Why we self-sabotage & 3 quick tips to get unstuck!
Deborah Craig
The Holistic Hypnotherapist | Emotional & Nervous System Regulation for corporate professionals & founders | Find freedom from your anxious, overthinking mind in 90 days | Be YOU, only Happier
Have you ever had a goal or plan, felt excited ?? & confident about getting started but all of a sudden you freeze?
You starting doubting the decisions you're making or even the reasons you set the goal in the first place? Perhaps even doubting your abilities to achieve your goal or dream.
Well, I’m here to tell you that not only is it super common and happens to most of us on a daily basis but that you’re actually wired to think and feel this way!
Sound strange? ????
Humans are programmed to avoid fear & danger at all cost. We’re wired to stick with what’s familiar and stay away from anything that causes us to feel anxious or is perceived as risk taking!!
So, 500 years ago when we lived in tribes it was only safe if we stayed with the familiar: own tribe, specific food etc - anything else could have caused death! Attacked by tribes or wild animals, poisoned by unknown foods to name a few.
But...in the 21st century things are a tad different. Taking a risk isn’t so dangerous but our mind & body still have the same physical reaction: to stay safe, avoid danger & stick to what’s familiar.
So now you know it’s super common you won’t be surprised to know that self-sabotage is also common: talking yourself out of a particular task, finding 100 different things to do rather than take action towards your goal..sound familiar?
The good news is though, you have the ability to manage your thoughts when they come up & the subsequent behaviours.
Read my 3 very quick tips below on how to get unstuck and start moving forward when you freeze and self-sabotage your goal
3 tips to overcome self-sabotage - FAST
#1 Stop for 1 minute & breathe deeply: Ground yourself, refocus on your big goal & WHY you set it!
#2 Get up & move around: Body movement gets the creative juices flowing, don’t stay frozen to the spot. Put on a favourite song and dance around or go out for a short walk to get the body and mind re-activated.
#3 Take action: Big or small, action is action. Each new action will give you greater confidence and more motivation to take another step.
...just keep moving forward & watch your confidence grow with every step forward you take
Hope you enjoyed this short read.
Deborah Craig (BSc (hons)), HypD