Why water polo (and any small sport) needs to invest into media. Breakout opportunities against marginalisation.

Why water polo (and any small sport) needs to invest into media. Breakout opportunities against marginalisation.

Having spent 20 years in entertainment and sports media and 30 years in waterpolo as an amateur athlete, I decided to write my firm belief for how the sport I played should evolve in order to avoid marginalisation. For the attention of the water polo community and it's decision makers, below are the sports breakout opportunities:

Water polo, one of the first team sports introduced at the Olympics in 1900, seeks to find new ways to gain attention. To save the game for the future, many insiders suggested numerous versions of changing the sport, modifying the field of play, increasing the pace, making it a summer outdoors sport experience, explaining referee decisions better and so on. While these changes in the game might be necessary, I have a strong opinion that they aren’t enough against losing ground, until the sport also meets the demands of the surrounding modern media environment.?

TODAY THE SUCCESS OF ANY SPORTS ORGANISATION DEPENDS ON THE NUMBER OF EYEBALLS FOLLOWING IT. Where this following actually happens changed dramatically in the last 20 years. From TV and newspapers,? it spread across a huge number of various physical and digital means. The traditional way for how a sports organisation had to operate in the past was about concentrating on performing best on the sports field. If results came, interest came from the media, there were articles, there was a TV broadcast. This has radically changed.?Today, the media environment is totally different, there is a lot more competition for people's attention, there are a lot more topics to cover. It is harder and harder to “be the news”. Anyone wanting to have coverage in the media, has to work for it, more actively than ever.

A sports organisation has to partly become a media organisation and has to learn how to effectively work with external media and also build up their own media. It needs to build out its capabilities to handle a big number of tasks that were non-existent in the past. This is common practice at professional sports leagues and more and more sports, but I believe water polo has not made this transition yet. Not in mindset and not in organisational structures and capabilities either.

The steps I will describe below are going to cost money. However, that's not to be seen as a wasted resource. It needs to be seen as investment to the future, that goes towards building reach to the sport, which will provide its survival. Many often argue that there is no point in investing, as funding of the sport is not based on market conditions. However that's only a half truth: as soon as big enough audiences are following the sport, market driven sponsorship opportunities will open up and the sport can start to move towards a healthier, more market condition driven funding. The key is reaching the audience.

Let's make it clear: water polo will not become soccer or American football in terms of popularity. However it should be able to compete with smaller sports, many of which have actually developed an outstanding media strategy and as a result thrive. If darts or the slapping championship can become popular sports to watch, then why not water polo?

In terms of where to get money for development plans, financing options are always available and are certainly available for an international Olympic sport - given that sport has the right plans on how to build its future. One recent good example is how volleyball attracted a reported $300 million investment from private equity firm CVC Capital Partners.

Also, I need to point out that what I describe is not some kind of future sports business model idea that may or may not happen. This is the present and the work that is being done by all of today’s successful sports ventures. In water polo some seeds of it are visible - mainly around the biggest clubs - but for real effect, it needs to be done and driven in scale from the top, and it needs to be designed to trickle down to all levels.

So let’s get into how to make waterpolo a more attractive (media) product:

Create media departments, employ media professionals

First of all, media capabilities need to be built out. This is not ticked by employing a person in charge of Instagram or a journalist writing articles. It is a complete media department, with experienced decision makers who are able to create and implement strategy and who are able to build and run effective teams and develop business. Important to note that these people need to be more sports media professionals than merely ex water polo players. It does not hurt if someone had experience with the sport, but it's more important to have people who are experienced in running sports media for premier sports outlets. Don’t mix up responsibilities towards ex-athletes while recruiting for jobs - for the retired athletes, create support programs.

Hire people with the right professional background.

Import knowledge from existing professional sports management companies, running the premier sports of the world. These companies are experienced in how to build, distribute and monetise media products, activate rights and create viable sports businesses and can be held accountable for what they are hired for. Some of these top international sports agencies include SportFive, IMG, Elevate, etc.

Also create a digital-first, data driven culture

Data-driven organisations are those which implement data analytics tools to drive better business decisions. While revenue generation is key, what’s often misunderstood is just how cost-effective investment in data-driven technologies can be and the savings organisations could be making by adopting a digital-first, data-driven culture.?

The media teams need to be able to handle all the following:


These are the tasks a media team has to handle in order to build better reach in external media outlets. As said, the times when performance on the pitch resulted in media appearances, are over. In today's media, one gets what they work for.

Create a better TV experience

The TV broadcast of water polo is not particularly appealing for today's spectator who is used to high levels of visually attractive action through other forms of entertainment (and sports). As the broadcasting format was pretty much developed in the 1960’s, let's look into how that could be improved. Work with TV production experts of professional sports, entertainment professionals, and maybe video game experts to come up with ways of making the game broadcast more appealing to the modern viewer. Is that quicker cuts, more cameras, more closeups, more slow motion, more underwater, more action, more and better infographics and statistics? Or the opposite? Maybe it's not the game that needs to change, but the way it is presented on TV?

Revolutionise the way water polo is presented on TV.

Broadcast strategy - Maximise Reach - WITH A RADICAL MOVE

Water polo broadcast is not a popular media product at the moment. As it doesn’t attract significant audiences, the broadcast rights can not be sold for a significant revenue. Typically the broadcast rights are still awarded to a sports TV network, resulting in a serious limitation on potential maximum reach (only available on the given sports tv network), excluding a significant part of the population from the ability to view. The result:


So here is a suggestion for a radical and bold move, to reverse the negative spiral. Invest into reach and popularity which can lead to growth in revenues in the mid/long term:

  • Fund the high quality broadcast production of every significant game and keep the rights.
  • Push the broadcast to every available platform. Give it for free to TV channels. Make deals with social platforms, Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, Snap, TikTok, Instagram, etc to broadcast and promote. Make deals with streaming platforms, Amazon Prime, Rakuten TV, Roku, DAZN, etc.?Build reach.
  • Push further funding into the marketing of these broadcasts and spend money on promotion on the platforms for attracting viewers. Build reach.


Run above for 3-5 years, so that investment and time will DRAMATICALLY INCREASE the viewership of waterpolo globally. As that happened, keep on pushing further, but start to bring in significant sponsorship money against the by then serious viewing for 2-3 years. After that, keep on collecting sponsorship money, but also leverage the already increased popularity of the content, and start selling the broadcast rights for now significant revenues. Full circle.?Now we have:


PR - Provide content

Currently only a handful of dedicated, independent water polo news portals publish regular articles about the sport. Journalists of the bigger, mainstream portals hardly pick water polo as their topic. Nowadays the best chance for a piece of news to get published is to deliver the text and images readily to the journalist. So what's required is to build press lists and send them ready made content regularly, text, photos, narratives, stories and statistics. Form strategic relations with key news outlets, make agreements that guarantee coverage, if content is provided.

Feed the media with content they can use.

Ease the work of journalists

Make water polo the sport that's easiest to report on for journalists - create easy to access, user friendly databases, provide photos, infrastructure, graphics material and written content.

Make waterpolo easy to report about.

Plan annual media appearances

Set goals for what medium, with what frequency media appearances are wanted at. Identify what has to be done to achieve that, who is responsible, what resources they can use, in what time. Without precise planning, the work towards media can often take a back seat when resources are scarce.

Who fail to plan, plan to fail

Build stars

Identify the players whose personality naturally makes them suitable for significant social following. ? Position and build top players as the toughest athletes among any athletes (this is an existing narrative about water polo that could be strengthened and built upon). Talent management probably works best when outsourced to external talent agencies, who are made interested in the (media) performance of the player and invest into building their public profile actively. Create an ecosystem where external organisations will work and thrive while working for the long term goals of water polo.

Build the stars of the sport.


The media landscape evolved in a way that made the barrier of entry to owning media much lower. Hence a media team needs to be able to maintain and manage a number of its own media in order to engage with the potential fans most effectively.

Create the right social media presence

In order to attract attention, a brand needs to go where their desired viewers are. So identify the social platforms where the target demographic of the sport is mainly present and concentrate on those with platform specific communication goals and plans. Use youthful platforms to drive the appetite of youth for the sport and use more general platforms to provide general information. See more about content strategy at TV broadcast recommendations.

Leverage social media right

Build the right global water polo website for fans

What is the current best website that fans from around the world can visit to access water polo content in an organised, structured and searchable way? It’s non-existent or is run by small independent and dedicated teams or people, but the water polo governing bodies don’t seem to have one. Appreciate and support the independent sites, because currently they do most for distributing water polo content. But also create own water polo brands and build the right media products for access to premium content, articles, interviews, photos, video. Build a water polo web destination

Build a global video destination

To complete the maximum reach broadcast strategy, build a video destination site that can be accessed across all platforms (mobile, smart TV, web, gaming console, etc), and provide access to all key games globally. Set access strategies in line with the maximum reach broadcast strategy, offering the content for free, then later for payment. See examples of NBA League Pass and NFL Game Pass, or any other sports league Direct To Customer service. At this destination video site clear the rights for and create the biggest and best searchable water polo game archive. It is good to see the LEN Champions League site streaming games, so at least existing hard-core fans have a way to follow games now. But it’s not good enough to attract new audiences, it's not easy to find, discoverability of content is weak, and it’s not user friendly enough to meet the high standards today's media viewer is used to. An own video service will also become a major revenue driver by time. According to market research published by Ampere Analysis, covering 1,300 rights agreements, subscription OTT will make up an estimated 20 percent of all sports rights expenditure across major European territories in 2022.

Create the video destination for water polo.

Build brands

Brands are simple and powerful. Create an attractive and modern graphics package and branding for international water polo. Assist national water polo associations to create brands of their league (as Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, etc). One good water polo example is USA Water Polo. Help lower ranking organisations, clubs, teams etc in their brand building and communication.?

Build brands that stick in people’s minds.

Leverage the popularity of aquatics

Swimming is a sport with serious viewing and following and cross promotion is a great way to introduce one product to someone who already is engaged with a related product. Create connections between the sports for swimming fans getting to know waterpolo as well. Promote water polo games around swimming competitions, create content that features swimming and water polo players, create ticket bundles (give less attended water polo tickets to people who buy swimming tickets), etc.

Use the popularity of swimming

These are most of the action items water polo should be doing. And there will be a lot more. The number of new technologies entering the sports market will be enormous in the next few years. Sports that do not follow the leaders of the industry will soon look more old fashioned and outdated than ever. But first comes first: catch up first into the modern media world and by the time that happens, the right tech solutions will also be more clear to see.

The responsibility of the sport’s decision makers and leaders is not to learn and execute above. Their responsibility is to understand the requirements that the modern media environment demands, create the funding and find the right people who can carry out that (not so small) job. Look at ways to attract people from professional sports to bring their experience.

Investment into media alongside the right strategy will result in an increase in popularity. Popularity can be exchanged for revenues.?

For the sports leaders, this is their opportunity to build on top of this sport with a beautiful heritage, and write history while bringing water polo to the 21st century.

The author is Gergo Szabo, a media consultant and business owner who has been involved in water polo in numerous ways in the last 30 years.

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Tibor Seress

Teacher, Water Polo Coach and Sports Manager

7 个月

There is a lot to do within the sport besides the media-related issues Geri, which by the way, I completely agree with. Our rules must be clearer and better adjusted for entertainment purposes so that people can understand and connect with the sport of water polo. It is not easy, and I have no real solutions as a coach, but the media “developments” suggested by you could help make people think about the potential changes we must make to market our sport better!

Ulvi Ahmadli

Cloud Security Engineer at MSCI | Msc in Cyber Secuirty

1 年

Hello , how can i contact with you?

Olaf Sjerp

Woodside Site Representative (WSR) in the offshore decommissioning project

2 年

Thanks Grego Great article. The continuing high cost for individuals to compete also inhibites the expansion of the sport. It needs better/more funding (govt sporting bodies) to allow the sport to become a national sport like its is in Eastern Europe.

Giorgio Scala

Writing History on the Water

2 年

I totally agree with each single word. My company, DBM, has been involved in water polo for a long time and we managed to build photo, video, sport presentation, social media and web site for Champions League. It was a tough job, especially considering the difficulties to build a network with the other media content providers. But I'm quite sure that water polo people has appreciated the effort and the communication improvement. There's still a lot to do and your document is a very good starting point. ??♂?


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