Why TV and Gossip Magazines Are Missing Out By Not Including A Gaming Tech Section
Gareth Willmer
Experienced Retail Assistant,Administrator | Retro Gaming Enthusiast | Content Creator & Blogger
You may be thinking why on earth would these magazines even be getting involved in the gaming industry and what exactly if anything would this have to do with these magazines and how would this be relevant?. Well the truth is that a lot of skeptiscism has been met by these magazines and people have not been very aware of what gaming has not only done for indiviudals and companys but also for the countries that gaming has been a very popular and enjoyed hobby in. Many individuals and companies have found their lives, businesses greatly improved with the great revenue that gaming has proven to generate as well as the amazing intense acomplishments that it has done for people and companies. Previous limitations as well as things not previously ever thought possible being acomplished in that industry. The recent advancement of technology means that we are now able to provide more entertainment from the convinince of your home, Tv screen and even consoles and computers.
The recent rise in popularity of communication apps is a big example as to how the entertainment industry is changing and for the better and with live streaming apps like twitch for gaming and even talk shows is also another reason as to how far we as the human race have advanced. If this was thought possible way back in the early 90's or 80's for example you most certainly would of been laughed at especially those who watched Dick Tracy talking into his watch as a communicator. People then laughed at this being a reality yet now we have mobile phone watches that do exactly that and more.
Tv Guides and Gossip Magazines are missing out on this industry which is reportidly generating 43 billion pounds a year in revenue and with games consoles requiring you to have a tv to use them this is where the TV Guides and Gossip Magazines should now especially in 2021 be able to include a gaming tech section in them. For example the Uk Metro Newspaper website has a letters inbox, readers features, weekend hot topics and that is doing amazing with over 100 million plus shares. The magazines shoudl now be including a gaming tech section like this as consoles are now even allowing you to access Youtube and watch tv shows via them as well as access the news. Heres an example as to what the tv and gossip magazines are really missing out on and how they are essentially letting down their readers by failing to inculde a Gaming Tech Section in their magazines.
Gaming bringing benefits like this is another reason why these magazines should be doing this now and im pretty sure that the parents, uncles,auntys and even grandparents wouldnt mind a gaming tech section in these magazines for their loved ones to have a read of and enjoy especially as it is a proven very popular industry and will bring benefits to them. After all these are magazines people pay for and it would go down well with their readers if these magazines jumped at the chance to start doing this now.
The gaming industry is said to be worth more than Hollywood yet the Gossip and TV magazines failing to act on the inclusion of this industry in their magazines should be having people ask Why arent they including a section for that?
Maybe the magazines probably arent aware of this or they might not consider this something they want to get involved in however with the rise of tech and rising demand for tech i nthe future they might soon find themselves having to.
Im not the biggest expert when it comes to magazines and what content they want to include but surely gaming tech isnt one industry they cant continue to keep ignoring for ever as they are what i feel are throwing away a great expansion and growth to their magazine. I have been gaming since the days of both the original Nintendo Game Boy And Sega Mega Drive and for over 30 years i have enjoyed Retro Gaming another massive part of the gaming industry that alone would be great to include in these magazines.
Hope you enjoyed reading this and will certainly be wondering is it finally time that Tv guide and gossip magazines included a gaming tech section especially in 2022.
Gareth Alan Willmer