Why Vision Boards Shouldn’t Be Deemed Just Another Fad & How to Create One with Measurable Results
LaNell Silverstein
Business Performance Advisor delivering HR solutions that help businesses succeed | High-performance coach, trainer, & speaker
There are two types of people in this world: those who make New Year’s resolutions and those who make a face at the very thought. (Careful, such expressions can cause wrinkles. Just sayin’.) I identify with the former. Moreover, when executed correctly, setting goals at the start of the year can produce remarkable results. The most effective way, not just in my opinion—but in science’s opinion as well—is by creating a Vision Board. Once deemed a fad based on new-age philosophy, neuroscientists and entrepreneurs alike are proving that using a Vision Board actually works. And why do I recommend making yours at the start of the new year? Because that’s when we feel most hopeful, most motivated, most resolute.
It’s Less About The Law of Attraction & More About The Law of Action
Vision Boarding is both an art and a science. According to Tara Swart, a neuroscientist—who prefers the term “Action Board” to “Vision Board” or “Attraction Board”—creating a collage to help you achieve success actually involves several neuro-processes. Similar to how positive self-talk works, images embed themselves in your psyche and create new neural pathways. “The brain assigns a higher value to images than to written words on a to-do list, and the more you look at those images, the more those images move up in importance,” Swart says.
Moreover, according to behavioral scientist and neuro-linguistic programming practitioner, Trixie Esquerra, our Reticular Activating System (RAS)—the part of the brain responsible for filtering out all the irrelevant-to-us data we take in every day to prevent information overload—is also involved. The more you look at your Vision Board, the more your subconscious mind is going to seek out those opportunities and filter out any distractions.
Another compelling reason to use a Vision Board is because it reduces the stress associated with taking action. This enables you to embrace opportunity: “Normally, when you try something new,” Swart says, “the body has a stress response, releasing cortisol and adrenaline; however, when you repeatedly look at images related to your goals, your brain no longer sees them as new.”
And that’s why I like to tell my clients: “See it as if it already is!” In fact, a survey done by TD Bank showed that one in five small business owners use a Vision Board. So does Oprah.
How to Make an Effective Vision Board
1. Use a corkboard, so it’s easier to update and create a layout that truly resonates. Better yet, frame it so that your subconscious knows you’re serious.
2. Place a photograph of yourself in the middle and arrange your collage from left to right so that your brain “reads it” like a book, i.e., the story of you living your best life! And if there’s a person you’d choose to play you in the “movie version,” consider cutting your head out of a photo and taping it onto an image of his/her body and placing that in the center.
3. Involve all five senses: Pin up photographs and magazine images that speak to you; inspirational quotes; significant objects (another reason to use a corkboard); something that has a meaningful scent to it; and your handwritten vision/action plan because studies also show that writing down our goals involves the “hand-brain connection,” which ignites both the left side of our brain (creative) and the right side of our brain (logical) as well as our frontal lobe—the part of the brain nominated for converting goals into habits with the added bonus of releasing dopamine (a feel-good neurotransmitter).?
How to Convert Your Vision Board into Your New Identity
1. Every time you look at it, visualize not only how your vision makes you feel, but also visualize yourself taking action toward achieving your goals.
2. Look at your Vision Board before bed. (According to Swart, if you focus on something during this lucid period, it will dominate your dreams and thought patterns. That is—when we sleep, our subconscious goes into problem-solving mode; if you tell it what you want, it’ll get to work on that!)
3. Involve your sixth sense, too! When you’re busy visualizing and taking action, trust that yes, the universe (or your RAS/subconscious) is on your side.
If you want to take your project a step further, take a photo of your Vision Board and look at it on your phone throughout the day and/or print it and put it in your day planner—Freedom Mastery* actually makes one with a built-in Vision Board—or wallet. In fact, I once met someone who kept a hundred-dollar bill in his wallet to attract wealth. Similar concept.
Convinced? Great! Feel free to post your Vision Board in the “comments” section and start the process of putting your vision out into the world. It will likely inspire others…and maybe even attract the attention of someone who can help you bring one (or more) of your goals to fruition!?
*If you’re interested in checking out the Freedom Mastery planner, I ordered mine from FreedomMastery.com, but it’s also available on Amazon. (Note: I am not affiliated with FM in any way nor will I receive any sort of commission from your purchase.)