What is the quality of these cigars?
If you are not an experienced cigar smoker, you may be wondering why cigar aficionados use humidors. Humidors are used to store and protect cigars so that they are kept at their peak flavor. A humidor works by keeping a cigar at a constant temperature, somewhere between 68 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and about 70-72% humidity.
Many cigar aficionados claim that the ideal temperature for storing cigars is 70 degree F. Any lower will tend to age the cigar, rather than keep it at a constant level. Humidors are not meant to age, but rather to preserve the integrity, flavor, and color of the cigar.
What should you look for when purchasing a humidor? The good humidor should close completely, with a tight fitting lid that will keep the cigars well kept from the elements and prevent any exchange of moisture. Seams should be smooth and well fitted for cigars. Cedar, especially Spanish cedar is ideal for the interior of the humidor. Of course, make certain your brand of cigars fits well into any humidor you are considering purchasing.
The sheer diversity of cigars can be confusing for new smokers. Many new smokers want to know: is it OK to buy cigars from their local drugstore or chain store? What is the quality of these cigars? Can you expect to get good flavor from these cigars?
While of course, it's perfectly OK to purchase these cigars, be aware that these packaged cigars are usually of poorer quality. Most 'drugstore' cigars contain preservative or other non-tobacco ingredients. Common ingredients found in packaged cigars may include paper, Glycerin, and saltpeter. High quality cigars will contain only tobacco. Packaged drugstore cigars will generally contain these extra ingredients designed to keep them stored on the shelves for extended periods of time.
In order to get the best quality cigars, you will have to visit your local tobacconist. While many mail order businesses do carry good quality cigars, be aware that they usually will not sell singles, thus you will have to purchase whole boxes. Visiting your local tobacconist allows you to test different brands before settling on a box.

Cigar Smoking Etiquette
Smoking cigars may be a great source of pleasure in your life, but the courteous smoker knows that not everyone enjoys the taste (or smell!) of a good Cuban. With the fervor of anti-smoking campaigns still in full swing, the importance of enjoying a good stogie while not offending others cannot be stressed enough. Simply remember that while you are smoking a cigar, it can be difficult to gauge the smell that others are experiencing. And don't forget that cigar smokes can leave a mighty strong residue on clothing, furniture, and even the walls! In order to enjoy your stogie without a heavy conscience, learn to become a considerate and courteous cigar smoker.
If you live with non-smokers, try to find a well-ventilated area of your residence where you can smoke comfortably. Although it may be tempting to lock yourself away in an office or bedroom, it's probably not a good idea to smoke in an enclosed area unless it has a window. Make sure you have easy access to the window. Never smoke in a closed area! You are more likely to inhale the toxic air from your own cigar. If possible, go outside to smoke. Pull up a lawn chair; relax on the porch, or any other open area where you can smoke comfortably. Get as far away as possible to non-smokers, especially children and the elderly. Remember that cigar smoke contains many carcinogens that can be easily inhaled by non-smokers.
If you must smoke a cigar outside your home, remember that the courteous and respectful smoker will only light up where legally permitted. Do no light up in a bar, hotel, or restaurant where smoking is clearly prohibited. The courteous cigar smoker will also make sure to smoke in the company of other smokers. If you are with someone who does not smoke, ask his or her permission. If they agree, be considerate about it. Make sure the smoke isn't wafting in their direction. Sit near an open window or space. Make sure the air conditioner or current is moving the smoke in their direction! Also, make sure no one around you is eating. The secondhand smoke from a discourteous smoker is a surefire way to ruin a meal.
A courteous cigar smoker will also be aware of their ashes. If you must smoke outside your home, make certain to dispose of your ashes in a safe and appropriate container. Don't forget that ashes can easily blow away, especially in lower quality cigars. Don't litter with ashes, and be careful they don't blow near anyone around you.
Unconventional Birthdays
Though commonly known to celebrate the wonderful day we
came into existence, it is not the only reason we celebrate
birthdays. There are lots of unconventional birthdays that
are celebrated throughout the world. Actually, the number
of reasons to celebrate unconventional birthdays is
People use the term -Birthday- to describe milestones in
their lives. The term is also used to mark important
beginnings or ends in a person?s life.
Recovery group?s use the term Birthday to mark the day a
person has entered into the 12-step recovery program and
quit drug or alcohol abuse.
This day is marked every year with a -birthday chip-, a
token to remind you of the hard work done to get through
that year and the long road still ahead of you.
Another term using birthday is -Birthday Suit-. There is
almost no need for explanation, but for those few who don?t
know what a birthday suit is, it is the wearing of nothing.
On the day of your birth, you came out of the womb naked
therefore being in your -birthday suit- you are naked.
The term birthday can also be used for when something is
created. Typically the year, month and date are used when
describing the birthday of an entity. Businesses often have
a birthday to celebrate. That is usually the day the
company was created.
So not only do we as people celebrate the day we were
brought into this world, but we like to celebrate the day
of creation for the world around us.