Why True Success Means Not Knowing What You'll Do Next Week

Why True Success Means Not Knowing What You'll Do Next Week

Some people have the mindset that true success means knowing exactly what you’re going to do next week, next month and even next year. Unfortunately, most of the time this results in being stuck in your ways and rarely stepping outside of your comfort zone to seize opportunities you might never get another chance at again. True success, however, means having the freedom to be spontaneous and seize opportunities as they come along because you know you can live without knowing what’s going to happen every week or even every month ahead of time.

Rethinking Your Definition of Success

In your own life, true success is about not knowing what you’re going to do next week. It’s about having room for imagination and creativity. But most of us don’t live like that. We carve out a plan for next week and find ourselves stuck following it rigidly, without room to make adjustments or change direction on a whim. If we take our definition of success from someone else, we lose control over our lives as well. This can lead to feelings of failure when things don’t go according to plan. Be careful whom you emulate; choose role models whose lifestyle and values resonate with yours—not just their professional success.

Live Without Rules

We’re taught from a young age that life has rules. Our teachers, parents, and mentors make sure we know that there are a lot of things we have to do to make it in life. But no one ever really explains what happens if you don’t follow these rules. In reality, many people who achieve great success in their lives simply break all of these so-called rules – they live without them. And many more people fail because they never even try to break them. The truth is that most of us can be successful without following any specific set of rules at all. All we need to do is think outside of our comfort zone, take risks, and explore new opportunities. So next time someone tells you that something isn’t possible or that you should just play by the rules, remember: there are no rules. Break them all!

Live a Life That Feels Natural

The next time you find yourself confronted with an opportunity to do something that feels so far from your normal routine that it’s exciting, but also stressful, ask yourself: why is my life not like that every day? And remember: true success means not knowing what you’re going to do next week. So if there are opportunities out there that feel so good, but are such a departure from your norm that they make you uncomfortable—those are some of your best opportunities for growth. They require you to grow in ways that will benefit your career and personal life in unexpected ways. In other words, when it comes to making decisions about where and how you spend your time and energy, think long-term—and know that taking risks can pay off big-time.?To live a truly successful life—one defined by freedom rather than a responsibility—requires us to be able to say no at times.

The Benefits of Having No Plan

Life is never complete. Living with a sense of freedom is priceless. Uncertainty can be terrifying, but the lack of knowledge about what will happen next can also be liberating. Don't have your future limited if you don't know what it holds—but you can't know the future if you don't have any idea where you're going. If living a very planned and structured life has left you feeling like you have no freedom, maybe it's time to change the way you see your life. It's not time to just keep planning and to stop living life on purpose. The reality is that true success comes not from having everything right, but rather from living a meaningful life and making it about more than achieving things. it's all about searching for new things along the way. It's about giving ourselves room for new ideas, for serendipity, for surprises. In other words, successful outcomes require spontaneity and deviation from one's preconceived plan. So why should you let go of your plan? Here are four reasons:?

Living Without a Plan Gives You Freedom: It’s liberating to live without a plan. Having no idea of what’s next gives you more room to be spontaneous and seize opportunities as they arise. It’s also freeing not to have to worry about hitting every goal or milestone in exact order...?

  • Living Without a Plan Helps You Focus on What Matters Most: If you don’t know where you’re going, it forces you to focus on what matters most right now—and that could mean spending time with family, launching a new project, writing another book, spending time alone, taking up a new hobby, whatever.?
  • Living Without a Plan Makes Your Dreams More Realistic: By planning too much, we often set ourselves up for failure by trying to do too much at once. When you have no idea what’s coming next, it frees you from trying to get everything done all at once. Instead, focus on doing one thing well each day.
  • Living Without a Plan Allows You to Be Present: In today’s world of constant communication and information overload, being present is incredibly important. And living without a plan helps you do just that—it forces you to stop worrying about tomorrow and start enjoying today. Now, how can you begin living without a plan? The first step is realizing that there’s nothing wrong with not knowing what comes next.?

The second step is to find ways to embrace uncertainty and make it work for you. Here are three ways to do just that?

  • Embrace Imperfection: Imperfection has become synonymous with failure in our society, but that’s not true. Imperfection isn’t something to be ashamed of; it’s something to celebrate. After all, if you never failed at anything, then you probably weren’t really trying hard enough.
  • Let Go of Perfectionism: Perfectionism is paralyzing. It keeps us from moving forward because we feel like we need to do things perfectly before giving them a shot. But perfectionism doesn’t exist in reality—it exists only in our minds. So instead of focusing on perfection, focus on progress.
  • Make Room for Serendipity: Serendipity is when something good happens unexpectedly. It’s when opportunity meets preparation. And sometimes serendipity happens when you least expect it, which means you can’t always plan for it... There are many other ways to live without a plan (like setting goals), but these three will help you get started.

Live Every Day Like it’s Christmas

It’s easy to get into a routine and begin thinking that our lives aren’t what they could be. If you want to make strides toward true success, it’s important that you try to live every day as if it were Christmas Eve. Some people will say that sounds fake; I call it having focus and ambition. Yes, life has hard days just like everyone else’s—but don’t let those make you forget why you love your work in the first place. Remind yourself of how fortunate you are to have found something that makes you happy and pursue it with all of your might. The more time we spend worrying about what we don’t have or complaining about how things should be different is time wasted on making progress on what we do have control over. So take a step back from your daily grind, reflect on what matters most to you, and then go out there and live like it’s Christmas. Every day.


What it means to be successful is not being able to predict what you're going to do next week. Success is about the freedom to do what you want and be spontaneous when an opportunity arises. If you are content to live life with as little responsibility as possible, you will have ample room to think, dream, and envision things. One must learn how to master the art of living. My article talks about you how to optimise your work and your life, have more freedom and have an impact at work without giving up your life.?It also tells you that true success is all about freedom, the freedom to create opportunities and seize them. So don't just say that you're too busy or can't find time; instead change your priorities and take time for yourself and others so that they won't regret spending their time on you in a few years. Remember that life is short and you should make every moment count. That's why I believe we should try to improve ourselves every day, and never forget who we really are because only then we can truly achieve our goals. I hope my post has helped you understand what success really means!


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