Why Use A "Crowd Mechanic?"
Lamar Morgan
* Community Architect * Digital Storyteller * "Pay Per Call" Affiliate Marketer * Tribe Builder of Virtual Assistants * Content Creator/Distributor * Think T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) *
As a "crowd mechanic," I seek to build win/win business relationships that helps to achieve established marketing goals. That is why I combine the organizational and project management capabilities of Taskade.com with Zapier integrations and the Google Workspace Suite of Online Tools - everything from Gmail to Google Sheets.
The way the world works is constantly changing. Innovation is everywhere. While it is often stated today that the public lacks faith in the reporting of the mainstream media, the rhetoric of politicians and even corporate advertising, the one area that remains strong is “word-of-mouth” advertising. But, even word-of-mouth advertising MUST be approached properly. Hence, the importance of press releases and press release distribution.
A single press release to a news outlet is a waste of time. But, seven or more press releases delivered to the same news outlet by different people may indeed have a meaningful impact within the marketplace. That is why I have enlisted the help of an ever-growing tribe of virtual assistants to help insure marketing success.
You should not be paying for time spent spreading a message. You should only pay for satisfied customers who followed-up on the marketing message. The most cost-effective way to reward a successful marketing message and at the same time lower your marketing cost is to make me a company affiliate with a unique affiliate link. The affiliate link compensates me for a job well done, automatically. It is a win/win/win arrangement for satisfied customers, your company and me.
My resume is below this message. Please advise if you have an interest regarding what I have to offer. Just text 954-868-2066 with “Let’s talk” using your cell phone and I will get back to you.
Meanwhile, make it a great week!
Lamar Morgan
7154 N. University Drive, Suite 212
Tamarac, FL 33321
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 954-868-2066
● Affiliate Marketing
● Business Networking
● Press Release Creation/Distribution
● Team (Tribe) Building
● Viral Marketing Campaigns
● Synergistic Business Marketing Tamarac, FL 2/2010 - 6/2022
Small Business Entrepreneur
Involved in promoting small businesses using collaborative consumption.
● In 7/2000 to 1/2010, I relocated to California to receive specialized healthcare. Worked a variety of odd jobs while
regaining my health.
● Lucent Technologies, Atlanta, GA 1/2000 - 6/2000
Executive Assistant
Clerical assistance for computer programmers.
● Fidelis Enterprises, Atlanta, GA 2/99 - 12/99
Job Title: Small Business Entrepreneur
Provided legal service plans, background checks and process serving.
● Bear, Stearns & Co., Inc. Atlanta, GA 3/83 - 1/99
Fixed Income Institutional Executive Assistant
Priced mortgage-backed securities for institutional clients.
● Florida Technological University (n/k/a b n n. Press Journalism Award in Orchard Park, NY
● Photojournalist for Grand Opening of Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL
● Organized and authored the 10th Anniversary of Amiga Atlanta, Inc.
Special Tools
● Google Workspaces (Google Suite of Online Tools)
● Taskade (Project Management & Video Conferencing Tool)
● Virtual Assistant Network
Alignable, America First, Facebook, Frankspeech, LinkedIn, Locals, MeWe, Nextdoor, Parler, Rumble, Twitter, Youtube