Why we hold things like illness or weight.
Brandi Taylor
Rapid Transformation Therapist, CHt Hypnotherapist, Anxiety & Addictions Coach helping Executives & Professionals Experience FREEDOM NOW No Meds Required
So often we are seeking a solution through the symptom, not really knowing what the root issue is, or that that the symptom is only that - a symptom.
When I first started certifying hypnotherapy, I already had a clear understanding of the subconscious superhighway vs the slow conscious state. One functions through senses (not only five), circuitry, and energy while the other through beliefs and programming. One controls most things while the other is limited.
Subconscious beliefs driving our actions without thought and this is how we get different results than what we are trying to create because there are underlying beliefs in the subconscious. There is a misalignment. There is resistance. There is cognitive dissonance.
One of the most fascinating cases that came up in class was of a woman who wanted to get pregnant but hadn't had a cycle in almost 12 years. You can see how this could be a major challenge. She had some serious underlying beliefs around that cycle and generated a block in the body. After the hypnosis session, she was pregnant three months later and went on to have two children.
The mind can create many scenarios when it thinks it's helping you.
With success rates as high as 93% there is little that can not be reprogrammed. The only thing that may prevent "Going Under" is willing to go under. Hypnosis is a natural state and anyone can be hypnotized. This is why if you are holding weight, pains, or health issues, it's incredible how many can be worked out through hypnosis. Hypnosis bypasses the conscious and reprograms at the source.
I love hypnotherapy for this reason. This is why I learned hypnotherapy; I wanted the fastest, most powerful means to help people get what they really want and I wanted to make a real long-lasting impact.
If you are struggling with health issues, excess weight that you've lost then gained back and then some, start something then stop, have addictions and really want to see lasting changes in your life - It is totally possible.
Contact someone that can help you.
If you are looking to drop weight, I'm hosting an event next week. Love to see you there. Freedom From Weight - Finally Fit Forever