Why Virtual Reality for Business is the Way of the Future
Virtually reality, in various forms, has been around for several decades. Usually found in an arcade, the virtual reality of the past really held entertainment value worthy of a sci-fi film, but it definitely didn’t have a place in the boardroom. A lot has changed over the years. Not only is virtual reality now a reality for the masses, it has found its way into the business world. Today we talk virtual reality for business.
Virtual reality is a system or program which lets the user become immersed in an environment. Typically generated by a computer, this environment takes up the user’s entire frame of vision and the environment moves with them as they move. Sure, this may sound like the ultimate gamer’s paradise, but as we’ve noted, it has a role in business too.
Check out this great example of how Marriott is using virtual reality for business. To help encourage individuals thinking about booking a trip, Marriott gives users are given a short, 3-minute virtual trip to the beaches of Hawaii or the top of a skyscraper in London – all through virtual reality: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/marriott-hotels-use-vr-to-connect-consumers-with-tech-and-travel-innovation/.
Tech provider YouVisit has done something similar, launching an app which features more than 1,000 immersive experiences from restaurants, travel destinations, hotels, universities, and real estate properties. Those thinking about visiting any of the venues can check out the app to better get a feel for the space. Businesses are using the app to attract customers – and it is working: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/youvisit-brings-brands-and-businesses-into-virtual-reality/.
How else is it being used?
- Trade Shows: Utilizing virtual reality at trade shows gives you the opportunity to provide customers and potential clients with that little bit more. Rather than a one dimensional video, virtual reality can give potential customers a deeper look into your service or product and leave them with a lasting impression.
- Training: With virtual reality, training a new team member doesn’t have to be done in person anymore, which is especially convenient for remote workers. It can be so engaging that the employee will feel as though they’re right there, listening to someone talk or walking through a certain scenario.
- Customer Service: Rather than dealing with an automated machine (which many customers hate), virtual reality can be used by allowing customers to talk to a ‘live’ person. This way, the customer can speak directly to a representative who can then walk them through the solution.
Want to start taking advantage of virtual reality for business? The Samsung Gear VR is a really impressive virtual reality system which connects to your Samsung Galaxy device. Powered by Oculus, the Gear VR brings users ‘into the moment’ with a super AMOLED display, wide field of view, and precise head-tracking.
Virtual reality is becoming the next big thing – a big thing sure to last. Worldlynx can help you get started. Visit us today for more information: https://www.worldlynxwireless.com/landing-business-s16696.