Why are we replacing trusted treatments with untested novel therapies?
Benjamin Bruin
Founder The Australian Institute of Motorsports, Safety Drive Ltd, and Drift Japan. - MBA Graduate
Why are we replacing trusted treatments with untested novel therapies? Why are there arguments that we are in the middle of a major biological catastrophe? Want to understand how the COVID-19 vaccines have failed in a multitude of ways? What role has censorship, misinformation, suppression of treatments, corruption, and regulatory capture played in these events?
Peter McCullough, MD, MPH Spoke to this and more at the 78th Annual Meeting of AAPS on October 2, 2021. This is arguably one of the best presentations in the last 36 months on these broader issues, and provides many resources for people to make informed choices and gain health literacy on alternative safe, and effective treatments:
??:????: "It’s the first time in human medicine when we are in injecting vaccines and asking the human body to make a potentially lethal protein. The hope is that we’d make a small enough amount of it and it would create just enough of an immune test that we’d form immunity to this deadly protein. The gamble was, what if we make too much? What if we make it for too long of a time?"
??:????: "We skipped all the critical testing to see what this is going to do long-term to the human body. We had a concerning biodistribution study from Japan showing the hyper concentration of lipid nanoparticles in the ovaries [1,2]. Moderna had separately shown a reduced fertility study to the EMA. There has been no external advisory committees, no human ethics committees, or data safety monitoring board.
??:????: "They should have excluded patients who were excluded from the clinical trials (Phase 1) as exclusions were agreed upon by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) and all the IRBs (Institutional Review Boards) because they knew the vaccines weren’t going to work or would cause excessive harm in pregnant women, women of childbearing potential, COVID-19 recovered, and those with suspected COVID-19 and positive serology. Under no circumstances should a human being have ever taken one of these vaccines because they weren’t allowed in clinical trials full stop."
????:????: "There is safety inspections on the roof over your head right now, there is safety inspections of the airplane you’re going to fly on later today. Whys is there no safety inspections of a novel biologic therapy that’s to be injected into each one of us?"
????:????: "I made a presentation to the Heritage Foundation in Washington that provides a lot of oversight to the House and the Senate as well as the agencies, and I made this presentation and you could hear a pin drop when I was done. And finally one of the former presidents of the American Medical Association said 'Dr McCullough, we have the biggest biological catastrophe on our hands in human history with a medicinal product'.”
????:????: "The deaths, 50% of them occur within 48 hours of the shot, 80% occur within a week, that has been shown in a separate analysis by Rose and McLachlan. Mclachlan found that 86% of the deaths had no other explanation outside of the vaccine [3]"
????:????: "This analysis by Kostoff [4], it shows the relationship between deaths with the natural infection and deaths with the infection is the same, it's an age-related death relationship. Kostoff calculated in this paper, that because not everybody gets the respiratory infection and because the respiratory infection is treatable and manageable, in fact, one is more likely to die after the vaccine than just take their choice with forgoing the vaccine and potentially getting COVID-19 – statistically in every age group that’s the case. The gamble is to gamble away from the vaccine and away from potential harm."
????:????: “She (Jessica Rose) [5] has made the case that we have completely fulfilled the Bradford Hill criteria for causality. We have a dangerous mechanism for action, we have a tight temporal relationship, we have internal consistency between death and the non-fatal events, we have external consistency because this is seen in MHRA system, the Yellow Card Scheme, and the EudraVigilance system. We basically got it, we have fulfilled Hills tenants of causality, the vaccine is causing these events.”
????:????: “The chances of myocarditis and hospitalisation with myocarditis for one of these children whos going to be forced into vaccination, the chances of hospitalisation for a cardiac problem is greater than being hospitalised for COVID-19. So it’s much better for the children to not get vaccinated and take the risk of the respiratory infection [6]."
????:????: "We had an all-star team of people there and presented to the FDA when Pfizer came up for boosters, and do you know what came out of that? Analysis showing death with the vaccine is greater than death just taking your chances with the infection. Hospitalisation with myocarditis is greater than hospitalisation with a respiratory infection. The vaccines aren’t safe across the board, and you know what? The FDA didn’t disagree."
????:????: “A vaccine that falls below 50% protection and can’t last a year is not a viable product on the commercial market. Pfizer has failed as a commercial product”
????:????: “The CDC started to do asymmetric reporting to start to craft a narrative that this was going to be a failure of the unvaccinated, but the CDC data continued to come in showing us just the opposite”
????:????: "The vaccines have had 0 impacts on the epidemic curve, the vaccines were not going to be a solution to flattening these curves. We have data showing that treatments markedly reduce mortality, so it’s not the virus that dictates mortality, it’s how we respond to it and fortunately, the early treatment networks are onto it.
You just heard a state-of-the-art lecture from Dr. Rob that there is a lot of things done now to take an edge off the intensity, severity, and duration of symptoms that translate into reductions in hospitalisations and deaths. But by pushing vaccinations, governments have been putting evolutionary pressures on SARS-CoV-2, and people warned us of this."
????:????: “This recent paper [7] that just came out shows in the vaccinated and unvaccinated the viral loads are high and the same in both groups, it’s clear that the vaccines do nothing to help reduce carriage of the virus, the vaccines do nothing. A vaccinated person who walks into this hotel is equally as a threat as someone who is unvaccinated and not recovered.”
????:????: “Doctors in my institution cant look me in the eye because they are so ashamed of what they have done through the course of this pandemic. The bottom line is that we give a very clear confident and joyous message that we can treat this illness.
In fact, what we do in treating this illness with our multidimensional approach has the largest public health impact in reducing mortality and morbidity because we are treating the people who are at risk [8]. These papers are probably the most important papers I’ve published in my career [9,10]."
Slides: https://www.scribd.com/document/530328436/Slides-from-Peter-McCullough-MD-Oct-1-2021-Lecture
Patient Guide: https://aapsonline.org/covidpatientguide/