WHY IS TripStop better than its nearest competitors?
MYZPAH STREET UNLEY - TripStop never touched in over 12 years still SAFE - No trip hazard no displacement!

WHY IS TripStop better than its nearest competitors?

WHY IS TripStop better than its nearest competitors? This answer is very simple!

TripStop will do what the others cannot and will also do everything that the others can do, but better! Yes that is why TripStop is GUARANTEED! 

Councils who use TripStop and publish the correct installation on their specifications,  receive a  *30 year Guarantee on the performance of TripStop. That is the value that TripStop provides to Councils Rate payers; it's Elected Members and Staff.

No other joint system will deliver a maintenance free footpath for the life of the concrete. TripStop provides an absolute SAFE path for the life of the concrete and releases the burden of maintenance and administration costs.

Other joint systems such as the Connolly and Danley joints are not proven to extend the life of footpaths like TripStop is.

DANLEY JOINT in Roxby Downs BHP Subdivision, a typical metal joint failure within 6 months of installation - Picture above.

Metal Joint systems whether Galvanised to AS1397 or Stainless Steel are all prone to corrosive environments and the cement with oxygen and water environment is one of those. TripStop is non corrosive, it is a UV Stable PVC and will last for many tens of years and can be reused should any service work be required, unlike Connolly / Danley joints etc.! In fact Connelly oil their joint, to stop concrete ad-hearing to it and slow down the inevitable corrosion, this is not necessary with TripStop it has natural in-adhesion properties and won't corrode.

Key joints such as Connelly and Danley require extra diligent care to ensure that the concrete is formed around their joint system, as voids will increase the potential for neighbouring slabs to displace. TripStop allows the concrete to form around the joint with normal concrete compaction and is guaranteed for the neighbouring slabs NOT TO DISPLACE!

Use TripStop and avoid these unsightly; dangerous and waste of money repairs! See pic above. Multiple Grinds; Wedges; with a dangerous final result.

All joint systems need to be installed correctly and TripStop is a simple one component operation to achieve all the benefits required for a SAFE and MAINTENANCE FREE path. Unlike the other systems which cannot provide all benefits. The TripStop joint will not faulter no matter where a tree root ingress occurs in the slab. A full depth min 75mm; 25mpa concrete slab that is compacted to the Australian Standards; should not crack if the TripStop is placed at a ratio of 1:1 and installed vertical.

Other joint systems call for help by suggesting it is advisable to install dowels as well for trolley and forklift traffic use. This is not necessary as the TripStop joint (min. 100mm) will take the full load and is tested and rated at over 3 ton load without failure. Please note that if dowell bars are not installed absolutely true and perpendicular to the joint line then failure occurs sooner. Dowel and tie bars will cause spawlling when used in slabs less than 150mm thick. TripStop is available for 75mm; 100mm; 125mm; and 150mm slabs, please note when using TripStop, dowels and tie bars are not required!

Both Connelly and Danley joint systems have rubber caps to prevent water and foreign matter entering the joint in an effort to limit joint failure. All joints whether trowelled or sawn as a crack inducer; Metal joint systems such as  Connelly and Danley all allow water to ingress through the joint and expediate corrosion and reactive soil situations causing joint failure! TripStop allows the water to freely enter the joint without corrosion issues or reactive soil situations affecting the joint performance. TripStop is a one component operation, it's simple and it works, it manages the reactions that endures.

TripStop has a patented peg and wedge fixing system that provides a fast, secure and accurate installation throughout the concrete pour process. The unique hinge joint profile of TripStop produces a stronger concrete profile than Connolly or any other joint system on the market. TripStop is the only true engineered joint system on the market. TripStop has been engineered and  tested to NATA requirements for all 75mm; 100mm; 125mm and 150mm.

Unlike metal joint systems that are subject to distortion via temperature variances that will explode the surface concrete in and around the joint. TripStop is stable in these climatic conditions and will perform much better as proven in the Roxby Downs BHP sub-division. 

TripStop is a hinge joint that manages concrete movement in expansion; contraction; shear / uplift or sink situations with less than a 5 mm step at a 108mm shear displacement. The TripStop joint remains intact and transfers load accordingly leaving a safe and serviceable path that is maintenance free.

There is no post pour operations required with TripStop unlike Connelly etc. where a rubber strip needs to be installed.

Where Connolly claim to minimise the risk of from slip and trip claims, TripStop eliminates all such claims from occuring. Should spawlling occur from a metal joint system then there is an immediate risk of tripping, this does not occur with TripStop joints.

In example, TripStop TS - X profiles are comparative with the Connolly joint price and are in fact cheaper when their rubber strip is installed. 

The TripStop TS - S profile is cheaper than the Connolly joint. TripStop joints can perform up to 50 years and beyond, where a Connolly joint is most likely less than 10 years.

The Connolly joint has knockouts for dowels to be installed! This should not be necessary as it would impede the dynamic movement of a key joint causing premature failure! TripStop does not need any further assistance to manage the joint or to transfer load! TripStop does it all! TripStop satisfies the performance criterion of 5mm maximum allowable stepping displacement as specified in AS3727.

TripStop joint installed at Plympton S.A. Note - it is not necessary to trowel the joints in fact it is not recommended by TripStop but by doing so, it will not affect the joint performance. See picture above.

All of our test results are published on our website -  www.tripstop.net 

Please note all comparisons are taken from claims made on the Connolly website where they claim to be better than Danley joint systems. Their only published testing is for 150mm slabs where the TripStop 100mm slab clearly out performs those test results.

* GUARANTEE - Subject to our terms and conditions that are provided at time of compliance.       

 For further information contact

Mike Ramsey 0433 132 129 or [email protected] 


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