Why User Acceptance Testing is important?

Why User Acceptance Testing is important?

'We've only started the project and you want me to think about testing?'

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)…sounds scary, doesn’t it? Actually, it’s pretty simple. And it’s vital to the successful deployment of any system.??

The UAT is the phase of the project where users test the system by role and process (before it goes live) to make sure your new system can handle real-world scenarios, and when you can check that all features and functionality are working as you expect.??

It’s the best way of testing that the implemented solution meets your specific business requirements and the needs of your end users.?

It's the time in the project where your system administrators have the first opportunity to experiment what business as usual would look like; it's the time where preparing your go live strategy is confirmed , where decisions on where and how the self-help support resources can be made available to the end users; it's the time when your system administrators prepare for full ownership of the system.

When to start planning your User Acceptance Testing?

It is important you think of what you test during the early phases of the project. A new system often comes with new processes and the opportunity to 'freshen' up old ways of working. This immediately translates in: it’s always best to plan ahead and schedule in time for testing at the outset of the project, particularly if you need to involve certain members of staff. Try and blank out time in their diaries and stress the importance of their role. The only real difficulty you might have is fitting it around your day job, but if you know in advance that it’s something you need to do, then it shouldn’t come as a nasty shock.???

Write your test scripts

What does a good test script look like??

A good test script should always reflect your company, its unique processes and its user community, whether that’s in HR, payroll or another area of the business. It will always be bespoke and must be created by you. We appreciate that for the less system-minded this could prove a little overwhelming, but please don’t worry, while you will need to write it yourself, we can certainly help guide you. And we’re always happy to do a walk-through of the system and the test scripts before day one of your UAT.??

How to write a good test script?

A good test script should clearly define who the user is (e.g., an employee, hiring manager or payroll manager) and what task they are undertaking within the application (such as requesting to raise a recruitment requisition etc?

The script will break down all the actions that users will need to take when interacting with the system (e.g., click on the submit button), and what the expected outcome should be. It’s also a good idea to include screen shots. All UAT scripts must include a section for users to report back on what did and didn’t work and to share what the actual outcome was.??

What will make UAT??

A few tips for you:?

  • Ensure your project plan includes sufficient time for testing
  • Identify your testers early and ensure they are available at the right time
  • Ensure you have prepared your test data ahead and your testers can access your test portal?
  • Check all the user roles scripts. Ensure your cover all expected roles in your end to end testing?
  • Provide your testers with clear instructions on how to capture their actions. Documentation is key!?
  • Run through your test scripts. A missing step would be a false negative and testing will be invalidated or delayed
  • What is your UAT pass criteria? Do not start your testing unless you know what is your expected outcome?
  • Ensure your testers have been briefed and trained on how to use the new system before they start.?
  • Last but not least the most important tip: your supplier or implementation partner is not responsible for your testing.??

Why we don’t do it for you?

We’re always here to help, but carrying out the UAT on your behalf, would be a little like marking our own homework. We need you to do it so you can make sure it completely meets your requirements and that it’s fully independent of any supplier supplied test scripts. That doesn’t mean to say we’re not around to support you (we’re only ever a phone call or an email away) and of course we’ll fix anything that’s not working properly.??

Added benefits of UAT?

A good test script has huge value and can also be used as the basis for staff training, effectively killing two birds with one stone and saving you time in the long run. Take time to write a comprehensive test script and it will also form the basis of your user guide. After that, all you’ll need to do is add some screenshots and company branding and it will be another job off your to-do list.?

A quick recap?

Make sure you get the best out of your system by carrying out comprehensive UAT before it goes live. Write a test script that reflects the unique requirements or your company, build it into your schedule at the very beginning and don’t forget to give colleagues a heads-up that you’ll need their help!?

If you’re about to embark on UAT and could use some advice or you’re thinking about implementing a new HR or payroll IS, then do get in touch. We’d love to help! We're only a click away! ?



