Why We Are Not Really Happy

Why We Are Not Really Happy

What emotion would you like to experience more often?

At the end of the day, why do you do everything you do?

For most people I've met, the answer to these questions is often "happiness".

But how well do we understand happiness? Are we not just chasing rainbows here, pursuing something that keeps moving away as we try to get close to it?

You know the feeling... You buy that thing you thought would make you happy, only to realize the happy feeling only lasts a few hours or days. What is left is often worse than how you felt before: Emptiness, regret, shame, or frustration, just to name a few.

A different way of looking at Happiness

I see happiness as realizing how many good things already happen to you and how much good is already happening in your life.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines happiness as a state of well-being and contentment. All these words are related to each other and hide in themselves the secret to achieving them.

Well-being means to be well, to feel well with what you already have.

Being content means feeling that your life already contains everything you really need—which is different from what you want.

“The cessation of suffering—wellbeing—is available if you know how to enjoy the precious jewels you already have.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

People feel discontent and keep wanting more and more in life because of the unresourceful mental strategies they apply. They may underestimate how much they have accomplished so far in life, or they may forget all how they are blessed.

They may overestimate what is not that good in their lives or focus too much on what they want, while seeing it as something they don’t yet have. All great ways to feel discontent and unhappy.

So how can you do it?

To feel contentment, turn those unresourceful strategies around. Spend time thinking about the many reasons your life is in fact great, and change your perception of what you don’t like so much in your life.

To appreciate how your life is great, ask yourself:

- Why am I lucky?

- What great things do I have today that I didn’t have before and may miss tomorrow?

- What do I have that others would kill to have?

- What am I taking for granted?

To challenge your negative perception of the present, ask yourself:

- How could it be worse?

- How is this a blessing in disguise?

- How is this an opportunity?

- What can I learn from this?

- What does this allow or enable?

Could it be this easy? (real-life examples)

This is the opposite of what most life coaches do when they help their clients with the tool called “the wheel of life”. This tool helps you assess how satisfied you are in each area of your lifenamely your relationships, career, finances, romance, family, environment, personal growth and spirituality, etc. If you are dissatisfied with a specific area, the coach would then help you plan some actions that would help you change things in that area.

The idea is that by changing something you are not happy with, you would be more satisfied. That is, in part, true. You can indeed change your environment to meet your expectations and desires. But that doesn’t come without its costs. Not only will you have to use resources to make those changesincluding your energy, money, and timebut you will also be taking those resources from other areas that need them. But perhaps even more important than that, you would learn nothing, and your satisfaction in life will always depend on what happens outside of you.

What if, instead, you could increase your satisfaction in life without changing anything in the outside world? That is what happened to the inspiring Jillie Johnston. Jillie is a self-love ambassador, and an amazing coach and speaker from the United States. When she came to see me, she was unhappy with her career, and we only had a few sessions to work together so I knew I had to be very efficient in helping her transform. I gave her a choice: to try and change things in her career, or to learn to be happy no matter what her career looked like. She chose wisely; she chose to learn to be a happy person.

I must admit I did not expect this approach to be so fast and powerful. In a matter of minutes, she went from a satisfaction of 4 to 9 on a scale from 1 to 10. Even today she talks about it as my “happiness ratio” and how powerful it was for her. This is what she said about it in her testimonial video:

“Juan has helped me in my own journey of self-love, finding my worth and my place [...] His ‘happiness ratio’ is something that really stood out to me. I’ve used it daily and it has definitely allowed me to see how successful I truly am, what I am capable of, and to shift my perspective to gain more out of life.

You may not like your body, so you live in the gym and do all kinds of diets. That is fine, unless you are like me and simply hate going to the gym or second-guessing every bite you take. You could take the other approach and learn to love yourself the way you are. That doesn’t mean you will stop dieting or exercising; it just means that your happiness does not depend on those things. This way, exercising becomes a light choice and not a painful necessity.

That is what happened to my dear client, Catalina. This is what she says about her transformation:

“It’s important to learn to love yourself. One can be pretentious and want to look good, but you then always think about something you don’t have. I have been on diets my whole life. I still do, but the difference now is that, if they don’t work, I don’t suffer, because I now love myself as I am. I look at myself in the mirror and I like what I see. And even though I still intend to lose some weight, I don’t suffer anymore. This process has taught me that I have lots of values as a human being that are much more important than my weight.”


It's all about challenging your perception

Your dissatisfaction in a specific area of your life could be because you are focusing on what is not great about it or on how it couldor shouldbe better. This is a very effective mental strategy... to make yourself feel dissatisfied! What I am proposing here is that you challenge your own perceptions about your life, before trying to change anything.

If instead of focusing on all the ways life is not perfectif such a thing existsyou practice self-mastery, you could shift your mindset and start focusing on the other part of the story that you have been denying. You would realize all the ways in which that part of your life is actually better than so many other people will ever have it; that the grass always seems greener on the other side but the greener grass comes with costs you don’t have to deal with today.

The moment you do this, you tap into a deeper sense of appreciation for what you have. You also stop idealizing what you don’t have. The consequence of this is an immediate increase of your satisfaction in that area of your life. So, always try to improve your perception of your own life first and, only then, if needed, try changing things outside. This is a much faster, cheaper way of achieving contentment, happiness and wellbeing, and has far less secondary effects you can later regret.

Note: This is an extract from my book 'The Mind Canvas: A Revolutionary Approach to Personal Mastery'.

About the author

Juan Campoo is a seasoned mindset & behavior coach, trainer, and consultant, facilitating personal, leader, and team evolution. Creator of the Mind Canvas model for personal mastery and writer of the Amazon Best-Selling book under the same name. In the last 13+ years, he has coached, trained, and taught more than 15.000 people either 1-on-1, in groups, or through online courses. Check out other free resources here.


#Happiness #Contentment #Satisfaction #EmotionalIntelligence #Wellbeing #LeadershipDevelopment #Managers #Training #Speaker #Coach #InnerDevelopment #PersonalDevelopment #InnerAcceleration #Founder #Scaleup #Director #Mindset


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