Why Use REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Principles for Better Service and Profits in Call Centres
https://www.tonydovalespeaks.com - CEO of Life Masters Tony Dovale

Why Use REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Principles for Better Service and Profits in Call Centres

Call Centres can Affect your Brand Perception the MOST.

From our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High-Performance teams process, we build “bullet-proof”, resilient mindsets for thriving in hot-call-centers. So we thought this Call Center Research from more than 3,000 panelists reveals some interesting info for Call Center Managers and leaders, perusal and consideration.

·         Consumers who have “positive” call-center experiences are more likely to say they are satisfied with that company’s products or services overall, and are more likely to purchase from that company again in the future, according to a Beta Research study.

·         Satisfied customers are also more likely to become emotionally-engaged customers which leads to greater loyalty, increased referrals, and greater long term support and profits.

·         Most consumers today are clear regarding how and who should handle their product or service issues. We want knowledgeable, positive, make it happen people to assist us...NOW!

·         Telephone inquiries should be answered within a relatively short period; five/six or more rings before being connected in todays’ call centre environments, has become unacceptable.

·         Most of us prefer speaking with an actual intelligent human rather than an automated call center AVR,

·         Respondents who were initially connected to a “live” operator were significantly more likely to be satisfied with the service experience than those connected to an automated menu (78% vs. 49%).

·         Being put on hold for two or more minutes can have a harmful impact on a company’s image: 43% of people who were put on hold for more than 3 minutes said they now have a lower opinion of the company that they called. This lowers satisfaction, trust, belief, loyalty, image, brand value, and profits.

·         80% agree that the quality of the service received from a customer service representative is a good indication of the quality of that company’s products or service. This links directly into your REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Systems process. Highly engaged staff and trusting and turbo-charged teams, with limitless leadership, enhances customer engagement, commitment and loyalty.

·        Respondents who found customer service representatives to be rude, difficult to understand, or uninformed, were even more likely to be dissatisfied with the company; they are also more likely not consider that company’s products or services in the future. And disengaged, demotivated and depressed, staff can destroy your credibility, image and customer engagement levels.

Human Sigma is the holy grail of sustainable competitive advantage. Emotionally engaged, resilient, staff dealing with happy, satisfied, emotionally engaged customer, translates into 3x more business. 

Extensive Gallup research clearly quantifies the exceptional value of high emotional engagement from staff and clients.

Limitless Leadership and The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Philosophy.

The ideal call center, to thrive, in today’s VUCA times, is one staffed with high-performance people, with great Psychological Capital, who connect, communicate, and collaborate, effectively within their teams.

The first step for this to occur is the “greeders” have to become real leaders. The business environment must be about people, planet AND profits.

Not just profits at the cost of people. The bottom line needs to be cognisant of the staff quality-of-life, and envisioned future, because of them working for your company.

Most people who work for a company (60%+) will retire with very little to show for their thousands of hours that they contributed to the company for a minimum wage.

Plus the stresses from work can initiate serious illness too. Stress is an activator AND accelerator of 95%+ of all health issues that impact absenteeism and presenteeism.

Managers and leader need to embark upon a CULTURESHIFT in their organisation on every level, with a focus on understanding and growing employee engagement, developing the right mindsets and relationships, that empower staff to activate, amplify, align, and use more of their potential, in a sustainable and conscious manner.

This means measuring, monitoring, managing, and inspiring, a workplace culture and environment, that unleashes people’s passion, energy, and full participation.

This can be achieved, by starting with improving Autonomy, Self Mastery, and Belonging.

 Then expand to developing the right Mindset qualities, Resilience/AQ and self awareness.

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The people manning the phones must have the right values, attitudes, motivation, psychological capital, and emotional intelligence; because without these vital soft-skills and attributes, there can be no highly positive and lasting customer experience.

When recruiting agents, ensure a good fit for the position, and support them with ongoing training and development, that supports them to have high self-mastery, optimal resilience and proper energy management.

In a REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE call center agents are matched demographically, culturally, intellectually, and empathetically, to the company’s target audiences. This helps with rapport and satisfactory resolution.

Call center representatives need to also be equipped with high level of insights from the company that enables the call center to connect with customers in ways that makes it easy, enjoyable, and satisfying, for customers to do business or to solve their presenting problems.  When a client calls in with a problem, they are usually highly emotional, frustrated, shorter tempered, and highly susceptible to influencing their perception of your brand. 

 Just 1 bad experience with a call center can destroy a life-time’s worth of brand perception, equity, and loyalty.

Using REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE Process to Transform Your Workplace and Call Centers Effectiveness and Impacts.

“Your Call Center Agents Directly Impact Your Clients’ Brand Perceptions the MOST”

For many companies, Call Centers have become selected as one of the most effective tools for providing enhanced customer support and service solutions. The problem is that often leaders, see this as a cheap, or low level, value builder, and choose “cheap” staffing solutions.

Experience shows that poor Call Center customer service can ruin much, if not all, of the benefits of any creative marketing, sales, and branding strategies.

Poor services also negatively affects customer perceptions and possible customer referrals about your firm and their negative experience with its products or services. 

Negative experiences with your call centers and staff reduces or obliterates Customer’s Emotional Engagement, Net promoter activities, which clearly leads to lower sales and profits.

The problem is... that it’s almost impossible to specifically see, or measure, the losses the company will suffer due to bad call center services.

Research conducted by Ernan Roman Direct Marketing, on the impact of call center services on business profits showed that damage resulting from poor customer service call center experiences among consumers can be greater than what most companies estimate or anticipate. In a digital world, unhappiness pervades global consciousness and mindset in seconds!

The real benefits of customer service Call Centers lie in the emotional experience and satisfaction, clients have with your agents. A disengaged, stressed, overexploited, agent will never optimally create emotionally engaged customers.

But a highly engaged, conscious, capable, agent can convert a disengaged customer into a raving fan!

The study clearly revealed that: “Customer service Call Center experiences directly impact customers’ perspective, and relationship with the companies they do business with.”

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How Poor Call Center Services Affect Branding, Marketing, and Customer’s Emotional Engagement.

According to the study, poor customer service from call centers negatively affect customers':

·        willingness to buy from a company

·        their perception about the company

·        and the possibility of recommending a company to others.

About 86% of business professionals said... poor customer service from call centers’s agents will negatively affect their willingness to buy from a company. In today’s digital activist world, the stakes are even higher.

Most business professionals (98.9%) indicated that poor consumer services by a company’s contact center will make them have negative perception about the company as a whole, and impact their future support.

On recommending a company to others, it was found that about 91.5% of professionals thought a negative experience from a firm’s customer service point, would deter people from recommending a firm to others.

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REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance Teams to Your Rescue...

If you are ready to begin to evaluate, and elevate, your leadership effectiveness, and organisational credibility start with this very simple and insightful test...

Ask your Call Center Agents, anonymously, on a scale of 0 to 10. 0 being lowest and 10 = highest.

·        “How likely would you recommend a good friend, to come and work here?”

·        “how much do you feel respected, valued and appreciated?”

Ask your customers, after an experience with your Call Center Agents, on the same scale,

·        “How likely are you to refer a friend to buy from this company?

Your answer to those questions will reveal a huge amount about your organisation’s identity and credibility... because behind those referring actions goes a mammoth amount of emotional energy and momentum.

Your Call Center can become a profit support center, or a deep dark loss- magnifying Gulag – It’s up to the leadership to create a Consciously Constructive context, culture, and climate, where your people can grow, thrive, collaborate and contribute to their fullest potentials, personally, and in their High-Performance Teams.

The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High-Performance framework, Philosophy and system is a proven, potent, profound, process to develop your People, Teams, Leadership and Culture into a high-performance team, that thrive in Tough VUCA times.

Our proven REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High-Performance team building and people development process delivers profound impacts and results for individuals, teams and the organisations. 

So...Before you spend money on beds, braais, beer, boerewors, and boere-sports games, get smart and conscious– chose a proven PROCESS that is so valuable, and effective, that, from its impacts and results, it essentially pays-for-itself – over and over again. 

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From our research and experience over 42+ years, MOST staff prefer to have valuable self development and team/trust opportunities over... playing silly games.

Our REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance mindsets, 1 Day Mind-Grow-Tainment action learning experience, can bring in ROI's of 50x-100X.

For a SWIFT experience that is TRULY lifeShifting - talk to Tony of LifeMasters.co.za about building a REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE where your people, teams, leadership and culture are equipped with increased Psychological Capital, greater connection, communication and collaboration, to thrive and flourish, in tough VUCa times.

https://www.lifemasters.co.za for REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance team building sessions customised to your EXACT needs.


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