Why we are so enthusiastic about New Year?

Why we are so enthusiastic about New Year?

1st January is just like any day ! It is no different from 31st Dec. But, we await eagerly at midnight for the clock move on from 11:59 to 12:00 and we burst into happiness !

Was previous day bad? Was previous year bad? Will the new year really bring NEW things?

It is the mind set and the HOPE.

People who believe in God , expect God to change their lives. Many people who do not believe in God may still believe in Luck and hope new year brings them more luck than the previous year.

How new year eve helps?

Improves/ renews Communication

  • We take opportunity to wish near and dear ones
  • We make a conscious effort to say Hi to the friends who are out of sight and/or out of communication.
  • Time to patch up with people with whom you had some friction earlier. Forget past and start afresh a new friendship
  • Good time to say Hi to current clients , past clients and future clients and let them know that you remember them and wish them all the best

Brings in Hope

  • Time to forget bad incidents of past year and look forward for new luck
  • Good starting point to start doing something, which you did not do earlier . Yeah ! Research says 99% of your resolutions may not be in place after 2-3 months. It is OK. you keep trying every year. You hope you CAN DO IT now !

Confidence sets in

New found confidence set is that says that every thing is going to change for good from 1 Jan.

Gives you confidence to try some thing new ! If you don't try, you will never get what you want.

Above all restaurants and clubs love New year evening. They make enough money on one day which may be equal to their 15 days business.

Every Individual hopes for the best to progress further in life

Start afresh and enjoy the new year.

Wish you all a very Happy New Year 2017 !


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