Why we as scientists support the Climate Protection Law
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231 scientists from all over Switzerland sign a joint letter to take a stand on the June 18 vote.
The science clearly shows that climate change is happening here and now, and that society is already strongly impacted by its effects. We scientists are concerned about these developments and are committed to making sure that climate policy decisions are made on the basis of the best available information.
The widely supported Climate Protection Law, which we will vote on on June 18, sets the reduction path to net zero, increases energy security, promotes innovation and makes Switzerland stronger. Together with more than 200 scientists from the fields of climate, energy, environment, sustainability and environment-related political, social and human sciences as well as economics and law, we say YES to the Climate Protection Law.
Climate change is leading to an increase in heat waves, heavy precipitation and droughts, a decrease in snow cover and an acceleration of glacier melt. This has important implications for agriculture, energy supply, health, labour productivity, tourism, water regimes, forests and biodiversity. Above all, these effects will worsen in the future. In addition to direct climate risks, there are indirect economic risks related to investments to be amortized, pressure to adapt on the market, regulation, complaints or public pressure.
In less than 30 years, our net emissions will have to reach zero to meet the requirements of the Paris Agreement. This means a nearly complete phase-out of fossil fuels before 2050. Residual emissions that are difficult to avoid, for example from agriculture, should be compensated for by artificial sinks for CO2 sequestration.
The war in Ukraine also shows how dangerous our direct dependence on fossil fuels is. By reducing the need for fossil fuels and transforming our energy system, we strengthen our energy security.
As one of the most prosperous and technically advanced countries, Switzerland is sending out important signals for global climate protection with ambitious and consistently pursued goals. While our neighbours and the USA are implementing large infrastructure programmes and financing packages for climate and energy policy, Switzerland has fallen behind the EU in the climate protection rankings. With an effective climate policy, Switzerland is keeping its promise to implement, along with all countries, the objective of the Paris Climate Agreement while maintaining its international competitiveness.
The Climate Protection Act sets the net zero target for Switzerland for 2050, establishes binding intermediate targets and reference values for buildings, industry and transport, and promotes innovation and the replacement of heating systems through an incentive programme.
This will not yet be enough to achieve the Paris targets. However, it is a decisive step, because it provides the economy and the population with a clear framework in which the best solutions will be implemented.
This will provide the economy with a binding framework for safe planning that supports the competitiveness of Swiss companies. Effective instruments for an ambitious and achievable climate target also make economic sense and are beneficial in the long term.
Urgency justifies decisive action. The Climate Protection Law is balanced: it lays the groundwork for a climate-neutral future, sets binding targets, strengthens Switzerland's energy security and benefits from a broad support in political, economic and associative circles.
For the planet and a common future, for an innovative and strong Switzerland - we scientists too say a clear YES.
This text is a short version of the letter signed and published by 231 scientists on April 17, 2023. Read the full text and see the names of the 231 signatories.??
This article has been published in Le Temps, Aargauer Zeitung and La C?te.
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