Why use 2*RJ45 Ethernet I/O Module in Smart Cities, IIoT and Smart Facotry?

Why use 2*RJ45 Ethernet I/O Module in Smart Cities, IIoT and Smart Facotry?

Why use 2*RJ45 Ethernet I/O Module in Smart Cities, IIoT and Smart Facotry?

The Ethernet communication technology is reliable than wireless communication, and also it is a high speed, low cost communication solutions. so in lots of applications, using ehthernet is the best choice.

2*RJ45 Ethernet I/O Modules from BLIIOT

For Smart Cities, IIoT and Smart factory, there're lots of Sensors and Switches need to remote control and monitoring, using the sigle RJ45 Ethernet I/O Modules will require lots of CAT5 wiring and Ethernet Switches, especially in building automation and parking,street lights, tunnel, and factory. see below:

The advantages in linear control and monitoring applications, using 2*RJ45 Ethernet I/O modules can save much wirings, switches.e.g.: in Parking, Tunnel,Street Lights,etc. see below:

Ethernet I/O Modules

The advantages of 2*RJ45 Ethernet I/O modules in Building Automation, from 10th Floor to 1st Floor, only need 1 Ethernet Swicth and saving much wires and wiring jobs. see below:

Building Automation

The 2*RJ45 Ethernet I/O Module inbuild 2 Ethernet port, compatible with Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU and MQTT protocols. and it can perform as Ethernet Switch, connect 1 by 1, see below:

M160E Ethernet I/O Module from @BLIIOT

Actually, BLIIOT deliveried lots of 2*RJ45 Ethernet I/O Modules to #SmartCities #IIOT #DigitalTransformation solutions already.

2*RJ45 Ethernet IO Modules from BLIIOT


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