Why Trump's Conavirus response(lack of) makes him a candidate for referral to the Hague for trial as to deliberate Genocide against American citizens
Trump if anything has been consistent. I.e. what he has done is to weaponize the Conavirus and to push false narratives as far as who or what is responsible for the mayhem in the UNITED states
Here is one part of the cover up, i.e. as Pompeo has been pushing the false narrative of a Wuhan lab orchestrated biowar attack up America, and the IG was ousted LAST night as to his investigations of Pompeo
See the below
Bill Palmer | 9:09 am EDT May 16, 2020
Last night Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo conspired to oust the State Department Inspector General. It was a Friday night, which is usually a dead zone for media coverage, and they presumably hoped no one would notice. The trouble is, as soon as the ousted the IG, House Democrats revealed that the IG was actively investigating Pompeo.
This kind of obstruction of justice is a crime. It’s the latest in a long, long, long – and escalating – series of crimes being committed by Donald Trump and his people. They’ve doubled down on their crime spree so thoroughly, in a last ditch effort at keeping the walls from caving in before the election, there are now only two possible outcomes. The first outcome is that Donald Trump wins the election, and he and his henchmen get away with everything. The second outcome is that Trump loses the election, and he and all of his people go down for everything. At this point it’s for all the marbles. These two possible outcomes couldn’t be any more divergent, yet one or the other will happen. Either we lose everything or Trump and his goons lose everything.
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Now for the record, here is the Wuhan Lab truther scam FTR
Time to out the Wuhan lab truthers. From www.army-technology.com: Worlds most dangerous bioweapons- HINT Conavirus is no where on the list.
The psychotic Wuhan lab truthers need a healthy dose of reality.
Here is a test of logic for the WUHAN lab truthers. Read the following link with this proviso. I.e. try to see if Conavirus makes the cut.
*********** BUSTED, WUHAN LAB TRUTHERS *********************
I am going to give it to them and best of all it is in the army -technology.com LINK:
The world’s most dangerous bioweapons
End of quote
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In the list of the most dangerous bioweapons, Cornavirus does not even rate an also ran entry. i,.e
Having said that :
I.e. believing the Pompeo fairy tale as to Wuhan, is a content free gimmie to reinforcing the bad results of Donald Trump generated Norman Peale cultural psychosis, but aside from that, this is why Trump should be remanded to the Hague for crimes against humanity, for using biowarefare attacks upon American citizens
A. First of all, Trump has DELIBERATELY sabotaged testing for the Cornavirus. This has been documented so many times, as to not be debatable
B. Trump due to his forced re opening demands will be by NOVEMBER be responsible at a minimum of one MILLION US Citizen deaths, and these largely preventable . It started as a way for Trump to sabotage the functioning of Blue (Democratic) governor run states , but as counties won by Trump in 2016 are now at risk counties with up to 1000% increases of Cornavirus , the mayhem has spread to the ENTIRE USA
C. The mega deaths fit the definition of GENOCIDE.If you do not believe this, look at the following
The Genocide Convention
The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Genocide Convention) is an instrument of international law that codified for the first time the crime of genocide. The Genocide Convention was the first human rights treaty adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 9 December 1948 and signified the international community’s commitment to ‘never again’ after the atrocities committed during the Second World War. Its adoption marked a crucial step towards the development of international human rights and international criminal law as we know it today.
According to the Genocide Convention, genocide is a crime that can take place both in time of war as well as in time of peace. The definition of the crime of genocide, as set out in the Convention, has been widely adopted at both national and international levels, including in the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Learn more about the definition of the crime of genocide.
Importantly, the Convention establishes on State Parties the obligation to take measures to prevent and to punish the crime of genocide, including by enacting relevant legislation and punishing perpetrators, “whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals” (Article IV). That obligation, in addition to the prohibition not to commit genocide, have been considered as norms of international customary law and therefore, binding on all States, whether or not they have ratified the Genocide Convention.
The Genocide Convention: a call for action
Fact-sheet about the Convention
Basic Facts
Genocide ConventionSigned9 December 1948LocationParis, FranceGA resolutionA/RES/3/260Effective12 January 1951Parties152
(as of July 2019)Latest State PartyMauritius
(July 2019)DepositarySecretary-General of the United NationsInter-State disputesInternational Court of JusticeList of countries which have ratified the Genocide Convention
Status of membership
The Genocide Convention has been ratified or acceded to by 152 States (as of July 2019). Other 42 United Nations Member States have yet to do so. From those, 19 are from Africa, 17 from Asia and 6 from America. Check the map below for details.
The Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide calls upon all United Nations Member States that are not yet party to the Genocide Convention, to ratify or accede to it as a matter of priority, so that the Genocide Convention becomes an instrument of universal membership.
States' obligations under the Genocide Convention
- Obligation not to commit genocide (Article I as interpreted by the ICJ)
- Obligation to prevent genocide (Article I) which, according to the ICJ, has an extraterritorial scope;
- Obligation to punish genocide (Article I);
- Obligation to enact the necessary legislation to give effect to the provisions of the Convention (Article V);
- Obligation to ensure that effective penalties are provided for persons found guilty of criminal conduct according to the Convention (Article V);
- Obligation to try persons charged with genocide in a competent tribunal of the State in the territory of which the act was committed, or by an international penal tribunal with accepted jurisdiction (Article VI);
- Obligation to grant extradition when genocide charges are involved, in accordance with laws and treaties in force (Article VII), particularly related to protection granted by international human rights law prohibiting refoulment where there is a real risk of flagrant human rights violations in the receiving State.
International Day
Every year on 9 December, the United Nations marks the adoption of the Genocide Convention, which is also the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime. Watch the latest event marking the 70th anniversary of the Convention.
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I have looked at the Genocide convention Protocols, and to be blunt, what Trump is doing as to the Cornavirus is a slam dunk entry into implementation of these provisions as to having all of Trump's enablers of mega death in the USA tried for genocide by the Hague convention which we have signed.
Summing up
A. First of all, Trump has DELIBERATELY sabotaged testing for the Cornavirus. This has been documented so many times, as to not be debatable
B. Trump due to his forced re opening demands will be by NOVEMBER be responsible at a minimum of one MILLION US Citizen deaths, and these largely preventable . It started as a way for Trump to sabotage the functioning of Blue (Democratic) governor run states , but as counties won by Trump in 2016 are now at risk counties with up to 1000% increases of Cornavirus , the mayhem has spread to the ENTIRE USA
C. The mega deaths fit the definition of GENOCIDE.If you do not believe this, look at the following
While this is not exactly the strict definition of biowar, it does FIT the Genocide conventions to a T in that Trump is weaponizing the Cornavirus to have maximum punishing impact upon states and individuals who do not kowtow to him. The criminality has spread now to the 2016 counties all over the 50 states which voted for Trump, so it is not just a coercive strike at Blue states. I.e. now NO ONE is safe and it is ALL due to Donald Trump and his enablers
Andrew Beckwith, PhD