Why we can't keep our resolutions?
Imagine a blind man making plans for sightseeing, a deaf person planning to go to a music concert, or a handicapped person looking forward to a high-intensity race. There is something fundamentally wrong with all the above plans.
When we make a new year resolution where we promise to quit smoking or work out more frequently or give up alcohol we are making the same fundamental mistakes that the above examples illustrate.
First of all, one does not need a new year to make resolutions, our only resolution should be to make our minds healthy, once our mind is in a healthy state kicking bad habits becomes second nature, taking up healthy routines and caring for our well being too becomes second nature.
At any given moment we are only as good as the health of our mind, meditation is the mental exercise that helps us make wise decisions in each moment. All the good habits we want to inculcate or the bad ones we want to do away with stem from a healthy mind, one does not need motivational quotes or a new year's eve to get around doing what's best for us.
Doing what's right becomes the most natural thing to do once we get into a regular meditation practice, so the only resolution we need to take care of all other resolution is to resolve to meditate and it can start with practicing 10 minutes a day.
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