Why are viruses so hard to deal with?

Written as a draft early April 2020 - a year ago, still a draft or may be a teaser for more as missinformation was often missleading rather than bring accurate knowledge. I am still frustrated, so please respond if you feel that it is wrong. There is a lot more!

COVID-19, corona, physics, behaviors, myths and some reflections and thoughts - About some to think about and learn to know our invisible enemy and make the invisible more understandable.

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Out of the covid box thinking.

The world has come close to a total standstill due to a virus, a deadly particle, so small that you can′t even see it with even the best eyes or with the best light microscope.

Hence the virus has the power to lame the world. We would all benefit from solutions that could prevent or at least minimize the effect of virus and pandemia.

Today′s situation is what we can expect to be repeated, not only as it is, but we can most probably expect far worse, may be not with only one, but with several simultaneous different viruses that we need to deal with. Horror to come and in reality!

We who have, or believe to have some to bring to the table, have an obligation to take advantage of multiple disciplines, look broadly for solutions and put them into work. Solutions that we do not know of today, but with increased work and the spread of knowledge and ideas; we can together create what could be necessary for human survival. Take a look over the borders from health care to such as advanced semiconductor industry and find similar problems and learn!

Some facts, some thoughts, some right and probably some wrong, but more than some to reflect and scrutinize upon. If we just sit inactive without trying to find out what to do both in long time for what may come and how to survive, nothing will happen. Is being inactive to participate in genocide of the human?

This is a war we all have to fight against something we have difficulties to identify and understand.

We have to question all statements (inclusive this), look for new approaches, let the fear of being criticized diminish and start a creative dialogue with whom it ever may be, from wherever they come and whatever they say. Solutions are seldom easy to see in a world of conservative thinking. 

We have to be prepared for the future and we can′t read about the solutions as they are not written yet!

They are being created by an us all, in a unanimous crowd with individual contributions together forming what will be various future solutions. Can we learn from other disciplines and have a more multidisciplinary view or how can we be vigilant and avoid something we don’t understand or see? Should we perhaps learn from the industries like the semiconductor manufacturers that make the chips for you mobile phones and computers? If the semiconductor industry has had the same attitude to clean environment necessary for the manufacturing as there is in many of the “clean areas” used for medical treatment, you would not have had any smart phones.  

We all have an obligation, to within the capability of everyone, to do our best to find solutions to minimize the effects, stop death and ease pain. Take advantage of what already is used in other areas. Learn to know some more about your enemy and then there is a lot more to learn!

Pro Utilitate Hominum. – For the best of mankind.   


Polio is still there despite some 2,5 billion people have been vaccinated only by Rotary! A quarter of the world population! Polio is most likely to remain in the world for a long time even if annually it is down to some tens a year from millions when vaccination was introduced in late 1950-ies. Typical fatality was about 5% and with a disability rate of up to 60% of infected.

Polio is caused by a virus that also can spread by air and inhalation. It is in many ways a new problem. Not only the virus itself, but the spread of the virus due to our fast changing and in many ways new society. Crossing the globe in hours travelling, part of the luggage we carry is virus that then invades the globe in days. This may be the very best example of the chaos theory like the butterfly effect, but in reality. We may have heard of the example of butterfly who′s wings initiated a world disaster by the creation of an avalanche effect. By looking and taking advantage from other areas we may bring better understanding to some of the phenomena already taken care of in industries far away from medical care. May be by looking at pharmaceutical and med tech industries with their high standards of particle free production gets us closer to understand the mechanisms of the physical spreading. Fighting the virus requires multidisciplinary efforts beginning with cross science boarder knowledge, open minds and the broad experience from various areas that may not at a first glance seems to be relevant. But as there are no earlier substantial records of similar events, we cannot close the doors for any possible suggestion in order to stop or minimize the effect of the decease.   Some to think about how to defeat an invisible enemy.

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Some seldom mentioned basic facts about the virus:

Size that is very hard to understand makes the issue very abstract as we do not have any references. We do not have any relation to what is very small or very huge. Atoms and the universe are typically what we have no references to. The size of the corona COVID-19 is about 60-70 nm (nanometer, millionths of a millimeter), equal to about 600-700 hundred hydrogen atoms and equal to approximately of 1/1000th of the diameter of a human hair.

It has a fat based shell with corona spikes that consists of proteins that act as keys to open up cells for the virus to enter. It most likely originates from a mutant animal virus and seems to have appeared in the Wuhan city in China late 2019. It then spread throughout the world with numerous infected and deaths that we all are somewhat aware of.

Play with some thoughts and put the virus into relation to physics and not only medical and physiological aspects. A virus does not infect until it reaches, penetrates and vegetate in a receiving cell. A virus has to be transported from where it is “born” in a living cell to another living cell to infect, multiply and cause the disease. Virus spread is viral logistics!

The size of a typical human cell is about 2-120 micrometer. Put that into relation to a virus and realize that human cells are about 25 to 200 (2-120 microns) times bigger, clearly visible in an optical microscope. Today’s semiconductors smallest structures are just around 5 nm. In your mobile phone there are millions of structures of that size to make it work. The size of the structures is 10 to 15 times smaller than the virus that would ruin the production if they contaminate the small silicon chips.

If, during the manufacturing process particles of a virus size should spread and contaminate the manufacturing site there would not have been any phone for you! So, there are industries that have solved the problems of contamination of very small particles, far smaller than the Covid-19 virus. The advanced manufacturing industry has to use whatever methology and practical solutions to achieve the products that we all use and depend on in our daily life. Advanced manufacturing is based on a holistic philosophy, where every small detail in the process is of importance. It is a delicate combination of technologies; architecture with production lay out, process flow cleaning processes for both products and manufacturing facilities etc. On top of that comes the human behavior to maintain everything clean. The process of personal hygiene, dressing and undressing clean room dresses, entering rooms, keeping different zones for different purposes without mixing them, placing different materials and tools etc. not to contaminate.

So knowledge about how to operate has to be marinated throughout the production organization.

The knowledge is there to be used in several other instances and in the health care world, but it requires acceptance from the medical people. The medical world has had its focus towards bio and bioactive material such as bacteria and virus, where advanced Nano-manufacturing have had one of their focuses on anything that could contaminate. If then general public knowledge can be added it would make understanding more wide spread and probably virus less spread.

Physics and not physiology

Do we know the actual spreading mechanism or do we just assume we do and take the precautions from what we think and not by broad knowledge? Numerous of questions are not yet answered. Some will be answered and some will still be unknown for a long time to come. The virus is so small that it has to be compared with the smallest particles in our daily environment.  Inside the body is it very humid and fairly well controlled. It is here the replication takes place and the spreading of viruses’ starts. Outside the body it is very much different. Air is the basic element, but then it becomes complex. Temperature, light, relative humidity, wind, pollutants probably affects spreading. Pressure and some other conditions do probably not affect so much.

 Water droplets

In metrology you can find information about small water drops. Mist and drizzle has drop sizes between 1 and 10 micrometer. Such water drops can be carried by very low velocity air streams and can by that be transported many kilometers with a load of encapsulated viruses. A one micrometer droplet can hold tens of thousands of viruses. The lateral velocity for typical cloud drops falling to the ground is between 1 and 25 cm/sec. So, if you cough or sneeze, their water droplets, dependent of size, can easily travel a few meters without losing to much of altitude. 

Water and air

Air humidity can probably affect life span of a virus as the virus most probably can “dry out” if the humidity is very low. Relative humidity of less than around 50% makes the air non electrically conductive and if particles, and if viruses can be considered to be particles, are electrically charged, the viruses can be “hanging freely” in the air for a long time without falling to the ground. You have probably all observed the presence of dust in a light ray, where the dust stays in about the same position without dropping despite they are larger. If relative humidity is above the same percentage, the air becomes electrically conductive allowing particles to drop down. Most or probably all viruses emanating from exhaled air are contained in small droplets of water that are multiple times larger than the viruses themselves. Wearing a face mask will capture viruses, but not as single ones but contained in the droplets being so much larger that they can be captured by the filter fabric. Such fabrics has a typical filtering capacity to catch and hold particles larger than about 0,3 micrometers (300nm).

Single viruses are about one fifth of that and can easily pass the filter, but water droplets containing viruses are far larger and by so at least temporarily will be captured by the filter. BUT, if the droplets are in a lower humidity environment with lower water vapor pressure than the droplet, the droplet will “dry out” and “release the viruses. Then the filters lose their ability to capture the viruses!

 Air condition?

What happens if you turn on air condition to “blow out” air with viruses from a room. In summer when the outside air is warm it holds more moisture, water, has a high relative humidity. When it comes to winter with air condition where cold air is drawn from outside and heated, the relative humidity decreases causing air to become non-conductive where particles like viruses tend to stay hoovering in the air and not fall down to the floor by gravity. So, it may be a good idea to have humidifiers indoors at wintertime. Plants, aquariums provides humidity as well as cooking and showering. Does then the relative humidity in air then affect the risk for infection? Probably as viruses occur and behave in the air dependent of the humidity. Thermal is also what can cause spreading of small particles. If small particles like virus have “landed” on a floor, thermal caused by heating systems such as radiators, can lift them up and circulate in an ambient air. Dust and most certainly viruses are very easily carried away and up with air. How comes otherwise you can find layers of dust on top of a cupboard or a book shelf very near the ceiling? In many of the advanced industries for semiconductor manufacturing or pharmaceutical production where clean rooms are mandatory, there is a very good and probably very useful knowledge in how air carries dust around in a room. The behavior of viruses is similar to what has to be taken care of in the manufacturing process of having you mobile phone working.

Other observations

If you observe the inside of your glasses - spectacles after a day of work you realize that there is nimbus of droplets coming from the eyes that contaminate. Tears from tear canal and out that can contain virus. Small grains of sand from Sahara can travel tenth of thousands of kilometers in the air from one continent to another. Particles from a volcano can travel around the world. Smoke with soot particles from wood fires in California reaches Europe some weeks after the fire with eastbound winds. Is there any difference between small grains of sand and virus in terms of movability in the air?

 Reinfection cough and sneeze

Is there a risk of reinfection and or increased infection when the viruses multiply in the respiratory system and when we are restricted and “not allowed” to couch out and sneeze, the natural ways to get rid of what should not be in the airways and respiratory system? Is to cough, spit and sneeze at appropriate places, not to infect others, a good solution to reduce effects of virus infection?

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Covering the mouth

What happens when an infect person couch and breath out into a mouth covering paper or cloth tissue or in your arm fold? Will the viruses captured in the tissues be returned back into the respiratory system by inhaled air and accumulate virus in the airways and lungs and increase the amount of active viruses. Will the mouth guard worsen the infection for the bearer, but protect the proxy people? Is restricted couch what will accumulate virus instead of dispose out from the body and airways? While carrying a moth guard it remains wet or humid and holds the particles and viruses. When after use it dries at may release viruses and has to be considered and treated as highly contagious and hazardous material..

 Keeping distance

It is quite simple mechanisms. Inhaled air entering airways and eyes and physical transport of virus by hands collecting viruses from surfaces like handles, but also from handshakes etc. The risk of getting infected from air is basically a function of exposure based on concentration of viruses in inhaled air and number of inhalations, which is equal to time. The distance from an infected exhaled air containing virus, also in water droplets, is important. As exhaled air leaves the airways the exhaled air spreads rapidly and then reduces the virus concentration in the air i.e. viruses per volume. If, what can be expected air and then the virus concentration, the number of viruses per volume is spread in a larger volume, the concentration of viruses dilutes to a lower concentration by increased distance from the source. If the spread has the same speed in all directions, the concentration is reduced cubically. So, if there is a certain concentration 10 centimeter from the source, an infected person exhaling air, concentration is just 1/1000 times less 1 meter away. 2 meters away, often being a recommended distance between people, concentration has dropped to 1/8000.

If your exposure is very distant from a source, the volume is infinitesimal big like in large rooms or outside. It also considered, that if you don’t get more than a small number of viruses, you can be infected, but often without significant symptoms. Water droplets in particular the larger ones are likely to fall to the ground or floor within short distance from the source, a mouth or nose, whilst the smaller ones are more likely to “fly around” and some are most likely to remain in the air for considerably time. In reality droplets has to be a stochastically of different sizes, each containing stochastically number of viruses, but larger droplet may not always contain more viruses than smaller droplets. Virus spread from exhaled air could be compared with gas. Impossible to see and distributes divergent in the air with a dilution cubically related to the distance from the source. The diversion and dilution by distance is the reason to that the risk of being infected by keeping a distance from each other is lower. Longer distance between people means lower concentration and subsequently lower risk of a virus to reach and infect a host.

 Exposure time.

Assuming we expose ourselves half the time where we think there are viruses in the air, we then reduce the number of viruses we are exposed to with 50%! Time has to be considered to be as important as distance is. The difference is that time is linear and distance is cubical from a source. If we think the viruses are relatively evenly distributed in the air in a room it is time that matters.

Do we behave right? - “Rather coughing than coffin”

Most of us where brought up from childhood not to cough, sneeze and not to spit as part of how we should act in our pack and among others. Is then our behavior to be a good citizen contradictive to the natural survival body functions of the cleaning functions of the body? Coughing and sneezing are what nature has provides us with to get rid of unwanted items and contaminations in our airways. Part of our survival tools. Accumulation of virus in the airways seems obvious to be the wrong way to minimize the effects of virus. Should we couch more and spit out what saliva and or mucus that may come out and dispose in a safe place such as in a bag, toilet or any place out of risk for further spreading?

How it all did begin with COVID-19?

Was is deliberately made or just a coincidence by stochastically mutations in just ONE virus, that then took off multiplying and reproducing itself? It is most likely it all started with just one virus that had a spontaneous mutation. (If it was not done in a lab and where the virus deliberately or by accident slipped away and out into the free) The initial spread from the beginning, is and will most probably be very uncertain, except for it seems to be spread in air and affects the airways from nose and mouth to the alveolus in the lungs.

The image of a virus

We have all been flushed with images of a ball with spikes in various colors. Nice and in away very pedagogic, explaining the look of the corona virus. BUT - a virus has NO color despite the symbolic images show very nice colors. Visible colors have a wavelength of over 400nm. Below is UV, ultra violet and not visible to the human eye. The virus is just a fraction of a visible wave length.

All images of viruses with colors have been manipulated to make it easier to see the structure and possibly also to enhance the understanding. The size of the corona virus is about 60-70 nm, nanometer equal to about 600-700 of the diameter of smallest atoms, the hydrogen, the smallest atom of all atoms. The shortest wave length that can pass through air is about 160 nm as shorter wave lengths are absorbed by oxygen and humidity. 

The diameter of the virus is also in the range of 1/1000th of a human hair diameter.

 What is it that we see?

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We all seem to know quite well how the virus looks like. All images we see are captured with electron beam microscopy, mostly a SEM, Scanning Electron Microscope, where a very thin electron beam is formed and swept over the object to be visualized. Once the electrons hit the surface some of them bounce back and are captured in detectors. The image that comes out from the electron microscope is electrons just shaping b/w shadows and by amplifying the small electrical current of electrons they presented on a screen. It is first on the screen it becomes visible to us when electrons are transferred to photons that we need to see with our eyes. 

There is a slight resemblance with the old thick type of television, CRT, Cathode Ray Tube, where an electron beam is swept across the screen. But in a SEM by combining a read out from the electron detectors with the position of where the electron is when sweeping over what should be visualized is the possible to create an image of the object, and in this case a virus. So, invisible and imaginary until presented on a screen. There is also a resemblance with a 3-D scanner used for 3-D imaging. Normally using light, but SEM is using electrons.

Often it is necessary to make the surface of the object electrically conductive by adding a very - very thin layer of metal, often gold, just a few atoms thick on the object to make the object conductive so it can lead away the electrons that doesn’t bounce off to the detectors for creating the image. So in true reality it is not even the virus that you see, but rather a metal coating though just some atoms in thickness!  It is advanced technology that makes it possible to get an opinion of what the virus looks like. 

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What are the physical properties and mechanisms that control viruses and the spread? 

One part is the in body respiratory system, from nose, mouth to lungs and the other part is the external outside the body. Eyes with their tiny ducts for tears, tear canals, can also act for transport of virus. In advanced micro and nanotech industries shields in front of the face of operators have apart from protecting whatever it may be to hit face and eyes have often the purpose of preventing liquid leave the eyes and tear canals, splashing into the manufactured delicate bits and pieces. Those who have spectacles are aware of what can be seen on the inside of the glasses after a day of use and need to be cleaned.

Some other observations and Note Bene:

Immune is protection for the one who has had the disease or had a shot of vaccine ad thereby have antibodies. Even those individuals considered to be immune by already having had the infection and recovered and those who have had a vaccine shot, can transfer viruses from infected to not yet infect. Viruses transported on hands and other items are not sensitive to antibodies or human immune system as antibodies are inside the body in blood and lymphatic systems and do not act more than possibly very marginally outside the body on skin.  A Japanese study shows that the Corona-19 virus can survive up to 9 hours on human skin and ethanol can disarm the same type of virus in 15 seconds.

 Metals kills bacteria and viruses!

Can door handles, knobs and handrails transmit virus and bacteria? It is a well-known fact that various metals are extremely efficient in passivating and killing micro biotics. Silver and silver based compounds are used in many applications that we find in our daily life, but copper and copper alloys such as brass and bronze are also very efficient. Some other metals and alloys have an almost opposite effect such as stainless steel where virtually no reduction effect normally can be observed according to studies. Chrome plated, as often used is probably like stainless as both are covered by a chromium oxide layer being resistant to chemicals and makes the surface shining for long time.

So, a brass door handle is in a way “self-cleaning” in comparison to a stainless steel handles where the metal practically leaves the micro biotics unaffected and active. Other means such as age, sun light, detergent and other, of course can override the non-killing effect also on stainless steel. There are of course several other metals and alloys that have similar effect on micro biotic material, but we may be not in contact with them in the daily life.

 Where do all the exhaled viruses end up?

It is obvious that viruses like all other bioactive matter have a lifetime. There are numerous of studies that indicate that different types of bacteria and virus can be extremely sensitive to time and where they are kept.

Some are definitely inactivated very soon, due to under what circumstances they are exposed, but some have a very long life expectancy. Some can be stored for a long time if kept and stored beneficialy. BUT, some must be out in the free for a shorter or longer time to be the active part in a pandemia. It is definitely so, that to be contagious, the viruses have to be active and often airborne and must be active by the time they infect.

 That can be expected from “free” SARS-cov-2?

If generation and multiplication of such viruses takes place in airways and is exhaled it becomes “free” in the air. First aggregated in water droplets of different sizes and then most probably also a single airborne particles after having left the airways and water have evaporated. In both situations they are contagious and can be transported over shorter or longer distances. Viruses can then travel, from its origin in the alveolus, long distances and also remain active under a long time. Air speed and under “good” conditions, viruses are likely to spread very long distances. As an example; air velocity of 1-5 meters per second like a breeze, will transport a virus particle up to 300 meters per minute and a kilometer in just a few minutes.

 Dilution – distribution.

Can the air in general be expected to be polluted with virus outside “in the fresh air”? By a simple estimation it has to be so that there is SARS-cov-2 virus more or less at most places. Even if there are viruses, the concentration is so low and faraway from a source; dilution is so high that the likeliness to inhale one or several required for development of illness is very low. 

There is a lot of knowledge in the world that could be used, but is not. I hope these lines could contribute and inspire and bring more discussions in the air. It is better to open up a dialogue to find solutions rather than leave it and cause peoples death. Or?

By the writing I hope there will be reactions. Evolution and understanding comes from a vivid dialogue. Some but not all! 

Lennart Olsson

Lennart Olsson

Consultant - entrepreneur - founder of advanced projects and Hi-Tech companies

3 年

I have a very odd background where I have worked with nano related issues since mid1980-ies, acquired a Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM, manufacturer, built several clean rooms, and started several operations where extreme cleanliness is essential to achieve products. Realizing it is hard to reach out, I am just happy and hopeful that what I wrote and what was published in The Lancet now will bring better attention to what can be one of the most significant related to the spread of virus. /Lennart Search for; "Ten scientific reasons in support of airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 - The Lancet"

Lennart Olsson

Consultant - entrepreneur - founder of advanced projects and Hi-Tech companies

3 年

Thank you 4+% for reading and thumbs up. Amazing that the world may have woken up now or will! I published some thoughts about the spreading of virus the April 2 on LinkedIn and April 15 there was an article in The Lancet about some of the same as I wrote about. But I wrote my text more than a year ago, April 2020 and have tried to get people interested by sending the article to a number of people that I thought would have five or ten minutes to spare for a different view on the main issues for last and this year, the SARS-COV-2 virus. This includes WHO, international press, TV and others. My mission in writing was an attempt to make the spread function more understandable to anyone by putting it what many can relate to. Cont.


Bra Lennart, beh?vs olika perspektiv.



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