Why we need to step out of our comfort zone ...
Homo-Sapiens the most creative, complex creature of habits. As a result now we are sole inches of habits, we are defined by habits. We eat same breakfast mostly, drink same coffee at a store and get to work/college on time.
Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, therapist and author of Better Than Perfect, says people who regularly seek out fresh experiences tend to be more creative and emotionally resilient than those who remain stuck in routine.
“Breaking your own mold can only make you stronger and more confident to reach higher levels in your professional and personal life,” she says.
Innovation and new things come up when we step out of our comfort zone. I remember I was 18 years of old when I went to United States alone for an internship. As soon as I landed on Newark Airport, I was scared and highly baffled because of new place, new people and new culture. But as I started spending times with state people I realized the essence of knowing new people and new culture. What holds most of us back from stepping out of our comfort zone, however, is fear. “We have such a huge fear of failure in our society,” says expert. Any new skill always feels awkward and stressful at first, but the more you do it, the more comfortable it will be. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, this is what I learnt after getting out of my comfort zone.
Few things I feel how to step out of comfort zone:
PRACTICE it on a regular basis
In order to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, people need to step out of their comfort zone on a regular basis. “The more comfortable people get with trying new things, the less they are going to avoid it and the more there’re going to say yes to new challenges.
Take small leaps
People don’t have to throw their entire routine out the window to step out of their comfort zone. Try taking small leaps, like driving a different route to work or even moving desk to a different location. These can help people to get comfortable with the discomfort that comes from trying something new.
Reanalyse your fear
In order to overcome fear of trying something new, its recommends re-framing those feelings of fear as feelings of excitement and opportunity. When viewed in this positive light, those butterflies in your stomach will soon be seen as welcoming rather than something that you seek to avoid.
Search for a hurdle
“Doing something that challenges people gives you a whole different outlook and makes people more receptive to change. When people take on something challenging, experience an endorphin rush and often feel recharged afterwards.
Focus "why"
Having a mission statement of why people stepping out of their comfort zone can help people overcome the fear of doing it. Expert recommends writing out the benefits of doing the activity, such as “to build courage” or “to become more creative.” Looking at the why when to start, to get stressed out can help bring down stress levels and make it easier to accomplish the task.