Nick James
Helping Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Get To £1m+ A Year And Beyond Via The UK’s Leading Business Masterminds and Events. Our Masterminds Range From £8,500 To £48,000 Per Year.
I noticed a lot of posts yesterday urging people to vote for ‘policies over personalities’
And for me, that’s just BS.
Here’s the simple reason why:
One without the other, just doesn’t work.
Of course, the ideal scenario for us as voters, is to have a viable option with policies AND the personality we can get behind.
But a vote for a policy you believe in, without a leader who you believe in, is pointless.
As is a vote for a great leader with a policy you fundamentally disagree with.
So what’s the solution?
As hard as it is to accept, politics is about compromise.
We can’t all get what we want.
If there was a ‘perfect choice’ we’d all vote for it!
But there isn’t.
And there never will be.
So politics is always about compromise
The way I see it, yesterday there were 2 choices:
1. Vote for what you see as the ‘best imperfect option’ (because remember - perfect doesn’t exist)
2. Don’t vote at all/spoil ballot paper (which is also a choice you’re completely entitled to)
Whilst none of the policies/personalities I had to choose from yesterday are perfect, I did have a preferred option, which I voted for.
I’d hoped you'd have done the same.
That doesn’t mean you were saying “I supported this option 100%”
I actually don’t think anyone does.
But it means you’re having your say, at the very least.
Everyone is entitled to their own choice. And that should be respected.
Oh, and one more thing...
Whether the vote yesterday gave us:
A labour majority
A conservative majority
A hung parliament
Or something else
Whether we:
Left the EU with no deal
Left with the deal on the table
Or end up remaining after a 2nd referendum
YOUR ACTIONS will have a far greater impact on your business, your finances, and your life than anything else.
Regardless of what decisions politicians make, YOU can make YOUR OWN choices.
Choices about your health.
Choices about your career/business
Choices about your relationships
And yes - choices about your finances.
If you want to make 2020 your best year yet (regardless of politics lol!) then I’d like to invite you to attend ‘2020 VISION’ on 11/12 Jan in London.
Myself, Ryan Pinnick, Tony Vee and Nicki Vee will be sharing the very best of what we know when it comes to creating magic in your life next year.
It’s free to attend and you can get your ticket here: