Why is the twin flame attraction on and off?

Aza Mondi, Former Teacher, loves Higher Learning - April 6, 2018

The attraction never fades. What makes the relationship go on and off are the triggers; when twins come together (but in general I’m thinking about two people with a similar ego structure) they can come with the best of themselves or they connect through the worst of themselves; their ego, their shadows, will be very similar; this triggers a strong response in the other, who has to confront his own shadow in the other.

All the ego desires that have not been accepted and integrated, everything that has not been healed, comes to the surface. This process can be scaring, especially if it’s the “first round” and they don’t know what’s really going on. They will separate and address the issues, only to reconnect later but the depth and the attraction will be there again.

So they reconnect and start all over again, but this time with the knowledge gained from the previous encounter. In the best scenario, there is a progression: they keep learning and becoming more conscious through their dynamic. Ideally this process should lead to a sort of illumination or to an impression of having reached the “end” of the evolutionary path. It’s a spiritual path.

But at the beginning it doesn’t seem so, they just see a lot of negativity coming up, or they could also blame the other for that - this is not the purpose: normally they should integrate their own shadow, and understand that this process is triggered through the other, that the other is just showing what must be healed.

If the connection takes a dark rute, in any case, if it turns unhealthy, leaving it seems to be the only option. I’m always surprised to see how I can be totally happy with my “twin” but we can’t avoid the powerful triggers, so that part of the “relationship” is dealing with our deepest desires and our ego. As time passes, I think we are becoming more aware of the process and of what we trigger in each other - there’s still a long path ahead in this sense. We need to learn how to surf these waves.



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