Why We Need To Avoid New Management Positions To Make Decisions
Recently I found an organization with good name in market with thousands of customers hired someone as a Network Administrator reporting to his Manager.
First he found it as a very interesting position but soon he felt that manager is not willing him to perform the duties of his job related area.
So he start working as what manager says.
The Manager was enjoying his first management position and always sounds his seniors backbiting by using abusive words.
So Being Experience Person He Tried To Avoid All The Stuff and Start focusing his own work.
Soon he realizes the manager is disappointing because there is no such type of work that Network Administrator can perform on his presence because he want to secure his job and even he don't want to give him access of servers and even inform about which applications are they running at their premises.
So Here Where Companies Need to figure out there may be some problem at Manager not the person they hired for the new role.
Because such managers are such a backbiters who can make blank eye to any company.
The First Thing Network Administrator Noticed that the Manager does not deserve the position when his leaves was cut based on salary deduction and he committed to HR please also deduct all the leaves of my subordinate.
Now you can think how weird it is by saying that.
Soon another problem Network Administrator faced is when he started informing HR about his skills that he is not working good just because he don't want him to go beyond his position.
Which simply means he was scared to get out of the job.
he hired another person based on complains on half salary and want to keep 2 juniors who don't know a penny about servers which makes him sure to secure his job.
So he did the same and start discourage the Network Administrator without any issues.
So the Network Administrator got the idea that he joined wrong company, He knows the name is big but realize the people working in the company is just getting their salary and nothing there is nothing else they want every buddy wants to stick at their jobs.
So I want to tell these type of companies these type of people are making you fool and makes teams to fool you inside the office to earn good income and technically they don't have knowledge and attitude to work in any good organizations and the organizations become slave of them to keep there office running.
So the end was Manager Openly Tells his Network Administrator that i am scared of your skills and wants to hire juniors only and he thought there is not a requirement of any senior positions in there office.
So why they don't think it before because they were already a slave of team of employees which makes them fool.
Not only this they kept his salary also and they don't pick his calls and no more allows him to come office.
That's Ridiculous!!
I request to companies that do not hire such back biters but if you do so please monitor what they are doing and ask directly about performance to employee not managers.