Why is Vitamin D deficiency prevailing in Luxembourg?

Why is Vitamin D deficiency prevailing in Luxembourg?

Vitamin D?deficiency is highly prevalent amongst?Adults?in?Luxembourg?and is associated with specific lifestyle factors. The research says that more than?80%?of adults have an inadequate level of vitamin D. Several potential factors have contributed to the relatively high prevalence of vitamin D
The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was greater among?underweight, obese people, smokers and also people with undetected disease conditions..

Let's see how Vitamin D affects every Organ & how to manage them :

I think you will be quite blown away by how broad vitamin D affects the different organs and different tissues typically when we think about vitamin D we think about bone or maybe the immune system. But actually, you will be quite surprised by the different areas the vitamin D affects. Actually quite fascinating!

Vitamin D receptors are almost in every single cell if not every single cell of your entire body because vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin it penetrates the membrane and goes right to the centre of the cell to the nucleus. It has huge effects on the cell. In reality, vitamin D is not a vitamin it’s a hormone. It has been extensively studied. If you explore the internet there are around 64k research studies/ reviews on vitamin D. So there are lot of people who looked at this vitamin D extensively. It’s the most important fact of the vitamin of any other vitamin.

In fact 3 to 4% of genome is influenced by vitamin D. Geneome are the genes in our body which are all tightly packaged. If we took your genes and unwrapped them and extended them like a string it will go from here to the moon and back. So we have a lot of genes. 3 to 4% of those genes are influenced by Vitamin

We are going to go through all the different tissues and body parts and tell you about how Vitamin D influences these parts and your body. Let us start with?Brain.?If you have Vitamin D deficiency, you will not sleep at night. Vitamin D helps the circadian rhythm it helps the sleep centres in your brain and that centre is called the super charismatic nucleus not that you need to know that but it's kind of a cool word. So whether you have sleep apnea or you just have insomnia or you get up in the middle of the night because you have high cortisol like a 2’O clock , vitamin D can greatly help you and many studies recommend taking Vitamin D before bed. Vitamin D majorly influences the cognitive part of your brain like the part of the brain that helps you remember things and that helps you concentrate.?Alzheimer's, Parkinson’s, Dementia?there’s always a Vitamin D deficiency and then we have your mood is greatly influenced by vitamin D. Think about in the?winter what happens? You have the seasonal affective disorder. You have?depression. Why? Because you don’t get the sun and you don’t get the vitamin D and then you get depressed. You get the blues, and you're sad I mean think about how vitamin D must be to your body if you can convert sun through

your skin and make your own vitamin D from the cholesterol lining in your tissue. You don’t need to eat anything to get vitamin D.?You just need to expose your skin to the sun. So if you have anxiety or are especially depressed you need to take more vitamin D and it will raise your mood and it can also help your memory as well.

All right now what about your?hair? If you are deficient in vitamin D your hair is going to be very dry it's going to be brittle you are not going to be able to produce the numbers of hair because the growth of hair is dependent on vitamin D and you may have early grey and you may experience hair loss during stress that’s a certain condition or hair loss during menopause or you may develop an autoimmune disease alopecia and that can cause these patches of your hair to fall out. So if you can control the inflammation you can control the disease and vitamin D is probably one of the most potent anti-inflammatories or natural anti-inflammatories the scalp of your hair if you are deficient in vitamin D you will be more predisposed to getting psoriasis and even eczema on your skin.

So now let's just talk about the?skin?in general. People who get acne are usually always low in vitamin D. It can decrease inflammation on your skin, it can help prevent vitiligo where you have this whitening or a lack of pigment on your skin. People with vitiligo are always deficient in vitamin D if you are low in vitamin D your risk of getting skin cancer like melanoma goes dramatically up.

What bout the?Sinuses? Sinuses all have receptors for vitamin D and then if you are deficient in vitamin D you can have a stuffy nose, you can have sinusitis and the reason why the vitamin D is in the nose is to protect you against viruses that are coming in through the nasal passages and so we need vitamin D for the immune system which is the next thing we want to talk about the thymus gland which is right in the top of the heart is the training camp for your t-cells and as you age your thymus gland shrinks and so does your immune system. So the thymus gland desperately needs vitamin D to help virtually every part of your immune system. Every part of the immune system has vitamin d receptors. So you have the b cells t cells you have both the innate immune system which you are born with as well as the acquired immune system needs vitamin D as well. Vitamin D helps control the cytokine storm. It helps control certain autoimmune diseases developing. it helps control the self-attack which is involved in autoimmune disorders it's an immune modulator so it helps buffer an over-reactive immune system that’s why it's good for allergies as well and it also helps keep viruses in check. It decreases the risk of getting viral infections so as far the immune system vitamin D is the most important nutrient.

Eyes?- If you are susceptible to getting cataracts vitamin D can help to slow down that process. Vitamin D deficiencies are associated with macular degeneration, glaucoma and especially dry eyes.

Now as far as the?thyroid?which is located right in on your neck two and a half inches wide, the most common thyroid condition is hashimotos like 90% all hypothyroid type conditions is autoimmune. Its hashimotos and vitamin d is the best natural remedy for any autoimmune problem in all because it drops

inflammation and if you didn’t have inflammation when you had any type of

autoimmune disease your complications of the side effects would be very minimal

because the side effects occur cause of this autoimmune. Your body is attacking

itself . So hashimotos and graves disease both autoimmune once a hypo problem

with the thyroid can greatly benefit from vitamin D .

Teeth?- If you do not have vitamin D, you will not be able to drive the calcium into the bone. If you are deficient in Vitamin D as a little child or a baby inside your mother and you are deficient in vitamin D unfortunately you can develop all sorts of bone malformations later on life or earlier in life as problems with the maxillary bone so you have an overbite or an underbite or you gonna need to braces because your teeth are crooked or you might have missing teeth and it doesn't just affect your teeth it affects the entire skeletal system. You are more susceptible to getting scoliosis which is like an s-curve of your spine or a hunchback which is kyphosis or an exaggerated low back curve which is lordosis or even flat feet or bowed legs which is rickets. So without vitamin D the bone is softer and it malformed & this can be devastating for a child the way they look and their confidence and in later in life, if they get surgery on their overbite or underbite that’s traumatic. So all these can be majorly prevented if the mother gets vitamin D early on when she is pregnant and when she is breastfeeding when they are developing.

Asthma?can be improved very quickly in a child if they are playing in the sun and Vitamin D is important for the lungs too and its great for lung infections like pneumonia, bronchitis, any type of inflammatory condition in your lungs, Vitamin D should be at the top of the list. Also, vitamin D keeps viruses in remission and is awesome for things like COPD and cancer of your lungs.

Muscles?too require Vitamin D and if you don’t have enough vitamin D your muscles are not going to recover. exercised muscle cramps is why because vitamin D helps control calcium and calcium is involved in the contraction and relaxation of your muscles. It might not be electrolytes causing your camps it could be the vitamin D that helps you absorb one of these electrolytes and you also need magnesium when you take vitamin D. they both work together. Magnesium is also very important in muscle physiology. So to get rid of achy muscles or cramping muscles or weak muscles you need vitamin D .

The?adrenal glands?which is called the cortex is cortisol and cortisol work very similar to vitamin D and they both are powerful anti-inflammatories they both help your immune system and if you have high levels of cortisol you are going to also need more vitamin d . So vitamin D is very very important for the adrenal gland and helps the adrenal glands to work. . If you have high levels of cortisol you are going to lose vitamin D and the demand for vitamin D goes straight up and vertical.

Pancreas?– the cells that make insulin called the eyelids of langerhan. These beta cells require vitamin D to make insulin and if you have an autoimmune disease like type1 diabetes it could have been set up or your body can be very susceptible to getting that condition if you are low in vitamin D and if you have that condition then the vitamin D is very very important.

Heart?- A huge association between coronary heart disease and low vitamin D has been found. Vitamin D helps keep the inflammation low inside your coronary arteries also the topic of high blood pressure. Vitamin D is one of the best things to drop blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure it's guaranteed that you are low in vitamin D. Taking Vitamin D will reduce the risk of getting a stroke and also having other problems with the kidney and heart.

Liver?– Vitamin D helps insulin in absorbing other nutrients as well, especially calcium. There is a high association with low vitamin D when you have a fatty liver and there is a high association if you have inflammation in your liver as in hepatitis with low vitamin D .

Kidney?– you are more susceptible to getting stones if you are low in vitamin D and the kidney is one of the last stops for Vitamin D in its conversion. So if you have any kidney damage you are not going to be able to convert vitamin d as well.

Lacking Vitamin D causes bone pain, especially pain in your lower back. Vitamin D and vitamin k12 work together. Especially to strengthen your teeth and your bones. So make sure both are taken together.


Vitamin D deficiency can be effectively treated through oral repletion, exposure to Sun and adequate intake of a healthy diet.

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