Why is the US healthcare system collapsing
I am posting an interaction with a correspondent that at least in my view demonstrates the ignorance of those who do not want to realize the escalating issues in the healthcare industry we are facing and desperately trying to maintain the status quo
Good luck to them
Bill Siwicki Healthcare IT News
I have been reading your articles on telemedicine and even reached out to you several times on several topics but it seems it did not make an impression. But my nature is to never give up and here I go again. In my previous emails, I have described our unique interactive preventive system that was developed in two of the most important areas that everyone seems to ignore, rural areas and inner cities.
There is a simple reason for this as I mentioned before. Not the existing healthcare industry and not many of the new entries see the potential to generate the profits that they are accustomed to.
?But even in the markets that they are engaged or engaging in there is a serious issue not only with pricing but more importantly the fragmented approach to addressing medical issues.
This article is a typical example as even the author indirectly admits to it.
Our solution allows a caregiver to interact and monitor a patient disease-specific and as such prevent critical and expensive consequences. This is with the use of a simple smartphone or even our Mobile Clinic solution where a nurse could have multiple patients on a simple Android tablet that in case of need, they can immediately interact with a doctor or hospital to address critical issues. ?
We even refer to this as “the last mile solution “ As it allows a large hospital that cost hundreds of millions to build to interact and provide education to smaller facilities or doctors and in return receive a steady flow of patients that their expensive infrastructures have been developed for. ?
The question you asked “Mental health patients are waiting hours, days and, in some cases, weeks in emergency departments to receive care. What’s causing this “boarding” crisis? How can telebehavioral health help?” and reading his answers is exactly what our solution does address.
?It allows psychiatric specialists to deliver vital services to remote areas and even in the ER he mentioned in the interview. It provides him with the medical history and ability to interact with other healthcare providers in the patient's profile for better and more effective care. One example is our interactive medication solution. It not only provides the therapist access to the patient’s medical regimen but also prevents conflicts in the medication regimen prescribed by the doctors in the patient profile. At the same time, it prevents prescription fraud that is quite evidently escalating out of control.
As per my previous email, if you would be interested in learning more about our solution, I could arrange an interview with our CEO former Pa Senator and Lt. Governor Michael Stack.
His Response
Hi, David. What would make the most interesting story for my readers is an interview with one of the company’s U.S. healthcare provider organization clients to discuss with them how the company’s technology helped them improve care and/or save money and/or gain efficiencies and/or so on. Do you have a U.S. healthcare provider organization client executive who would be up for an interview and who could definitely provide some hard data metrics of how they improved things? The metrics of positive results is the most important aspect of this. Please let me know. If you do, send me a chunky paragraph describing the provider organization, what it is doing with the technology, and a couple of the success metrics. And then we can discuss pursuing an interview. I look forward to hearing back from you very soon. Thanks, David.
Best wishes,
My response 6-18-2023
Hello Bill, I have received your response and quite honestly it is exactly what I expected. By way of background, I was a banker that specialized in bankruptcies and turnarounds and a financial consultant to the healthcare industry for over 25 years. Early in my bankruptcy carrier, I learned that the only winners in bankruptcy are the attorneys and those that also can think outside of the box.
Years ago when I started the development of our solution realizing that the industry is heading towards disaster I reached out to some of my investment banking contact and the first question they also asked was the same as you in a different format if I have traction. I asked traction ala Teladoc. A company that has so-called traction never made a profit and accumulates loses in the billions and the solution is nothing more than a video conference that does not even addresses the reason that the industry is facing escalating cost and out-of-control critical care issues.
I give you the same answer I gave them that our solution was not developed to generate losses and also developed to focus on a trend that is bankrupting the industry of critical care.
As the healthcare budget is rapidly escalating out of control my vision is rapidly materializing. The industry has been sheltered from real competition up to this point. With the rapid escalation of costs that finally is hitting everyone's pocketbook and the rapid development of new technology the barriers or the seclusion they have enjoyed to this point are rapidly being eliminated. As such those that recognize these changes like the new entry of Geisinger and Kaiser Permanente new entry focusing on “value-based care” ?will be the survivors and those that have ostrich syndrome will fade away as history has demonstrated over and over.
Your request for traction certainly verifies my theory as it certainly applies to the media as well. And to prove my point listening to the enclosed interview will demonstrate my point about those who are willing to listen to disruptive technology and those who do not. I thought that reporters would have an open mind and even curiosity toward a new solution. But apparently, it also brakes down the same way to those who realize the rapid changes coming as illustrated by the enclosed article, and those that are going by the concept of SOS.
We are implementing the solution in developing and underdeveloped countries where the solution is even more critical as they do not have the luxury of the US budget and with the majority of the population in rural areas and no healthcare infrastructure, our solution is going to be critical.
We are also working with several opportunities in the US but as I have stated the resistance to even trying it is enormous, however, I am patient as you can tell especially since our solution focuses on two areas that even with the new technology is ignored. Rural areas as evidenced by the rapid destruction of these important facilities and especially inner cities with most of the large hospitals right in the middle of these communities and still healthcare issues are escalating rapidly out of control. And again an area that is ignored by everyone. Couple this with the value-based concept our solution ultimately will prevail regardless of pedigree or traction.
As I said I would have thought that you would be able to realize the potential by opening a dialogue and allowing you to interact with it. Rather than look for validation from those that are desperately trying to prevent the entry f a solution that they consider dangerous for their survival.
Sincerely ?
Managing Partner at ETS Platfrom LLC
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