Why we do, what we do
Humans are very interesting beings. Since the formation of the planet Earth 4.5 billion years ago, to the discovery of fire about 300,000 years ago, humans went from the bottom of the food chain to taming mammoths, lions and elephants much bigger and stronger than them.
The invention of coinage (money) in the Akkadian Empire of Sargon 4000 years ago, and later the mighty empires of Persia and China sealed the dominance and superiority of humans as the most formidable force of the planet – and as per them, possibly the universe.
Humans have an insatiable need to challenge the status quo. To do more. To conquer. To challenge. This has led today, to autonomous cars, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality.
At Kettle & Oak, it is this drive that propels us to do better everyday. When we started in November 2016, we were a team of two, trying to change the business of property management. You will fail, said our competitors and well-wishers. We challenged the status quo. We take care of our clients – and our tenants, relentless, passionately, and with the help of data, analytics and statistics.
It is why we have introduced technology like drones for construction mapping, automated billing and payment options for tenants, maintenance work to reduce tickets by 50%, 24/7 tenant contact center, and free meal programs for our low-income, Section 8 tenants.
Our client roster grows because of this zeal. We have had bumps along the way, and will continue to do so. But one thing that keeps our hearts beating, and our minds working, is how we can improve the business of real-estate. It is why we do, what we do. And we are excited to share this journey with you.
At Kettle & Oak, we are a small team with big ambitions. We are planting acorns along the way that will one day become big oak trees.
Our promise to you is this: We want to build your legacy, today. So share your feedback, your thoughts, your concerns. Let’s build something our future selves will be proud of.
Wishing you success,?
Shabbir & Rashida