Why We Love Technology
Your Virtual Assistant Ltd
We help businesses to grow, without the speed wobbles.
This weekend I found out what an Otamatone is (if you don’t know, check it out?here).
And it got me thinking about some of the other stuff I don’t know anything about (that maybe I should know about?).
Which led me to thinking (naturally!) about technology and how we don’t always make good use of the tech tools available to us, because we don’t know about them.
I love technology and I especially love the way it makes my life wayyyy easier. My morning cuppa courtesy of my espresso machine. My phone that lets me talk to family and friends, anytime, anywhere. And of course, all of the online tech tools that I use every day to run my business, and without which I probably couldn’t work.
So this week, I thought I’d dedicate The Lever to some of the tech tools the team at Your VA can’t do without.
“The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life.”
Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft
I asked the Your VA team to share their go-to tech tools, the ones they couldn’t work without. Mine’s Vimeo for screen capturing and sharing screen recordings. Here’s what the rest of the team came back with:
Website editing
“I pay for Adobe CC, Dropbox and Noun Project because I could not live (or make a living) without them! For free ones I use Fount (quickly find out which fonts are used on a website), Tineye (find on the www where an image has been used, or altered) and WebAim (to check contrast colours for accessibility)”
“Similar to Fount, I use an extension called CSS Peeper to check the fonts and colours”
~Beverly Ann~
Password Storage
“Last Pass!”
“Adobe express - I've tried canva but always find myself going back to adobe. I find it quick and simple to use with interesting designs”
“Hnry! That's got to be my new favourite invoicing software for self-employed/contractors who don't have good control over their spending habits or don't even want to think about tax!”
Project Management
“Click Up or any project management system that helps you get tasks and projects out of your head is indispensable!”
“In terms of notetaking, I use keep notes now, because I love using it on my phone. I found things like Evernote too clunky to use”
What are some of the tech tools you rely on to run your business and which of these would you struggle to live without?
Set aside an hour this week to audit your systems to determine that you’re using the right tech tools for your business. Also?check out this blog post?that includes our top eight tools for your business procedures.