Why wait for Retirement?
Emma Sidney
Helping mission-led experts to develop a product suite that sparkles so they can increase their income and impact using my Feel Good Funnels framework | Feel Good Business Design DIY £99, Group £199, 1:1 £500 Beta
I hear so many people sharing their dreams or commenting on posts of people who are doing amazing things saying I'd love to do that but......
I'm just too busy, I have a mortgage, family etc and then "I'll wait until I retire."
A lot of the time these excuses (yep here's a little brutal honesty) - are a sign of fear and possible a lack of self worth and that's OK, because once you realise they are excuses you can do something about the blocks that are getting in the way.
When I decided to move to Devon it was on the back of a conversation with a coaching friend of mine who literally had to break through every single one of my excuses and I've gone through a lot of healing and self development. This is a common feeling for us all.
The reason to make the change needs to be greater than the reason not to, and sometimes we have to have a long hard conversation to get there.
It's very important to have a strong vision because that is such a driver, however change is a challenge. It can sometimes be a hard challenge, take hard work and believe me I've had to apply every single technique and tactic to achieve the changes in my life because it has pushed my boundaries and it's been scary.
I've made decisions to sacrifice my focus on some areas of my life, such as hobbies, including exercise over the last 2 years because I've been focusing elsewhere and the number of times I've said "I can handle this" is into the thousands.
Overall it's been worth it and I will continue on this journey of change forever (although I'd like to stay in one house for a few years as I've moved 3 times in 2 years), because I'm worth it! It's also getting easier over time, although will always require effort, consistency and sometimes hard work.
When I worked for a Council in the Midlands there was a 35 year old Director who I audited a few times, he was a runner and had a young family. One day he was out for a run and he had a heart attack and died. Hearing this was one of many turning points for me because I realised life was too short not to follow my dreams. I didn't know what my dreams were at the point, I just knew something was missing and that's been a big part of my journey. My dreams will change as I grow and change (and have actually changed) which is why we do need to keep checking in with our vision and keep working towards it but with balance (not pressure).
In this video I discuss the change that retirement can bring - and to be honest it's applicable at any age although focused on planning what to do with the change retirement brings and how you can start living your retirement today.
You can live your retirement at any age because it's your life for you to shape, and if you wish to do this my Change Maker Workbook - Thrive is perfect for you....Learn More
I'm also starting to develop focused workbooks and as I've been talking to people who are approach retirement or who have retired I've realised the importance of having clear goals for this stage of our lives - it's the pace and nature of life which may change and there's definitely a perfect opportunity to shape your perfect retirement so I've written a workbook just for that - it's 56 pages and focused on transitioning and making your retirement the best years of your life - Purchase today - learn more at the above link.