Why wait?
Why wait?
A lot of us, myself?very much?included, tend to find a million reasons to?wait?to do something.
Wait to start a new business.
Wait to quit a soul-sucking job.
Wait to start a new fitness program.
Wait to write, to dance, to ask that person out, to pick up a new craft, to learn a new skill…
The question is, why are you (we) waiting?
(The answers are dynamic of course, as with all things individualistic)
The root reason though is…?we’re scared.
Scared we’ll fail.
Scared we’ll suck.
Scared we’ll get rejected.
Scared we’ll make a fool of ourselves.
Scared of what other people will think of us…
Now, are all of those perfectly fair reasons to be scared?
Absolutely. No one?likes?to fail, suck, get rejected, be made a fool, etc.
But here’s the thing (two things) most people (myself included, until recently) don’t fully consider…
Ouch, right?
My belief is that if it’s on your mind, it’s on it for a reason…
Whether you believe in a higher power or not, our visions, our dreams, our desires…
They are not accidents.
As a matter of fact, I believe our visions, dreams, and desires are our future self's way of talking to us.
Whispering to us in the night, “hey, you know you could do this right? What if you just tried it?”
Alas, my hope for you is this:
If you’ve had a lil’ something on your mind you’ve been wanting to go for—just go for it.
At least try it out for god’s sake.
But don’t wait until “the right time” to do so.
The right time is the present.
Why? Because it’s all we have.
So start today. At least give it a damn try...
No “what if’s” left behind,
Something for your pocket: Nothing kills a dream like waiting for the perfect moment to pursue it.