Why Valueselling
Jan Flamend
Author and writing coach, combining HI and AI to make the best possible texts
‘Jan, tell me, this Valueselling of yours what is it really?’
‘Why do you ask, John?’
‘It is the question I ask to all our potential suppliers!’
‘It is indeed a very good question. I understand you are organizing a beauty parade of several sales consultancies.’
‘That is correct, we are in the process of choosing the best partner for the development of our sales team. It is an important decision, a crucial decision.’
‘Which possible suppliers are you talking to?’
‘The usual suspects: Solution Selling, Consultative Selling, Challenger Selling, Value Based Selling, Adaptative Selling, Customer-oriented Selling.’
‘That’s quite a crowd. And what have you learned so far?’
‘They are all saying the same, promising break through results, more prospection, better account management, skills enhancement etcetera, etcetera.’
‘You are becoming weary of all the sales talk!’
‘Indeed I am. So, tell me, this Valueselling of yours, what is it really and why should we partner with you?’
‘Why Valueselling. Maybe I am not the best person to answer this question. I wouldn’t be able to give you a neutral, objective reply, as I would be inclined to bore you with all our benefits, experience, tools, expertise. Like my collegues, I would paint a very bright picture and make all these promises.’
‘I would rather let our customers talk about their experience of working with us.’
‘OK. Give it to me.’
‘Let me first quote a MBA master dissertation that was made at Buckingham New University, by a brilliant student, Thomas Menthe, in 2016. It is called ‘Effectiveness of Valueselling Training Programs’. Mister Menthe interviewed interview a large numbers of our customers in a very extensive way. ‘
‘Interesting, they are studying you at University level.’
‘Apperantly we are an interesting case. ‘
‘Ok, ok, I get it. Don’t be too smug. What did Thomas find out?’
‘Let me quote: Interviewee RW stated that the financial benefit of the Valueselling Training Program resulted in € 450.000 additional profit margin from January to September 2015. The ROI was reached after 6 months. Quarter 1 (2015) had a 5% increase of profit margin and Quarter 2 (2015) had a 10% .’
‘450.000 additional profit?’
‘That is what the customer says. Shall I quote some other customers?’
‘I am sure you choose those who are very flattering.’
‘The CEO of a large industrial company wrote this:
“Valueselling succeeded in a real turnaround within a year’s time although initially scepticism was high. Today, decisions are underpinned by figures and acceptance by commercial managers of the new way of working is high. Team motivation has increased and the effectiveness of the commercial strategy has improved. The results are much better than I ever could have imagined. I especially appreciate the emotional intelligence that was developed during the project.”’
‘Very flattering indeed. You must be very proud with such feedback.’
‘We are indeed, John. Anonther one?’
‘Well, erhm..’
The EMEA sales director of a medical devices company wrote this:
“You get what you see: “Valueselling”. Valueselling is not just about selling your product. It is about selling the added value of your product. Valueselling managed to change the mindset of our customer service team and our clinical technical support team. It was an eyeopener for them to see how they could contribute to sell our product. The skills that we’ve learned from Valueselling helped us in becoming more customer oriented, more efficient and more pro-active.”
‘OK, I got it. In your own words, Jan. I will be comparing all the competing offers. What is it that you want me to remember when I think of Valueselling. Three words.’
‘That is a tough one. Let me think. CCR. Customisation. Commitment and Results.’
‘OK. Customisation. Commitment and Results.’
‘Oh yes, and fun!’
‘Don’t call us, we call you.’
‘If I may, John, what is it you like most about what you have heard about Valueselling?’
‘Clever closing technique, Jan. But I am not going to answer.’
‘We eat our own dog food , John. We are very much looking forward to work with your sales team. What do you think our chances are?’
‘Another clever closing technique, but I am not saying anything in this phase.’
‘When do you want us to start?’
‘You’re overstepping a boundary now, Jan.’
‘Who besides you is making the decision, John?’
‘Grr. You’ll hear from us in due course. Now go.’
For more sales stories, see on www.valuesellingbooks.com