Why we need leaders like Chuck Norris and Mother Teresa?!

Why we need leaders like Chuck Norris and Mother Teresa?!

The economic situation in Europe and Germany is modest.

We need more investment and less bureaucracy, says the European President Ursula von der Leyen
We need more skilled workers says the Minister of Economic Affairs Robert Habeck and
Oliver Kahn says “Cojones, we need cojones”


But how do we get more cojones again?? How do we get more leaders who have eggs? Or do we just have to get our cojones back, because the women's movement and equality have stolen our cojones? Was it perhaps not equality at all, but a male downgrade to female interests?


Military service in the German armed forces and fire brigade was abolished. Women slip even more into male roles and the world wonders where the attraction between women and men has gone. We men are becoming more and more softened in society. Us were told men are courageous, strong, focused, have discipline, willpower and decisiveness. And at the same time these characteristics disappears, because we allow ourselves to be influenced by women, politics, social media, AI and Siri without thinking for ourselves and losing focus. And not just in business. A study shows that today only 10% run their small duty while standing. Incredible for a Neanderthal. ;-)

Maybe we should just think for ourselves again and push boundaries to stay focused

Many people's resolutions and goals don't last longer than 2 months, because their focus dwindles day by day. According to market research by the Gallup Institute “unmotivated managers and employees” cost German companies around 124 billion euros per year. It seems as if we have become a society that prefers to talk rather than act. A society that prefers a quickie rather then focusing on achieving our goals.?

?Show my eyes the words I hear?

Every withdrawal from the goal or intention has a name - DECISION. Many people are not aware of how many decisions we make every day and what impact these decisions have. Your brain makes between 20,000 – 35,000 decisions a day, most of them on a subconscious emotional level. And all of these decisions affects your behavior and your results.


Behind your decisions are your emotions, therefore every decision is always a matter of emotions. Most leaders don’t know that every decision is based on six different classes, which are wired in your subconscious mind and your emotional patterns. And most people forget that emotions control their behavior. If you ask ten people what attitude means, you would probably get ten different answers. When you have a good, clear understanding of the 3 things what attitude is and how attitudes are formed, it will become very apparent that only a small percentage of the population are in control of their attitude.

This is the reason,?

  • why people have problems to implement new things and words do not become actions
  • why managers promise things to their employees and don't keep them
  • why measures are not processed or are only processed completely?

When the 3 things from attitude are in harmony, it will be expressed in your actions. You will be calm, focused and productive.

Emotions come first – actions second

?We must become more fit for war, not in war with weapons, but in emotions, decisions and implementation.? We need warriors who don't whine and complain about what isn't possible, but rather men who are courageous, focused and disciplined and who follow their decisions to the finish line. We need leaders, which have love and passion like Mother Teresa and act like Chuck Norris.

When Chuck Norris makes push-ups, he doesn't push himself up, he pushes the earth down.

Leadership is a masculine energy, because leadership needs clarity, courage, focus and discipline and behind all these characteristics are emotions. Therefore, success is 95% emotions and 5% strategy.


Change your emotion - improve your results.




PS. You want to avoid to go back to Federal Armed Forces and working on your focus and discipline? But you still want to develop yourself or your team, to save money, reduce stress and improve your results? Then click on the link https://calendly.com/d/cqgx-5ch-tmz/30-minuten-besprechung and arrange an appointment for a conversation for the ultimate 2-day seminar “Develop your leadership potential” or for the 8-week coaching program “Upgrade your Results”.

(Just 3 appointments for the internal seminar available in 2024)


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