Why Use the Flutter Framework to Create Responsive App Interfaces
Syed Zohaib Akhtar
Co-Founder at LinkitSoft | Kiosk Software Expert | Mobile App Development Consultant | Smart Vending Machines Specialist
UX-led designs are the most popular trend in mobile app design and have persisted longer than others. Making ensuring a user stays in the app longer and becomes a client (and eventually a brand supporter) is your goal. Designing your product with the consumer in mind facilitates seamless usability and cross-device accessibility.
At least 70% of consumers who use eCommerce apps acknowledge that they have abandoned carts due to dissatisfied experiences (Red Signal). According to TechCrunch, 25% of mobile applications are deleted after only one usage due to poor UX.
You must make sure that a cross-platform solution is both OS and device agnostic while discussing it. By using responsive designs, you may successfully include it into your strategy and design.
Why Do Flutter Apps Need a Responsive Interface?
The Flutter application you are creating is compatible with all operating systems. Your software has to be compatible with a variety of form factors, sizes, and styles due to the always changing Android and iOS devices.
You want something that is consistent and universal across all devices, not merely an app that works on several platforms.
Your retention rate is also increased when you provide consistency. Users will stick with your software longer and not uninstall it if they like using it.
Additionally, you will use Flutter to provide a web app solution, and your online experience should be comparable. To ensure that the app design doesn't deviate from the web standard, responsive design slices the design.
The majority of mobile applications increase user engagement and conversion rates when they make investments in consistent designs and, more crucially, user experience. When you provide very amazing and responsive design solutions, you can obtain both.
What are the differences between the responsive approaches used by iOS and Android?
Flutter responsive user interface designs are handled differently by iOS and Android. The rationale is because, in terms of design, interfaces, and device fragmentation, each of them are distinct systems.
We'll walk you through the particular OS method you must follow here.
The Android Method
You must take into account four factors while creating a responsive design for Android.
ConstraintLayout: You have to deal with a variety of systems, sizes, and dimensions while designing an Android interface. For that reason, you must ensure that your interface is adaptable. Using this feature in your code will enable you to produce consistent and adaptable UI
SplitView: As we just stated, your layout will adapt to the screen. The code will be able to perform the necessary layout changes without creating any friction thanks to this splitview.
The Android platform is inherently fractured. This will save you the trouble of creating separate logic by allowing you to divide the UI logic into components.
VectorDrawable: This must be included if you use graphics or pictures.
The Method of iOS
The following components must be included while writing for the iOS platform in order to make the layout scalable and the interface adaptable.
Auto Layout: This functions similarly to Android's constraintlayout. It assists in modifying the design to fit the device's dimensions and form factor without impairing usability.
Size Classes: By specifying the size classes and content spaces, it facilitates layout modifications.
UI components: To create responsive interfaces for your iOS application, you'll need to use components like UIStackView, UIViewController, and UISplitViewController.
To get your app in the store as soon as possible, picture sitting down and working on each of these classes separately. Time, the right infrastructure, and a lot of resources will be needed. Considering that you want to go to the market as soon as possible, you are lacking in everything.
For this reason, you need to create your responsive UI using Flutter. It will simplify and ease the whole responsive layout process.
Steps for Developing a Flutter Responsive User Interface
There are two factors to take into account while creating responsive interfaces:
How will the code determine the size of the screen and which function to use?
In what ways will the layout change to accommodate the larger screen?
These options, which let you code the screen size and make the layout responsive, are included in the Flutter documentation.
You may use this option in your code if your program requires information about the screen's size and orientation. It provides comprehensive information that enables you to assist the app in determining the best layout to use at any given time.
It will provide input for the size, type, and orientation of the screen.
This is the MediaQuery code.
MediaQueryData MediaQuery.of(context) = mediaQueryData;
You have set the menu design, for instance. To let the app know whether to shift the menu to landscape or portrait mode, utilize MediaQuery in your code.
The menu is your detail page in this instance. All of the menu item's elements must be detailed in the child widget once the detail page appears. You will thus discuss each item on the menu.
In order for the app to fetch it, you must add the SafeArea function to your widget when you're finished.
For both vertical and horizontal orientations, this safe region has to be indicated individually.
For your reference, below is some sample code.
var orientation = mediaQueryData.orientation; double device; DisplayType getDeviceScreenType(MediaQueryData mediaQuery) {If (orientation == Orientation.landscape), then width = 0. otherwise { deviceWidth = mediaQueryData.size.width; } else { deviceWidth = mediaQueryData.size.height; }
DisplayType.Desktop; return { if (deviceWidth > 950)
if (width of device > 600) return DisplayType. Mobile; { return DisplayType.Tablet; }
Which place is safe?
It is the function that aids in controlling the MediaQuery's mode or orientation. When the safe area value is returned, it guarantees that the application remains in that mode.
The second most important feature that lets you maintain layout flexibility is this one. LayoutBuilder is an alternative to MediaQuery if you want not to use it. It creates a number of widgets to assist you keep your application layout consistent in terms of size and orientation. The builder allows you to choose the screen's width and height so that the layouts adjust appropriately.
The Safe Area is where this choice starts. Declaring the layout safe is necessary.
Next, you must indicate whether the menu and the detailed page (menu items) share the same width.
You must provide the child items (the links added to the menu) if you have added a detail page, such as a menu page.
You will display the menu items as lists if you just have the menu items and no menu bar. You will use a separate function for this.
You may create the required widget for the specific class or item by using the code below.
BuildContext context Widget build { return Scaffold( body: LayoutBuilder( builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) { if (constraints.maxWidth > 600) { return buildWideContainers(); } otherwise { \? return buildNormalContainer(); }, ), 3
You may need to declare it in your code if you want the layout to be more flexible and expansive. For instance, would you prefer that it be shown as a column or a row? The code will fetch the layout appropriately if you supply it.
Regarding the enlarged widget
For an adaptable widget
Aspect Ratio
You may adjust the layout to fit the device's specifications with the use of this additional widget. In this instance, the widget will start with the widest width and proceed to decreasing sizes under restrictions. The height of this widget may be found using the aspect ratio.
You've been able to rethink the orientation and adjust the arrangement. Making the required changes to ensure that it looks the same on all devices is now crucial.
The MVP business term refers to a Minimum Viable Product, a streamlined version of a product with essential features, designed to test market demand and gather feedback before full-scale development.