emissions they may have a role to play, provided that they can be economically competitive (Read: MUCH lower capex than currently, according to our modelling about 2/3 cost down is necessary). I personally have nothing against nuclear, but have a hard time seeing how it could be made so much cheaper to be competitive against for example a combo of solar + battery storage, providing day & night base load power without variable fuel- and O&M-costs, and without fixed costs for accident risk mitigation, waste storage and O&M. We should not forget that the inflexibility of nuclear plants will remain a challenge for efficient utilization of renewables as they have to keep running 24/7, and will end up cycling, and forcing curtailment just as coal plants do. I will come back to this topic in the future with some more thoughts!!!

Back to Chile. Before we just rush to close down coal plants, we must ensure that the power system can provide reliable supply through nights, peak load periods, and unusual weather patterns.

Three Steps Out Of the Crisis!

  1. Add battery storage (also pump hydro, if it makes economic sense) to shift excess solar energy from day to night. With storage you can add solar without wasting it, and you will increase your share of renewables!
  2. Ensure adequate fast-starting & firm generation capacity to serve the load during nights, to fill daily energy gaps, and to continuously maintain security of supply – storage cannot do all this as it has time limitations! In Chile, existing natural gas Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) plants can be stopped once a day, in the morning, and restarted in the late afternoon. This is not what they were designed for, and will cause excess wear and tear, and increase O&M costs & reduce reliability. But this is a role the existing fleet needs to and can take. Add to this the right amount of new open cycle natural gas plants, which can be highly flexible, stop & start several times every day (never use fuel when not needed), and have almost as high efficiency as CCGTs
  3. Gradually close down the inflexible coal power plants, one by one. This will raise the power system Flexibility Limit to enable further growth of renewables and reduce carbon emissions very fast!

Let us see how this could be done in Chile

Currently the Chilean carbon emissions from electricity generation are slightly below 20 Mtons/year. Coal produces about 80% of those emissions. Coal causes major solar curtailment and is paid $800 million extra electricity market “side payments” per year for the daytime fuel and ancillary services to ensure that their capacity & energy will remain available during nights!?

Chile does not yet have clear and attractive regulatory framework, enabling project finance for storage investors - all projects built so far (200 MW) were built on speculation, with balance sheet financing. This is why solar shifting is not yet possible, solar is curtailed while the system just cannot get through the nights without coal. Coal just keeps producing similar high amounts of carbon 24/7, all year around. Obvious lack of planning, right??

Chile Fact: Coal used to be a core ingredient of the power system, but now with increasing share of wind and solar, it has become the core problem! To get out of the crisis, coal has to go, the faster the better!?

Warning: When approaching their own Flexibility Limits, other nations need to ensure that an attractive, bankable business model is available for storage investors!

The following capacity additions are already decided in Chile, to be completed by end of 2026:

  • Solar growth from 7.5 GW to 14.1 GW!!
  • Wind from 4.4 GW to 7.7 GW
  • Battery Storage from 0.2 GW (1 GWh) to 0.8 GW (4 GWh)

Curtailment of renewables in 2023 was about 7%, while according to the current coal retirement plan, 18% of all solar and wind energy would be curtailed in 2026. It may not sound like a lot, but, if you look at what percent of the NEW solar installed between now and 2026 will be curtailed, the number will be over 30%, and would just keep going up without the actions proposed here. A business killer for investors, to say the least! Is our rocket heading for the moon??

By running the power system optimization software—W?rtsil? uses Plexos—in our supercomputer, we found that to keep the lights on, the closure of 2,500 MW of coal plants by end of 2026 would require 3,400 MW of 5-hour battery storage (17 GWh) along with 240 MW of new flexible firm gas power plants. Only 3 coal plants would remain after that. Taking the existing gas power plant fleet of ~ 3 GW of CCGT′s and ~ 1 GW of open cycle gas turbines into active use - mainly during nights - enables fast coal closure, and a way out of the crisis. Obviously this will increase electricity prices during nights, while the much larger solar & storage fleets serve the load long into the nights, reducing use of gas and keeping prices lower.

On top of these changes, synchronous condensers are required in strategic locations to ensure frequency and voltage stability. Exact quantity and location require a system stability study which we did not make, but Chile has made such study and is already installing synchronous condensers.

It is not realistic to assume that Chile could have all the necessary storage and gas capacity installed by 2026. First, these regulatory changes are necessary:?

  1. Clarify revenue streams & establish market for storage investors
  2. Establish market conditions for feasible investments of flexible firm power plant capacity?

These changes enable getting out of the crisis. After them, private investment decisions need to be made, and all the power plants and storage plants need to be built. This will unfortunately take longer than 3 years, so the crisis will not be over by end of 2026, but the faster the better. The given numbers do in any case outline the magnitudes of new capacities required for getting out of the crisis, and the positive outcomes of the changes.

With the given new capacities located correctly in the 5 nodes, 2.5 GW of coal plants can be retired, and finally there is much more space for new renewables!

Summary: Why do these changes solve the problem???

  • Storage reduces curtailment instantly as excess solar energy can be shifted from day to night. It also reduces the fuel use during nights as it is providing an increasing share of the nighttime energy. The share of renewables will grow, and emissions will be reduced!
  • Retiring coal reduces curtailment as coal plants no longer need to produce power through the days to be available for the nights
  • Existing gas power plants in Chile are capable of shutting down once per day (even combined cycle steam power plants), every morning, and restarting in the late afternoon. Despite the age and high starting costs of the existing gas plants, they can be utilized as a means to get faster out of the crisis. There is not quite enough of gas power plants, and some of them are so old and have so low efficiency that 240 MW of new flexible gas capacity need to be added by 2026. This new capacity needs to be much more flexible than the existing, and capable of converting later to sustainable fuels. And remember, gas carbon emissions are just half of coal emissions / MWhe

This is how gas power plants play a key role in the out-of-crisis solution. They will operate mainly at night, and although gas is more expensive than coal, the fuel costs will be reduced as much less gas will be used than coal. The variable generation cost of the power system actually goes down from $3.1 billion to $2.7 billion, a reduction of $400 million, or 13 %. This way coal is effectively replaced by renewables and gas in just a few years, and believe it or not, the Chilean power system carbon emission would go down from 19 Mton/year to just 6 Mton. On top of this, major reduction of coal side payments will save rate payers money!

Three birds with one stone: Out of crisis, lower variable generation costs, and major step forward in decarbonization!

Okay, so do this and crawl out of crisis. Great... Then what?

Unfortunately the steps proposed to Chile to get fast out of the crisis cannot be made in most nations as it involves a small fleet of flexible gas power plants, which use fuel. Politicians just keep pushing for more renewables and any decision to involve power plants in the future power systems is a red herring. Politicians may fear of being called “fossils” and even if they saw the benefits of using gas as a transition fuel, they may not dare to promote the optimal solution for their nations. This is why flexible gas power plants are often not seen as part of the solution, and we just keep adding renewables.?

I never really understood why power plants that use sustainable fuels could not be part of our future, provided that they bring major benefits for us!? I assume the logic is: Power plants use fossil fuels, so they all have to go! This prevents us from searching for the optimal solution for the challenges, while we keep hoping that the red phone rings and it is Houston calling!?

This is the case also in Chile. The political will has been that we must stop using fossil fuels, so all thermal power plants must go. There is currently no policy decision to use gas as a transition fuel – as described here – and to get the benefits described. Hopefully this changes soon and then Chile can show the way to the moon and back for the rest of the world!

In Chile, after 2026 coal retirements, the system can integrate an increasing flow of renewables, while along with renewables, we must keep adding storage and flexible gas plants in right quantities, to keep the power system efficient and operative.?

Over time, when share of renewables increases, the need for frequent starts and shorter operation pulses will increase, and the existing combined cycle gas power plants will gradually become the next problem (after coal), and will need to be replaced with fast starting open cycle plants with good fuel efficiency and no starting costs. We call these modern gas power plants “Renewable Balancers”, which is a new application with new requirements for thermal power.?

The last 3 coal plants along with all the diesel oil fired plants have no role to play in the decarbonized future of Chile, so they should retire as fast as the system can handle the load. This milestone is reached in our study by 2030! After 2030 the only plants producing carbon in the power system would be the gas plants, producing about 3 Mtons of carbon annually, down from 19 Mtons in 2023.?

Finally, to finish off the decarbonization, flexible gas power plants will be converted to sustainable green hydrogen derived fuels – hydrogen, eMethanol, eMethane or ammonia - which Chile intends to produce in large quantities. This decision can be made at any time after 2030, when the selected fuel is commercially available. Older gas power plants that cannot be converted, will retire. All new gas power plants installed from now on should be capable of converting to a sustainable fuel so they can remain in their central reliability role in the decarbonized power system long into the future.?

Assuming the fuel conversion is done as early as at the end of 2032, the Chilean power system would produce 100% carbon neutral electricity, and would consists of:

  • 14.7 GW of wind
  • 16.5 GW of solar
  • 7.7 GW of hydro
  • 6 GW / 30 GWh of battery storage
  • 2.6 GW of flexible power plants operating on sustainable fuels

This is the capacity mix for the optimal 100% decarbonized power system for Chile in 2032, totaling in 47,5 GW. The total new capacity investment costs (Capex) between 2024 …2032 would be $17,0 billion. We are using learning curves for technologies from Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

Now, I am sure you are wondering why we need to include that flexible firm gas capacity component at all. To answer this question, we did run the optimization software to see what the Chilean power system would look like if we wanted it only to consist of wind, solar, hydro and battery storage. This kind of power system seems to be the political dream around the world.?

The power system with only renewables and storage would need to be 10 GW larger in total capacity, and would cost $27,0 billion to build - and additional cost of $10,0 billion! Major overbuilds of renewables and storage are necessary to ensure avoidance of blackouts during any and all unusual weather events and patterns like long calm periods, seasons like winter, cloud cover and rain, draught, you name it. You would need to build much larger storage so there would always be energy in it, whatever weather you may get. And of course you need to install more wind and solar power to fill that larger storage. Most of that storage capacity would stay in very marginal use, just waiting for some unusual weather.?

In my home country Finland, Fingrid had studied that once every 10 years in the past there was a windless calm period of 2 weeks. This is important to understand as there is a lot of wind power in Finland, and more is coming. To go through such 2 week calm period would require a 336h storage (14*24h) with an output capacity of several GW… Today we dream of 8h storage! Pump hydro cannot do this either. And note: The storage would be needed only once every ~ 10 years!

In Chile, 2.6 GW of firm, flexible power plants, running on sustainable fuels, provide a way to dramatically reduce the overbuild of renewables and storage, with major Capex saving, while still providing 100% carbon neutral electricity. These plants can be started by the system operator at any point of time, for as long as needed, and they form the long-term energy storage necessary during those above-mentioned unusual weather conditions. Energy is stored as sustainable fuel, not as electricity in batteries.?

This gives us a highly scalable storage solution: If you need to extend the size of the energy storage from 1 week to 2 weeks, just add another fuel tank and fill it with sustainable fuel, the cost is marginal compared to doubling the whole battery storage fleet!

Sustainable power plants will operate with low capacity factors of just a few percent, and including the fuel cost they provide a $700 million total generation cost saving in 2033 (Capex + Opex), compared to the system without the flexible sustainable power plant capacity.?

Time to summarize why it makes sense to use gas as a transition fuel for a fast carbon reduction, and how the gas plants later form an important element of the decarbonized power system:

During the transition…

While the share of renewables keeps growing, there is not yet enough renewables to produce all energy needed. Flexible gas power plants provide fast power to ensure system reliability at all times, produce energy during nights, and fill possible gaps caused by weather variability during the days. High efficiency is important as low fuel usage reduces costs and carbon emissions.

Flexible gas plants can stop any time, thereby using less fuel/MWh than the colossal coal and gas steam power plants. Efficient gas power plants produce just half of the carbon emission/MWh compared to coal. Faster transition and rapid reduction of carbon emissions!

After the transition, in the decarbonized world…

The plants use sustainable fuels and act as a large long-term energy storage. Sustainable fuel is stored in desired quantities (e-methanol or ammonia in local tanks!), and suddenly the 336h storage is right there. Odd weather, welcome! With low 3-5 % capacity factors these plants do not consume much fuel, but they provide security of supply and enable major savings by reducing the overbuild of renewables & battery storage.?

Our modelling shows that in optimal power systems such sustainable power plants operate about once a week, in the early morning, when batteries are drained due to? lack of sunshine and wind in the earlier days.?

After making nation power system expansion models for more than 100 countries, we see a pattern as almost without exception flexible gas/sustainable fuel power plants form a vital ingredient of the optimal transition and final solution.

Before finishing off, I want to make a comment on zero-carbon vs carbon neutral. We regard biomasses as renewable, because when the sugar cane and trees grow, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, reducing its carbon content. When we burn the biomass in a power plant, the same carbon is released back to the atmosphere, so on long-term the situation remains static, with no impact on atmosphere carbon content.?

When we produce sustainable fuels using renewable electricity, and capture the necessary carbon (for fuels like eMethanol) from the atmosphere, we apply exactly the same logic as with biomasses. It is important to allow these fuels to be part of the solution mix for the future just like biofuels.

Final words:

  • Many nations seem to drift forward with a renewables rocket
  • Decarbonizing electricity by just adding renewables to an existing power system only works until the Flexibility Limit is reached. Every nation with this approach + steam power plants in the capacity mix will enter a Renewables Dead-End
  • To avoid the crisis, and delaying growth of renewables, nations need to make and implement plans for how to increase the Flexibility Limit of their power systems = retirement plan for inflexible assets!
  • There is amazing software available today for this planning purpose. They do require special user skills and supercomputers, but both exist in this world. With these tools we can forecast with good accuracy when a certain nation will meet their Flexibility Limit! Ask us!
  • To ensure national competitiveness, efficient decarbonized power system with lowest possible generation costs should be set as the Target, not %-share of renewables!
  • We as individuals need to start asking the politicians for more responsible plans and actions than just blindly adding renewables. We have already seen political voices blame renewables for the problems! OMG! We can ask questions like: Could we by using gas as a transition fuel speed up the transition and reduce global warming??

And that’s it from me this round! Drop your comments and questions below!

Absolutely fascinating read! As Albert Einstein wisely said, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." It's inspiring to see efforts shifting towards renewable energy sources. ????Speaking of making impactful changes, there's an upcoming opportunity to be part of a Guinness World Record for Tree Planting that might interest you. It aligns perfectly with the decarbonized world you mentioned. Check it out for a chance to add more green to our planet! https://bit.ly/TreeGuinnessWorldRecord ???


Absolutely insightful read! ?? As Albert Einstein once said, "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." ?? The shift to renewables in Chile is a prime example of innovative thinking leading us toward a decarbonized future. Great work outlining these necessary steps! Keep it up! ???


Nice to see the speed of change. It was some five years ago in your seminar in Santiago de Chile, with the Message. Well done!

Luke Witmer

W?rtsil? Energy Storage & Optimization

9 个月

I’m pretty sure it’s not a renewable crisis ??



