Why We Must Stand
Why We Must Stand
“Having considered where must stand in regard to the truth as found in Scripture, we must also comprehend why we must stand uncompromisingly in our commitment to this truth. A proper motivation in Christian living is always a significant element of any believer’s life. So, let us consider why we should stand so resolutely on the Word of God.
First, we must stand firm for the truth of Scripture because to do is to stand with its Author, God Himself. God and His written Word are inseparably bund together.
Second, we must stand strong for the truth of Scripture because it is necessary in order to stand with Jesus Christ. The written Word and the Living Word are inseparably bound together.
The final reason why we must stand firm upon the truth of Scripture is that to abandon the Word of God is to abandon the gospel. To depart from the authority of Scripture is to embark upon a path that abandons the only way to salvation. No one can be born again until the seed of holy Scripture is planted within the soul (1 Peter 1:23-25). Any compromise in a fundamental belief on the Word of God itself will compromise the reality of the new birth. No one can believe the gospel yet disbelieve the source of the gospel in the written Word.”