Why We Fight Now - Election 2020

Why We Fight Now - Election 2020

The many who chase the dollars lose their focus when greed enters the equation. Keep fighting Stephen many do not realize you are not fighting for left right or center. Not are you fighting for Republicans Democrats Socialists or Conservatives. You are fighting for all Americans even those who want to become Americans. The cause is noble just and worth it. Many have your six. -- Wayne Lonstein, CEO, VFT Technologies, Inc., Member, Forbes Technology Council.

Stephen, no one synthesizes the global and local threat landscape and the dangers we face better than you. Thank you for including my work and I appreciate your insights. May peace thrive! - Farhana Qazi, Founder of Global Insights, LLC and Fellow at the Center for Global Policy. Farhana is the first Muslim woman to work for the U.S. government's Counterterrorism Center.

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Special thanks to Kay Collett Goss, CEM. Kay was Assoc. FEMA Director (1994-2001) during the 90's, when HRI set up the National City/County Emergency Management Support Network (1994), International Disaster Information Network (1999), to assist FEMA with global remediation efforts for Y2K. In 2011, IDIN transitioned to the Global Special Operations Network: Intelligence - Defense - Interpol - LEO Fusion Support for complex emergencies that were beyond governmental capabilities, UN, NGO, and relief organizations. 

18 January 2021

Analysis Of Precinct Voter Registration Lists Must Be Completed

Prior to 3 November 2020, HRI: H-II OPSEC called for the White House to access every precinct voter registration list in AZ, CA, CO, GA, NC, NM, NY, PA, MI, VA, WI, to define ineligible voters (non-citizen, dead, non-resident, etc., etc.). The number of non-citizen voters alone, that illegally participated in the 2020 Election, is estimated at upwards of 20 million. 

These illegal, non-certified lists were exploited in the COVID-19 facilitated Mail-In Voting scheme and represents the foundational evidence base for the 2020 National Voter/Election Fraud Criminal Investigation.

A special prosecutor was needed to advance this investigation, months prior to the 3 November 2020 Election. This indisputable evidence could have been presented to the American people pre-election.

All other variables covered in hearings, testimonies, affidavits and forensics represent layers of the National Voter/Election Fraud Scheme.

Since this aspect of the investigation was never completed, we watched unchallenged state certification, Electoral College Certification, and Congressional Certification of the Electoral College votes, resulting in a President-Elect.

The ineligible voter metric alone, challenges the integrity of Election 2020, and despite this delay, the analysis of the precinct voter registration lists must be completed. 

11 January 2021

Capitol Terrorist Attack - 6 January 2021

Anti-Government groups the focus in Mandela Bay Mass Shooting, George Floyd Riots (140 Cities: Most destructive in U.S. History), Nashville Bombing and Raid on Capitol (bombs planted in DNC, RNC and throughout Washington, DC) on 6 January 2021.

5 January 2021

Congressional Briefing on Election Fraud and Foreign Interference

Working to connect every household in America with the entire briefing. Posted is the Powerpoint (PDF) from today's Congressional Briefing. Awaiting full public access to hearings, testimonies, affidavits and forensics evidence by state.

4 January 2021

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27 December 2020

Sidney Powell shares 270-page binder of documents buttressing election fraud claims

Evidence: Treasury Department

"There is, in fact, foreign interference right now in the 2020 election. We know this from our own government. The Iranians have attempted to intimidate Democratic voters. We know that there was a large-scale targeting exercise by the Russian government, but our government does not know exactly what their plan is. So there is, in fact, foreign interference." -- Transcript: Jeh Johnson on "Face the Nation," November 1, 2020: CBS News.



22 December 2020

Bipartisan Congressional Request to Object to Certification of the Electoral Vote

The Election 2020-Voter/Election Fraud Criminal investigation continues with emphasis on public access to hearings, testimonies, admissible affidavits and forensics by state. Awaiting web access, and information that will be disseminated to the household level, nationwide. The bipartisan request to object to certification of the Electoral vote has now been formalized.

The foundation of the national Voter/Election Fraud investigation (AZ, CA, CO, GA, NC, NM, NY, PA, MI, VA, WI) in the States rests in the non-eligible voters (non-citizen, dead, non-resident, etc., etc.), broken down on the precinct level, by state. These ineligible voters were then exploited by the COVID-19 facilitated Mail-In voting scheme, and legislative accommodations. The following summary was compiled from testimony by Jesse R. Binnall, Partner, Harvey & Binnall, PLLC at the Examining Irregularities in the 2020 Election Hearing: U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs:

  • Aug. 3, 2020 after the legislative session, Nevada legislatures made changes to election law that included universal mail voting without sufficient safeguards to authenticate voters or ensure only one ballot was sent to each legally qualified voter.
  • The number of such ballots rocketed from 70,000 in 2016 to 690,000 in 2020.
  • 42,000 people voted more than once, as determined by reviewing list of voters and comparing it to other voters with the same name, address and date of birth.
  • At least 1,500 dead people are recorded has having voted.
  • 19,000 people who didn't live in Nevada voted, not counting military or students.
  • 1,000 people voted using nonexistent addresses.
  • 15,000 people cast votes from disallowed commercial addresses.  
  •  Almost 4,000 noncitizens illegally voted.
  • Two technical experts came forward independently and reported that the number of votes changed overnight while the voting machines were stored.
  • The Trump team was denied examination of the relevant USB drives.
  •  Officials with more evidence obstructed and stonewalled.

14 December 2020

Electoral College called to Halt Certification

Forensic audit of 22 Dominion Voting Systems in a small Michigan County, suggested that President Donald Trump take steps to ensure U.S. national security via a 2018 executive order on foreign interference.

Applies to all states using Dominion Voting Systems:

10 December 2020

Director of National Intelligence - Election 2020 Winner Has Not Been Declared

Here are the Constitutional violations and Help America Vote Act (HAVA) violations which resulted in an unconstitutional election.

Process of Frauds

(A). Defendant States failed in their duties pursuant to Federal Law to meet administrative requirements in the voter registration process.

1.     The Defendant States failed to adequately, in compliance with the Help America Vote Act to compile, administer, and audit their mail in voter registration eligible and ineligible voter lists.

a.    The defendant States are required to collect voter identification information with each ballot, and

b.    Should the ballot lack proper identification documents in the form of a State issued driver’s license they are required to collect:

i.         Bank account statement

ii.         Utility bill

iii.         Or other form of compliant information to affirm the voters address and identification

c.     If the ballot is lacking proper identification documents the Defendant State is to mark the voter as ineligible yet offer a ‘provisional’ ballot.

2.    In any such case, if the voter registration form lacked proper identification documents, the Defendant State was to collect as an alternative form of identification the last 4 digits of a potential voter’s social security number, and then confirm the identity of said voter against a database maintained by the Social Security Administration.   

The Defendant States failed to properly conduct the verification and administrative processes as required by HAVA in order to assure a ‘fraud-free’ election process as it pertains to the assembly, maintenance, and administrative processes relating to the voter registration process, and in failing to do so, allowed massive voter fraud to occur within the 2020 Federal Election process.

3.    The Defendant States failed to properly administer voting requirements as stipulated in HAVA pertaining to ‘provisional’ ballots, and instead sent ‘full’ ballots to every voter that appeared on the voter registration list.

4.    The Defendant States failed to adequately protect the Rights of the voters within their own State by failing to adequately administer the ‘voting’ process and by allowing all parties access to a ballot even when it was apparent that a voter on the Defendant State’s voter list should be provided a provisional ballot.

5.    By failing to provide the proper provisional ballots the Defendant States infringed on the voting Rights of all citizens:

a.    By failing to provide a provisional ballot the Defendant States failed to protect the provisional ballot voter’s Right to rescind and recast their vote prior to tabulation.

b.    By failing to provide a provisional ballot the Defendant States failed to assure the integrity of the election process by accepting ballots from persons that were clearly ineligible to have their vote tabulated.

6.    The Defendant States failed to audit their ‘voter eligibility’ rolls against databases available by the Social Security Administration prior to mailing ballots to voters on the voter registration roll.  By failing in this mandatory requirement pursuant to Federal Law the Defendant States willfully and purposefully engaged in acts of voter fraud, and election manipulation on a National level.

7.    By failing to properly engage in the administration of eligible and ineligible voter rolls and voter registration processes the Defendant States violated the Fifth Amendment Rights of all American Citizens.

8.    The Defendant States failed to properly administer voter eligibility / ineligibility requirements during the voting process pursuant to The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (42 U.S.C. 1973gg–2(b), in the manner in which a voter is deemed eligible for a first-time vote by mail, in a Federal Election, and failed to properly remove ineligible voters from the ballot rolls for the voter’s failure to comply with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.

9.    The Defendant States used a ‘uniform’ policy in a manner which could be determined to be ‘an act of conspiracy’ by forcing a DNC request not to enforce multiple aspects of Federal voter registration laws and specifically for requirements under Federal law regarding mail in ballots and mail in voter registration requirements.

a.    The Defendant States failed to lawfully administer the voter eligibly rolls.

b.    The Defendant States failed to collect copies of identification documents as required by HAVA pertaining to registration to vote.

c.     The Defendant States failed to collect copies of identification documents as required by HAVA pertaining to mail in ballots at the time of voting.

d.    The Defendant States failed to ask first time mail in voters if they:

i.     had previously registered in another jurisdiction or State, and

ii.     had previously provided identification in that prior State, and

iii.     if they had previously voted in a Federal Election as required in Sec 303 (b) (B)(i) of the Help America Vote Act of 2002.

By failing to conduct the administrative process of the election system, the Defendant States established a ‘two-tier’ voting system through the unequal and uneven application of Federal Law and in so doing the Defendant States failed to protect the liberty interests of all Americans in an equal manner, denying all Americans equal protection of the laws.

C. Fraudulent Certification.

1.    HAVA requires the Defendant States to collect Voter Identification for

a.     all absentee ballots, and 

b.    all first-time voters in a Federal Election, and;

2.    HAVA also requires the Defendant States to maintain voter rolls in a manner compliant with all aspects of HAVA including:

a.    first time voter identification, 

b.    identification records, 

c.     SSN verification for each voter, and 

d.    special ID numbers for each person who lacks an ID when voting to assure no person votes twice, and;

3.    HAVA was providing funds the Defendant States used for the procurement and operation of the electronic voting machines used in the 2020 election, thereby requiring the States to conduct the election in full compliance with all aspects of the Help America Vote Act of 2002.   

a.    The electronic voting machines failed to maintain the voter ID list, and 

b.    failed in the collecting, and

c.     failed verifying, and 

d.    failed affirming voter identification requirements of HAVA.

4.    In the 2020 Election more than 100 Million Ballots were collected in an early voting or absentee / mail in manner. Almost 80 Million of these ballots are from ‘first time by mail Federal voters’. The Defendant States failed to comply with Federal laws requiring:

a.    A first time by mail voter to present a required form of ID verification before a Defendant State election official prior to receiving a ballot, and / or.

b.    Failed to obtain a paper copy of an ID to be verified by a Defendant State election official, and /or

c.     Failed to verify Identification of a first time by mail voter prior to the Ballot being deemed as ‘an eligible ballot’ (See HAVA Sec. 303)

5.    By failing to conduct the 2020 Federal Election the Defendant States using Federal Funds to conduct the election process, failed to meet all of the prerequisites tied to those Federal Funds and in so doing, the Defendant States defrauded the United States Government and the American People.

6.    The Defendant States are fraudulently attempting to certify their State elections, the 2020 Election in a manner which will BE THE WRONG RESULTS and not reflect the will of the U.S. Citizens, and not meet the requirements under Federal Law.

7.    Pursuant to Federal law, the Defendant States violated several aspects of the United States Constitution and Federal Laws that include HAVA and the NVRA in the administration of the election process pertaining to the ‘vote’ itself.

7 December 2020

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Approximately 2 years ago, William Burton (Founder, Burton Awards), called me to discuss Justice Kennedy and need for a renewed Dialogue on Freedom initiative. I agreed, that there was a desperate need for this focus.

In 2003, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Kennedy and the American Bar Association, the leading national organization of the legal profession, launched a special initiative entitled, "Dialogue on Freedom." The initiative, was conducted with the support of the ABA, to foster among our nation's youth the identification and understanding of fundamental American values and those universal moral precepts that all free people share. The terrorist attacks on September 11 underscored the necessity for serious and constant discussions about American civic values and their compatibility with other cultures. Through dialogues in our nation's classrooms, this initiative enabled students to engage in discussion of our shared values as Americans in relation to our identities, our civic traditions, and diverse world cultures. Our values are held in common with many other countries of the world. The underlying theme of the special initiative is whether these values can be seen as offering hope, not a threat, to the rest of the world.

Discussion Topics for the Classroom

Focus Topic 1:

What is the United States Constitution?

1 December 2020

Focus Moves to Use of Defense Technologies from Hammer - Scorecard - Shadownet on U.S. Populations - NATO Allies

Affidavit from DR. NAVID KESHAVARZ-NIA. --

Key excerpt:

"The USIC has developed the Hammer and Scorecard tools, which were released by Wiki Leaks and independently confirmed by Lt. Gen Thomas McInerney (USAF, retired), Kirk Wiebe, former NSA official and Dennis Montgomery, former CIA analyst). The Hammer and Scorecard capabilities are tradecrafts used by US intelligence analysts to conduct MITM attacks on foreign voting systems, including the

Case 2:20-cv-13134-LVP-RSW ECF No. 1-19, PageID.822 Filed 11/25/20 Page 1 of 9

2. Dominion Voting System (DVS) Democracy Suite and Systems and Software (ES&S) voting machines without leaving an electronic fingerprint. As such, these tools are used by nefarious operators to influence voting systems by covertly accessing DVS and altering the results in real-time and without leaving an electronic fingerprint. The DVS Democracy Suite Election Management System (EMS) consists of a set of applications that perform pre-voting and post-voting activities."

26 November 2020

Awaiting lawsuits, hearings, affidavits in all 50 states -- National Voter/Election 2020 Criminal Investigation.

Evidence of COVID-19 Fraud by Johns Hopkins, American Institute for Economic Research.

Focus on profits 188 million tests in the United States, ranging from $100 - $6,000 per test, the tip of the iceberg. -- COVID-19 Not Novel - Immunity Exists in Global Population: HRI: H-II OPSEC, 31 July 2020.

COVID-19 scam viewed as pathway to advance mail in voting, early voting and legislative emergency measures. 36,327 Medical Practitioners – 12,350 Medical and Public Health Scientists, 658,614 Concerned Citizens enraged at negligence and associated devastation. -- Great Barringtton Declaration:


25 November 2020

Jewish People Forgot Lessons from Holocaust

How quickly we forget - Syria: 2008-2016 - Over one million buried in mass graves, chemical weapons attacks, brutilization, torture and rape of women and children, funded by JCOPA, direct financial transfers to the state sponsor of terrorism Iran:IRGC;Hezbollah (Russian joint military command), atrocities compared to the Holocaust by UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon. Syria2012.com --

Picture the scene in the Movie Holocaust II - The Children

“They kept them [hanging] there for 10 to 15 minutes. Some didn’t die because they are light. For the young ones, their weight wouldn’t kill them. The officers’ assistants would pull them down and break their necks,” said a former judge who witnessed such events. -- Mubin Shaikh- - SME, Radicalization & Terrorism Subject Matter Expert.

-- Syria: UN Torture Report on Children: HRI:H-II OPSEC, 10 December 2014. --

If the Jewish people really care about the Holocaust, maybe it's time to stand up for the genocide in Syria (2008-2016.. that continues), holding those that funded that genocide (JCPOA), accountable. Maybe to honor the 6 million who were abandoned by the world in the first Holocaust.... Never Again, happened again. We can't bring back those lost during Holocaust I or now Holocaust 2, but we can begin action to stop the atrocities, and renew an understand of why the Holocaust Museum exists.

The Holocaust Museum failed in it's mission... -- Syria Research Project: U.S. Holocaust Museum.

Note: I understand and appreciate the help Israel provides on the Syrian border, West Bank and region. But allowing JCPOA money transfers to Iran:IRGC:Hezbollah, Russian joint military command with Syria, destabilizing the region and causing a humanitarian and security emergency transitioning over 130 countries into failed, failing or fragile states, is unacceptable.

As for those working to destroy the United States:

24 November 2020

Time to focus on this variable called the Rule of Law

Did you know that experts advised the National Security Council to position the National Guard and Cyber Command to provide oversight of Election 2020, in every precinct of the United States. The focus was to take a snapshot of 3 November 2020 (24 hour period), in response to the systemic vulnerabilities identified in the United States Election System. -- CISA Support - Electronic Fraud Investigation Brief: HRI: H-II OPSEC, Updated, 13 November 2020.

The findings of our criminal investigation includes the following:

1. The foundation of Voter/Election Fraud in the United States is non-eligible voters identified on voter registration lists. We are currently working on collection of this data on the precinct level, in all 50 states. One example of the size, scope and scale of this national crisis discussion comes from the State of Arizona, with over 600,000 non-eligible voters were. This is a reference point for the scope of findings, in each of the 50 states, with admissible evidence on the precinct level. -- Stephen M. Apatow - Formal Press Statement: 15 November 2020. PDF.

See: HAVA Act: Criminal Voter/Election Fraud Investigation: HRI: H-II OPSEC, 24 November 2020.

20 November 2020

Time to End COVID-19 Fraud

Deaths must be verified in CT Scan, on Death Certificate, not presence of virus in co-infection.

Great Barrington Declaration

Endorsed by 35,236 Medical Practitioners – 12,115 Medical and Public Health Scientists, 638,921 Concerned Citizens.

Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity. -- Great Barrington Declaration.

19 November 2020

Insider Threat Metric Identified in Year Long Criminal Voter Election/Fraud Investigation

The foundation of Voter/Election Fraud in the United States is non-eligible voters identified on voter registration lists. We are currently working on collection of this data on the precinct level, in all 50 states. One example of the size, scope and scale of this national crisis discussion comes from the State of Arizona, with over 600,000 non-eligible voters were. This is a reference point for the scope of findings, in each of the 50 states, with admissible evidence on the precinct level. -- Stephen M. Apatow - Formal Press Statement - 15 November 2020.

Who advocated messaging that Election 2020 was the most secure election in United States history? The Insider Threat metric is being viewed as the most important element of what is being termed the Crime of the Century.

-- National Counterintelligence and Security Center: Office for the Director of National Intelligence.

-- Election Fraud Criminal Division: U.S. Department of Justice.

-- U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.

-- National Security Agency

-- CISA: U.S. Department of Homeland Security

-- U.S. Centers For Disease Control

-- National Institutes for Health

-- U.S. Department of Defense

This investigation started last year, delay of disclosure is associated with the Identification of the Insider Threat metric.

15 November 2020

13 November 2020

Voter/Election Fraud - Crime of the Century in the United States

Voter/Election Fraud has been a full scale investigation for one year.

Voter/Election fraud encompasses a criminal investigation priority that began one year ago, around the time of the announcement of COVID-19 (by WHO). The criminal investigation of voter/election fraud began with the analysis of ineligible voters, on voter registration lists by zip code, in all 50 states. That data has not been released yet, but represents the admissible evidence of the macro voter fraud crisis in each state. 

Every voting station in the country should have had cameras on every worker, so that details associated with the processing of each mail-in ballot was documented for verification in the AUDIT (the technical role of the poll watchers). This is now the focus for recounts.

  •  Post-Voting Election Irregularity Inquiries: Office of the U.S. Attorney General, Memorandum for the United States Attorneys, The Assistant Attorneys General for the Criminal Division, Civil Rights Division, National Security Division, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 9 November 2020.

8 November 2020

This was a fundamental defense and national security failure of catastrophic proportions.

Mediating for the humanitarian crisis in Syria since 2011, the picture encompassed progressive spirals. Iran 2009, no one defended the Iranian people and their effort to disconnect from the radicalized IRCG:Hezbollah control element. We made some traction in Libya, with a UN Security Council Resolution, but then we dropped the ball onthe fundamental objective of SSTR (Stabilization, Security Transition and Reconstruction) in a Comprehensive Approach framework. Then we saw the radicalized leadership component in Egypt neutralized by the military, but no one responded in Syria. So the goal to prioritize JCPOA (in Iran), meant we would not only overlook atrocities and war crimes, we would financially support them. So Russian joint military command with Iran, moved into support Assad. Syria was then a strategic reference point or open door to progress with the Invasion, Occupation and Annexation of Crimea. This catastrophic spiral that negatively impacted all 28 NATO ally countries, causing an International and Humanitarian Security Emergency.

Then we have Unconventional Warfare being advanced in the United States by China, Russia and Iran. The associated Information Operations and the coordinated strategy was advanced by state sponsors and state sponsors of terrorism, without containment.

This opened the door for a strategic plan by an Insider Threat element, to advance a 4 phase strategic destructive focus on Election 2020:

The only answer to neutralization of these threats was criminal prosecution, with solid cases that serve as a reference point for public education. This is now the only way to neutralize and reverse this coordinated strategy, that has been embraced by state sponsors and state sponsors to terrorism to destroy America via an Insider Threat facilitated implosion. In this case they win, and take over control of the worlds superpower, thus neutralizing the 28 NATO ally country alliance.

Perhaps it's time to focus on the meaning of Defend The Constitution and role of the United Sates as a leader in the 28 Country NATO alliance, and 194 country global counterterrorism fusion operations.


Stephen M. Apatow

CEO, Humanitarian Resource Institute (UN:NGO:DESA)

H-II OPSEC Expeditionary Operations

Telephone: 203-668-0282

Email: [email protected]

Internet: www.H-II.org


Instagram: HIIOPSEC

InfraGard: FBI ID 10076335

Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) Constituent

Ronald Hanson

Making things happen.

3 年

I believe it's time to move out in an information campaign to change the country. Problem: it will be a Us vs Them rant. But it must be explained, that it's a war already underway, with the masses doing nothing. 750,000 dead in USA and counting. Covid 19

Hon Amb Louise Maher

Hon. Amb. at SENATUS CONSULTUM "Conscriptus Electus" ????

3 年

Stephen M. Apatow there any greater risk to Americans than one which compromises our very Democracy? At any time in our history has there ever been a higher risk to both our personal privacy and to our corporate enterprises and data? For the first time, it appears that our political system, even our individual beliefs about the candidates, has been targeted and is at risk of manipulation.

J. Heath Smith, MBA, M.S.

ALL you're sure you know about "transition" is WRONG! A maverick for the Mission, I'm an Outlier Helping Military Families Avoid Unknown Transition Dangers Using My Liberty Accelerator Framework.????

4 年




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