“I just can’t seem to stay focused.” This is the most popular phrase I use with myself and commonly hear around. We have dreams, and they’re inspired to be better. But when it comes to working towards the goal, there’s always some distraction, issues, desires & the list goes on.
If you are one like me or face similar problems you just need to find your focus. Focus has physical, mental, and emotional aspects. You’ll need to adopt a more holistic approach that unravels the root cause of focus issues. There are action steps you can take today to improve your powers of concentration and your ability to stay on task, not procrastinate.
Even though it’s only 2% of your total body weight, your brain consumes 20% of your energy. That’s massive demand. And if you’re short on energy, your greedy brain is going to be the first organ to get affected & directly affect mental functioning. You’ll feel brain fog, listlessness, impatience, not the focus you need to pave through your to-do list. There are a few reasons your body may not be producing enough energy.
Once you’ve addressed your energy issues, the mental aspect of focus comes next. Whether you call it discipline or perseverance, the focus is a muscle that strengthens with use.
The first step to increase mental focus is to eliminate distractions. Some are insuperable -- like kids and family. But everything else can be controlled. And the more of them you control, the greater focus you’ll have. Here are a few distractions to cut out or limit immediately: Social media, Aimlessly surfing the web, Texting, Compulsive email checking, TV, Dead-end relationships (romantic or otherwise)
If you’ve struggled with focusing, and you make habits of any of the above, you’ll be shocked at how much more focus you’ll have when you cut them out. You’ll also be amazed at how much time these distractions consume without your being aware.
Meditation, Journaling, Regular exercise, ReadingTaking notes on things that interest you, Having fun often, And sticking to schedules are the best focus builders. If you find your focus first thing in the morning with meditation, or journaling, or schedule, your next decision to stay focused will be much easier. It’s like Tim Ferriss’s popular saying: “Win the morning, win the day.”
So schedule five focus-building activities in your day plus all the things you know you need to accomplish. Make reminders on your smartphone and computer. And when you find yourself bored, or puzzled about what to do, resort to your schedule and your focus-builders. If you look back at the end of a low-focus week and wonder, “What the hell did I do?” then put a microscope on your week and search for the distractions. They’re there and the ultimate cause for the catastrophe.
There are just not three layers for building focus but there is more to it.No one can figure these context-dependent problems with a single article. But these two points I mentioned are the major keys. Hope you gained some knowledge and came to know how to concentrate more on things your mind tells you to do not you tell yourself and liked reading it. If you did, don't forget to like and spread this with your friends!