This is why we must have more testimony in our services every time we meet!
MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner
I enjoy working with children of all ages, individuals, and families to help them acquire skills they need, to improve their life struggles and to help them move forward to reach their goals.
My Father God is so Amazing,
I have been trying to write about Church last Sunday. I went to the Church that I have been going for a few weeks but last Sunday things changed for me. You see God has asked me to visit Churches to see if I could fine one that was his Church and that carried out his wishes. They must have happy people that loved to be together, they must have a wonderful choir, time for prayer, testimony, sermon and altar call.
Well so much has changed but most have these things but shortened. Well the word has to be inclusive and inspiring. I was concerned about his views on guys and then the other topic that I hate guns
He said that if anyone came into his home he would protect his family with a gun. Didn't God say thou should not kill and I will fight your battles? That doesn't seem to be important any more. I have lived in Richmond 65 years, been in a home 51 years and single 47 years. But God has keep me safe all that time without a gun! I learned as a child to "TRUST IN GOD" for all your needs. So when I hear a Pastor tell me that he carries a gun then I must back up and fine another Church
We must as believers in God trust in him for all our needs and no one can leave here without God's permission. I have been in some very hard times but he has always brought me out through prayer and patience. As I visit I am very concerned because God has said that more Christian will go to "Hell" because they should know better but they choose not to do better.
We have decided to change the Church to meet our connivence and left God out of it completely! I spoke out and left the building. I went to another Church and they were leaving for the day. So I went to another Church to get my message for the week. It was my Church that I grew up in and there were several members out with the virus so the members that were there decided to still have service. They said we should just spend the time "TESTIFYING ABOUT GOD"S GOODNESS" so everyone there spoke and it was an amazing experience. We cried, we praised him and we spoke from our hearts for 2 hours. I was so full of God's joy that I haven't felt like this in a very long time.
This is why we must have more testimony in our services every time we meet! People come to God when thy can feel his greatness and power!