Why are we so fearful?
Ganga Prematunga
Managing Director l Quality I Risk I Audit I Compliance I KPMG I Success and Mindset Coach I Mentor I Global Keynote Speaker
Fear is very natural. There is always fear, whenever you put yourself out there for anything new (starting a new job, university, school or even starting medical treatment). This is because you are trying to move forward from where you are to where you want to be. Fear is the body's defence mechanism to warn you that you are walking out of your comfort zone.
Overcoming fear is critical in personal development and resilience. You have to be willing to feel the fear and take action anyway, if you want to achieve what you want to achieve in your life. Unfortunately, most people let fear stop them from taking important action to reach their goals. The truth is though great things require taking risk - high risk — high return. Remember, the nature of risk is that it does not always work out as planned. So, you have to be ready to pay the price.
Think about some of your fears, are they real or are they all self-created? We frighten ourselves by imagining the worst outcome to any situation we experience and put ourselves in a stressful and anxious state. e.g delegate part of your job, ask for a pay rise, learning a new skill etc
We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality. Seneca
I have been discussing this topic with my students recently. As a success and mindset coach, I teach my students how to embrace a growth mindset and harness fear into achieving the best for themselves. I encourage you to educate your children and help them develop growth mindset skills.
Create joy and happiness!
With respect and gratitude?
Ganga Prematunga - Success and Mindset Coach
Managing Director - Do it inspired