Why be a UK Dementia Interpreter Instructor partner?
Created By Glenn Knight CEO Training 2 CARE Group

Why be a UK Dementia Interpreter Instructor partner?


Training 2 CARE was formed on February 1st 2010 as a partnership, after ‘buying out’ one of the partners it then became solely owned by Glenn Knight. In May 2012, Training 2 CARE changed to a limited company and re-named Training 2 CARE (UK) Ltd and Glenn Knight became Managing Director. 

Initially formed to provide 18 mandatory training courses that were specific to the care industry, it became very clear that there was a need for a course that had high levels of practical work in addition to great content for theory. Training 2 CARE (UK) Ltd developed well and too a good market share within a relatively small geographical area and increased the volume of courses to approximately 68. Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, the decision and investment was made to launch webinar training (digital face to face) and with a £30,000 investment this has become a main income stream for Training 2 CARE. 

In June 2014, Training 2 CARE (UK) Ltd became the UK licence holders and partners for the Virtual Dementia Tour. This course was developed in America and owned by American company Second Wind Dreams. The Virtual Dementia Tour is the only scientifically and medically proven method of giving a person with a healthy brain an experience of what dementia might be like. The UK care industry had previously not accepted an experiential course as a ‘main stream’ training recourse and 12 months of demonstrating the product to change minds and start to take bookings. It became apparent that care providers couldn’t always provide the best environment to deliver the course and Training 2 CARE (UK) ltd designed and developed the Mobile Virtual Dementia Tour which uses mobile vehicles as dementia simulators. 5 years on, the Virtual dementia Tour has become one of the main dementia training courses in the whole of the UK and over 250,000 people are trained yearly in this course. Due to the growth in experiential training, the decision was made to separate this type of training and Experience Training Ltd was formed in January 2016. This would help the growth, product the companies and ensure that we committed to continually developed high impact experiential training.

In March 2017, Glenn Knight, Managing Director, Glenn Knight invented a new experiential training called the Autism Reality experience (ARE) and cleverly developed this to be delivered using the same mobile simulators. Vehicles external décor advertising was changed to incorporate both the VDT and the ARE and this course again is gaining traction and becoming a ‘benchmark’ training course for autism. This course will continue to grow and should exceed 100,000 delegates per year by 2022.

It became clear that clinical training had seen a large growth and with Nurse Maxine York becoming the clinical lead, a decision was made to form a 3rd company. Nurse Training 2 CARE Ltd was formed in November 2017 and growth has exceeded expectations. New key accounts, new clients and higher margins has meant that Nurse Training 2 CARE Ltd became profitable in year 1.

In June 2019, Training 2 CARE partnered with an organisation called CIC (Community Integrated Care) on a new product called Preparing 4 CARE. Preparing 4 CARE in a 100% free service for advanced planning for future care and is web driven. The revenue streams with this are through advertisement and lead generation for other businesses. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, this product is being used as a ‘loss leader’ for 12 months and we are giving the advertisements for free for 12 months to gain traction into the marketplace. Currently Training 2 CARE are purchasing the shares of CIC and will become 100% owners of Preparing 4 CARE in 2020. Preparing 4 CARE is not expected to start making revenues until 2021.

In July 2020, a new company has been formed in a 4-way partnership. Supplies 4 CARE Ltd brings together the network of contacts and care providers that Training 2 CARE currently supply and the supply chain knowledge of Michael, Alex and Jenny. Using the Training 2 CARE brand to give credibility to the newly formed company, this brand will supply thousands of products to care providers, councils, NHS Trusts and much more within and outside of the care industry. Using our contacts and experience, the team will be able to drive down cost prices and deliver a robust and reliable service to the care industry. With Covid-19 impacting on all companies, care providers are more open to change as they have been failed on many occasions by their existing suppliers. Using web and direct sales, we expect to see revenues in 2020 and profits improving in 2021.

In 2019 we testing a new experiential training course called The Dementia Interpreters Course which is the brainchild of Glenn Knight Group CEO. This course teaches delegates the ‘language of dementia’ and it has been massively accepted by the care industry. With Covid19 having such a massive impact on our industry unfortunately the decision was made to suspend this training as it is delivered ‘close contact’. We have developed this course to be delivered distantly and are driving it forward to ensure that it is delivered safely through webinar. The ultimate goal is to form the world’s first Dementia Dictionary and this document is being produced to explain how you can work with us to improve the dementia landscape.

Dementia Interpreters course:

The Dementia Interpreters course is a commitment to learning the ‘language of dementia’. Dedicating your time to understanding and supporting people with dementia is one of the most fulfilling things that any person can do and becoming a qualified and registered interpreter is an important step to changing the way that we understand dementia.

Becoming a dementia interpreter is a 5-stage qualification and you will have to fulfill and meet the requirements of each stage. Along the way, you will be rewarded for your commitment and will be recognised for each achievement level. Once you have become a fully qualified, level 5 interpreter, you will have met and developed your skills to the highest standards, however this is a lifelong commitment and you will have to continually increase knowledge to support everyone.

The 5 stages of achievement

Level 1: You will attend and pass the dementia interpreters course that will give you the first understanding of what is expected to be a registered dementia interpreter. This is an experiential course where delegates will have their abilities such as sight and hearing removed to best understand what it is like for a person with dementia. By achieving this level, you will become a level 1 registered dementia interpreter and will have your profile added to the world’s first dementia dictionary web site.

Level 2: To become a level 2 dementia interpreter you must up load your details to your profile on the ‘Dementia Dictionary’ website, promote advanced planning and attend the Virtual Dementia Tour. You will be able to upload a copy of your certificate, be recognised as level 2 and receive the coveted ‘Dementia Interpreter’ and ‘Virtual Dementia Tour’ badges. 

Level 3:  Once you have achieved level 2 status, you will be included in the Dementia Dictionary forum. In this forum, you will be expected to visit regularly and upload different behaviours that you have witnessed from a person with dementia. All level 2 and above interpreters will add to the forum so that we continually grow the dementia dictionary together. Level 3 interpreters will then be able to comment on what we feel the person is trying to communicate and then using a voting system, you will be able to decide which communication meaning is loaded to the dictionary. To achieve level 3 status, you will be expected to have supported the dictionary to a panel of dementia professional’s satisfaction.

Level 4: You are now at the stage where you will be achieving great results within dementia communication and with this responsibility, we will ask that you decide on, research and write about a negative or positive behavior or situation. Part of this research will be how to resolve issues and turn any negative behavior into a positive to help the wider dementia community. You will also support to write content for the dementia dictionary information pages and promote the services that are recognised throughout the dictionary.  Understand about dementia products such as communication boards, watches and books to make communication simpler. Your research will be published to the Dementia Dictionary and you will receive the deserved recognition from professionals and people it helps.

Level 5 To become a level 5 dementia interpreter you will have completed all the above and completed your yearly update (via webinar year 1, face to face year 2). The goal of the dementia interpreter and dementia dictionary, is to provide evidence that we are committed to improving standards of care and knowledge. A level 5 interpreter will also be expected to support other dementia interpreters at lower levels to achieve their promotion to a higher level. Level 5 Dementia Interpreters will receive the recognition that they deserve across the dementia dictionary. With this being a worldwide service, we believe that you can achieve the highest recognition from your peers and be a part of something that will change dementia care forever. Great for your CV, fantastic for people in your community, amazing for the people who have dementia and needed for the families that are in desperate need of your help.

The experiential course has now been developed so that this can be delivered distantly. The equipment will be couriered to the client with the correct equipment that has been sterilized before being sent and will be collected by the courier the following day. Full instructions will be included in the pack and will connect to a zoom webinar on the date and time agreed. We will then deliver the 3-hour course over the webinar and delegates will become a level 1 Dementia Interpreter at the end of this course.

Dementia Dictionary.

The dementia dictionary is a ‘world first’ and will be a freely accessible service for anyone who wants to be able to interpret classic behaviours, actions and wording to start to be able to communicate with people who have dementia. To give some context to this, I have tried to explain simply below:

If I had a car crash tonight and broke my jaw, I wouldn’t be able to speak, so how would I communicate?

You probably will say write.

If I also broke both my hands and arms in the accident and couldn’t write, how now would I be able to communicate?

Grunts, body language, eye movement etc.

Therefore, we agree that as my healthy brain loses abilities to communicate it will find new ways? Yes.

Therefore, doesn’t it make sense that as the brain deteriorates with dementia it finds a new way of communicating?

The simple fact is that communication is at the heart of dementia care and carers and care providers are just not recognising the importance of this. It is fact that when a baby is born, the first thing it does is communicate (when  a baby starts to cry) and the last thing we will do in life is communicate (with our last breath). Babies communicate when they are hungry, upset, not well, happy and so on but they have no comprehension of speech, so how are they talking to us?

By helping to have people understand the importance of changing the way they communicate and or understand what the person is trying to tell us will really start to impact positively in dementia care.

Key to building and awareness of the dementia dictionary is the Dementia Interpreter course. This will provide us with needed and free resources that will help build the content and secondly help to promote the need for the Dementia Dictionary. The care industry is full of care providers that have a need to appear and actually want to become market leaders in their area and to stand out from the competitor providers in their geographical area. Every care provider would love to have the ability to connect with their future clients and decision makers within the family dynamic and procure ‘privately funded’ residents. It is therefore obvious that care providers will want to invest in the commitment of improving understanding of dementia and how to ‘Best’ communicate with people who have dementia.  Once this course gains traction, it is very apparent that care providers will ‘have to have’ a dementia interpreter on site because of the negative impact this could have if a competitor has this in place. Indeed, care providers will invest in multiple Dementia Interpreters and potentially this could become a standard course for our industry.

Once a Dementia Interpreter has completed the initial course, they will be giving us permission to contact them by e mail to give them continual development modules to become a level 5 Dementia Interpreter as shown above. This development will mean continual contact with them and support to complete and understand their level over the first year. 

Forums: Interpreter.

The Dementia Interpreter forum is an opportunity to continually support other interpreters and constantly bring them back to the web site to answer questions, load content for the dictionary and be able to interpret the meaning of behaviours for the dictionary. The forum will allow us to interact with people and direct them to things that will benefit them. It is the nature of the dementia world that people want to look good and be recognised as the best in their industry so this will engage people and ensure that they stay as dementia interpreters and attract their peers. 

Forums: Users.

Being built in the background of the website is another forum and this will be hidden when initially launched. As we launch the Dementia Dictionary, we will attempt to drive as much publicity to the site as possible and this will be easier if the offering is a free service. Once we have traction, content built, interpreters on board and a high level of users, we will be able to make this forum live and charge a subscription service to people that have family members with dementia.

It is very apparent that when a person has a diagnosis of dementia, people will try to access information over the internet about the disease. The unfortunate side is that often they won’t be able to speak directly to a person and a behaviour or change in an individual will not be listed on the internet. This means that they go to places such as Facebook and join a forum where they ask questions and get inundated with people’s opinions and most are just other family members or general people and not dementia professionals. This means that they are going to get a lot of information that actually doesn’t answer the question or is totally wrong for the individual person. 

The subscription will allow them to ask the questions to dementia interpreters directly and these will be professional people that will give knowledge from a true to life and researched perspective. This means that families will getting better quality answers from people that they can trust. 

Dementia Interpreters can then get rewarded for being part of this forum and supporting people through the journey. It could be that we offer financial rewards, send flowers, send awards and be recognised higher on their profile.


Why should you want to become a UK partner for The Dementia Interpreters Course?

It is very apparent that the world has a fundamental issue with communicating with people who have dementia. The fact is that high quality communication will change the dementia landscape and make everything easier. Below I have just listed a few things:

·      Frustration because people can’t understand you.

·      Anxiety because you don’t understand others.

·      Anger because you can’t tell people what you want.

·      Withdrawn because you just ‘give up’.

·      Sad because you are lonely.

·      Upset because people leave you alone.

This is not an exhaustive list, however now I want you to really think about the following paragraph:

Imagine what it would be like if you had to live in a communal home? This home has staff and residents. This home isn’t where you have lived before. This home doesn’t have your family living with you. This homes decorations and furnishing wasn’t chosen by you and you don’t like it.

This home is in a foreign country, no one speaks your language and you can’t understand what people are saying to you and they can’t understand what your saying to them. Take 5 minutes to really think about it

 and really think about what this would be like.

Group CEO of Training 2 CARE (UK) Ltd, Inventor of the Dementia Interpreters course and dementia speaker comments ‘In my lifetime I have found 2 training products that have the potential to change the world of people who have dementia. The first and amazing training course is The Virtual Dementia Tour, invented 26 years ago in America by Professor PK Beville and the 2nd is this course. Being able to take care staff to the ‘light bulb’ moment where everything starts to click into place is what every training provider strives to achieve. We are in a fortunate position to be able to have these products in our generation. The simple fact is that people can talk about Dementia, people can tell you opinions but when it comes to the language of dementia we are dealing with fact. I know that organisations can change, staff can want to change, families will change but only if we show them how to and the Dementia Interpreter Course and Virtual Dementia Tour will achieve this”.

What do you have to do?

As a UK Partner for the Dementia Interpreters course, you will firstly be required to attend a 2 day ‘Train the Trainer’ course so that we can teach you about how we expect you to deliver this amazing experiential course. We are not just allowing anyone to be a dementia interpreter and you will have to apply and prove that you are more committed to change then others within your geographical area. You must be able to demonstrate:

·      That you have sector competence within dementia care.

·      That you have the teaching qualifications required.

·      That you have delivered high quality dementia training.

·      That you are passionate to changing the way that we care.

·      That you have a marketing plan to get the word out in the area.

·      That you are willing to promote to both families and care providers.

·      That you are willing to invest to make this grow.

Once we have shortlisted the organisations that we feel are right to partner us in this journey, you will be invited to attend a webinar or face to face (if safe to do so) presentation and interview. This will be your opportunity to tell a panel why you feel that you and your organisation will be the best partner. At the end of the interview process you will be offered the opportunity to partner in the geographical areas that you are awarded.

Please note that once assign an area, you will not be able to deliver outside of this area and leads must be passed to other partners who own that area.

You will then be licenced to deliver the Dementia Interpreter experiential training course in that area excluding ‘Train the Trainer’ and the partnership is non-transferable so you cannot sell the partnership and we will have the rights to assign to a new organisation.

Once accepted, you will be invited to a 2 -day training course where we will teach you how to deliver this training, how to market it and the processes for dementia interpreters to go from a level 1 to a level 5. Please note that should anyone not achieve the standards expected, you will be refunded in full and we will transfer the partnership to another organisation.

You will then be free to go out and sell the courses and deliver. 


You are buying a partnership, the geographical size of the area you are awarded will depend on the number of trainers you are required to have. Please note that any trainer delivering this course will only be able to be trained by us, should you be found to have a trainer delivering this course who is not trained by us, you would immediately be suspended from delivering until a full investigation has taken place. A contract will be signed with these T&C’s within.

Your licence fee for 12 months is £2,000 and you would be expected to attend update training yearly and pay for the following year.

Additional trainers trained over 2 days is £600.

Equipment cost is £500 per trainer.

The prices above are excluding VAT.

The opportunity is vast, Training 2 CARE will continuously promote this course across our many web sites, trainers, delegates and clients. We will forward leads to the partner in their geographical area. You will promote the course at a cost of:

3hr course: £450.00+VAT (12 delegates)

2 x 3hr course: £900+VAT (2 x 12 delegates)

This will mean that you can recover any costs very quickly and make profits very quickly.

This really is the most amazing opportunity and if you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me via e mail [email protected].


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