Why use an insurance broker?
Scott Williams Cert CII
Director | Commercial Insurance Broker | Property, Liability, Indemnity and more at Clarke Williams Ltd Insurance Brokers
If you’re thinking of purchasing an insurance policy for your business and you don’t have much experience in the type of insurance required for your industry, you might want to think about using an insurance broker.
An Insurance Broker is a professional firm regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) whose purpose is to help customers find cost effective protection for their private or business needs, and provide technical advice on cover requirements. We are there to guide you through every aspect of your policy and provide the necessary advice on claims, alterations and any additional queries.
With technology playing a big part in the retail sector, comparison sites have become the norm for home and car insurance. Many people use comparison sites as it’s a quick and easy way to look for the cheapest insurance, however that is not always the best way to purchase commercial insurance. Customers can often buy incorrect cover to their needs if they are not sure what they are buying. Remember cheapest doesn’t always mean best!
It is worth noting that policies supplied via a comparison site are often generic and may not include specialist extensions of cover to meet your needs if you undertake a specialist trade – think square peg round hole. If you want a policy that meets your specific circumstances, it might be better to use a broker who can discuss your requirements and approach an appropriate insurer in the market on your behalf. Sometimes there may be an insurance exposure you never even knew you had!
The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) is the UK’s leading general insurance intermediary organisation representing the interests of insurance brokers, intermediaries and their customers.
As a BIBA Broker, here’s a few reasons why you should use our services :
? A no-obligation review of your insurances
? Identification of any gaps in cover
? We will help you to arrange a policy that meets your needs
? Comparison of insurance quotes & cover from multiple insurance companies (we’re independent so not tied to any insurers)
? We’ll be here to help if you need to make a claim
? We have access to a wide choice of products from the majority of insurance markets
? We are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
? We give fair treatment to customers in the event of a complaint, with the additional assurance of the Financial Ombudsman Service
? Eligible customers are protected by the Government-backed Financial Services Compensation Scheme
If you need any help with your insurance arrangements call us on 01732 252 898 or send an email to info@clarkewilliams.co.uk